Dai Oba

I am a DPhil student in political theory at the University of Oxford. I am a member of St. Catherine’s College and the Department of Politics and International Relations.

My work concerns theories of equality, policies of social welfare and regulation of the market, and the role of normative theory in policy guidance in the real world. My dissertation discusses policies of ‘predistribution’ and proposes a new methodology of Ethics and Public Policy. 

Publication (Peer-reviewed articles)


'Redefining Predistribution: Are Preventions Better than Cure?'

-Nuffield Political Theory Workshop, 2024 @ University of Oxford

'Reconstructive Approach to Ethics and Public Policy'

-IPSA 28th World Congress、2023 @ Universidad Católica Argentina

-Oxford Work in Progress Political Theory Seminar, 2022 @ University of Oxford

'Revamping Predistribution'

-Oxford Work in Progress Political Theory Seminar, 2022 @ University of Oxford

'A Farewell to the Second-Best Problem in Practical Political Philosophy'

-Oxford Work in Progress Political Theory Seminar, 2022 @ University of Oxford

'Is Approximation of an Ideal Defensible?' / 'Defending Approximation'

-Political Theory Doctoral Research Seminar, 2021  @ University of Oxford

-Online Political Theory Forum, 2021 @ Online

-IVRJW, 2020 @Online

-Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference, 2020 @Online

'Imagining Rawlsian Institutions in Light of the Exclusion-Hierarchy Dilemma' 

-MANCEPT workshops, 16th Annual Conference, 2019 @ University of Manchester

'Job Training and Maximally Inclusive View of Justice as Fairness' 

-10th Summer School on Political Philosophy and Public Policy, 2019 @ Universidade do Minho

'Equality Through Rule of Pure Procedural Justice: Property-Owning Democracy and Predistribution' 

-1st IVRJ, 2018  @ Doshisha Univeristy

Peer-reviewed articles in Japanese

生産性と相互性のリベラリズム再考('Expanding Liberalism of Reciprocity and Productivity: A Rawlsian Case for Inclusion of People with Disability'). The Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association, 72(2). 2021 

純粋手続き的正義と分配パタン指定の隘路'Pure Procedural Justice, Types of Patterning, and Institutional Guidelines'). The Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association, 70(2). 2019

事前分配 (pre-distribution) とは何か('What is Pre-distribution: Policy Agenda and Philosophical Conceptions'). The Annuals of Japanese Political Science Association, 69(2) 


2017-2020 Research Fellow at Japan Society for Promotion of Science

2015-2017 Management Consultant (Freelance)

2012-2015 Management Consultant at Corporate Value Associates

2010-2012 Tax Accountant at Deloitte Tohmatsu Tax Co.