Alan, while I ultimately enjoyed season two, my issue with it (other than the slow build) was largely because Sobotka isn't aware that he is being investigated. The fun part of season one (other than the dialogue, which is what really hooked me) was the cat and mouse aspect. Avon et al. may not have known for sure that the task force was on them, but they knew it was a possibility and they had to be careful. Frank is completely oblivious which makes things far less dramatic.

Adam, if you're talking about the season as a whole, you may want to take it over to the veteran edition (assuming you've watched the series all the way through). If not, please keep your comments limited to the episodes we've discussed so far.

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I guess I may be a bit confused about the veterans versus newbies concept then - I've watched this whole season, but have not watched seasons four and five yet. I glanced at veterans last week and saw references to things I have not seen yet, so I assumed that newbies would be more appropriate. 

Regarding my earlier comment, Season One grabbed me from the first episode (I guess I just loved the way these cops and dealers talk), but these first two episodes of Season Two left me a bit cold - I think for the reason I mentioned above. The dock workers see themselves in a shoving match with Valchek, but Valchek brings in a team to look into him. Avon always knew what level he was playing at.

I guess I may be a bit confused about the veterans versus newbies concept then

Very simply: 

-Veterans: Everything is fair game, from very first episode of the series to very last. 

-Newbies: Stick to discussing only the episodes I've reviewed so far. 

I know that some people have watched through season 2 (or maybe even through season 3) without finishing the series, and there's no ideal situation for them, but I can't start making 16 different versions of these reviews. This was the best solution.

Alan, I've just finished viewing Season 4, and I will probably have Season 5 finished in a few days. Is Season 5 spoiled in the Veterans edition, or should I just hold off until I am done with the series?

just started watching season 2 of the wire. I guess you could say I am behind... Alan your comments are great. I have realized the best way to watch each wire episode is in the following order:

1) watch the episode

2) read Alan's column

3) watch the same episode again. And the second viewing it all comes into perspective!

In this episode for example. I would have never noticed the Greek was the guy behind the diner in the early scene. After your comments and a second viewing. wow. 

That's just one example of how your comments just pull everything together.

Also, I appreciate your separate newbies vs veterans edition. I've long read about this show but I'm finally getting the chance to check it out.!

Great show. Great great great!

This article is part of a flood, wind and hail series which addresses crop assessments after a weather event. Storms on June 22-23, 2017, flooded fields in parts of Michigan. We are republishing this 2014 series on storm damage to assist growers with decision making.

The potential for late spring freeze or frost damage to corn exists on an annual basis throughout much of North America. This Crop Insights examines microclimate differences affecting frost occurrence, describes symptoms of frost damage to corn, and reviews research and experience with factors that may kill frost-damaged plants. Assessing recovery potential and determining post-frost management options are also discussed.

Darkening of leaves - Within the first 24 hours after the frost, corn plants will take on a darkened, almost black appearance due to the destruction of cell membranes and the release of cell contents from damaged corn leaves (Figure 1).

Plants turn brown - When plant cells have been destroyed, the damaged leaf portions will dry up and begin to turn brown within a day after a frost. Some lower plant parts (pseudo stem) may remain intact and stay green (Figure 1).

One of the first steps in diagnosing frost injury is to check the health of the internal growing point. Plants can be split vertically and the growing point region inspected visually for damage (Nielsen, 1999). This is typically manifested as mushy, discolored tissue at the top of the mesocotyl. If the growing point tissue is obviously damaged, plants will not recover. However, even if the growing point appears healthy immediately after the frost, plants still may die.

Cool weather after the frost can delay visible deterioration of damaged tissue on plants. Those plants not directly killed by the frost can succumb to the other factors described above. Therefore, it is usually best to wait until three to five days after the frost or freeze damage occurred to make an assessment of recovery potential (Nielsen and Christmas, 2001).

Crop damage can appear very severe immediately after the injury, but plants often recover if the growing point is not damaged. Nevertheless, each situation is different and decisions regarding whether to keep existing stands or replant often need to be made over a longer period of time on a field-by-field basis. The next sections describe observations from the extensive experience of Pioneer agronomists in assessing frost damaged corn.

Experience has shown that seedlings with tissue damage within 0.5 inches or less of the growing point will most likely not recover. Even if plants survive, potential to produce competitive plants with acceptable yield potential is compromised. Seedlings less severely damaged, with more than 0.5 inches of healthy tissue above the growing point often will survive and develop into plants with high yield potential. Figure 3 (taken 24-48 hours after damage occurred) shows progression from most to least damage for corn seedlings affected by frost within a field when plants were at V1-V2 stages.

The two seedlings on the left represent those that will likely not recover, even though the growing point was not damaged by the frost. Recovery and yield potential of the seedling in the middle is uncertain. For the seedling second from the right, recovery is likely but three to four days of warm temperatures are needed to verify this. The seedling on the far right has a very high probability of survival with little impact on yield potential. As mentioned previously, in most instances it is best to wait several days before making the final decision regardless of how hopeless or promising seedling damage appears soon after the injury.

Many of the considerations are the same as for earlier stages. It is important to evaluate the health of the growing point and not to assume that plants will recover, even if the growing point was not damaged directly by the frost (Figure 8). Amount of green tissue remaining, growing conditions during re-growth, and whether frost damage involved single or repeated episodes are important factors that will influence recovery potential.

Yield expectations of frost-damaged stands can be assessed by measuring stand loss when corn plants are at the six-leaf collar stage or less. Damage effects on yield are relatively minor at these stages for plants that are making progressive recovery. When frost damage occurs to plants beyond the six-leaf collar stage, conservative corn yield loss estimates can be made using hail damage defoliation charts. However, a summary of several Wisconsin studies for corn with 7 to 10 leaf collars indicates that yield losses due to frost damage at these advanced stages can be substantially greater than that suggested in hail damage charts (Figure 9).

When growers experience frost damage in a corn field, they are faced with several management options. They may choose to do nothing, leaving the field as it is and allowing plants to recover. Another option if still early in the growing season is to replant the field to corn or another crop. A final management choice is to clip corn plants after frost to remove the dead and decaying tissue found above the growing point (Figure 10 and Figure 11). This is usually only an option when the plants are at the V5 to V6 or later stages when the damage occurs. It will be difficult to clip smaller plants with field-sized clipping equipment.

Clipping frozen corn plants to remove dead tissue has been studied by several researchers. While results are somewhat variable, the general conclusion is that clipping does not enhance yield in most situations, and often further reduces yield compared to not clipping damaged plants.

A Wisconsin study (Carter, 1995) showed that post-frost clipping reduced grain yield by 15 to 34% at three sites and increased yield by 10% at one site. At two additional sites, clipping had no effect, positive or negative, compared to doing nothing. Similar results in Nebraska suggest that post-frost clipping is an unreliable method of promoting recovery from early season frost (Elmore and Doupnik, 1995). Taken together, these studies indicate that there appears to be little consistent advantage to clipping damaged corn, even when growers are careful to clip well above corn growing points.

Aside from that, if you are looking at the Traeger Renegade series (Elite or Pro) at this point I would say to weigh the costs on saving to go a step higher and getting the IRONWOOD 650 (TFB65BLE) or IRONWOOD 885 (TFB89BLE) as they have double walled construction and therefore no need for an Insulation Blanket.

The ironwoods are double walled only on the sides. The barrel and lid are still in insulated. The thermal blankets are typically used when doing a low heat for longer smokes. What temp did were you running at that damaged your grill?

It's hard for a fanasy series to get more celebrated than this one. From one of those names that immediately merits a read, N.K. Jemison, this is an epic story of revolution, and it will resonate with any lover of fantasy. And it's only book one of the series, so load up on the rest and get lost in the pages. 006ab0faaa

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