Privacy Policy

Hello! Welcome to Easy Reminder! User privacy and data security have always been our top concerns. Please rest assured that the main purpose of our collection of information is to provide you with services, as well as to improve our products and help you have a better user experience. We are committed to the responsible management, protection and use of your personal information.

This Privacy Policy will tell you how Easy Reminder handles the information you collect when using Easy Reminderr. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before using Daily Reminder's services. By accepting this Privacy Policy, you consent to our collection, storage, use and disclosure of your information. Please note that if you do not agree to anything in this Privacy Policy, you may not be able to use Easy Reminder's services.

Information We Collect

When you use our service, you may provide some information, such as our service webpage, device configuration or device performance data you visited.

--Use data. As described in this section, when you use the service, we may automatically collect information ("usage data"). The usage data we collect may include your device data and other information, including your mobile device, sensor data, device signal, device parameter, device identifier that may uniquely identify your device, including mobile device, web request, Internet protocol address, browser type, browser language, reference/exit page and URL, platform type, and date and time of the request, And one or more cookies that uniquely identify your device or browser. In addition, we can automatically collect location information (including latitude and longitude), performance data, motion data, temperature data, power usage data and any data or signals collected by the device as part of the usage data. We do not collect any communication through our devices or services.

--Support data. When you submit a support request, we may collect some support data, including information about hardware, software, and other information related to support requirements. We will use this support data to resolve your support incidents and use it for training and product development.

Use of information

The service related information we collected is used as follows:

--Provide services. We may use your personally identifiable information, non personally identifiable information and usage data (collectively referred to as "user information") to operate, maintain and provide the functions and functions of any service and use them for relevant business purposes.

--Communicate with you. We may use your email address or other personally identifiable information to send you marketing emails. More information about marketing communications, including how to opt out of marketing emails.

--Wireless network provider services. Some usage data we may collect may represent your Internet service provider, who can access and use this information according to the agreement with you. The use of this data by these third parties is not subject to this policy.

Other business purposes. We can also use your user information to (1) understand how users access and use our services on the basis of aggregation and personalization to improve the quality and design of our services or products, and create new functions, promotions, functions and services by storing, tracking and analyzing user preferences and trends; (2) Remember the information so that you do not have to re-enter the information during your visit or the next time you use our service; (3) Provide you with customized and personalized content and information; (4) Monitoring aggregation indicators, such as total number of visitors, browsing pages, etc.; (5) Track your use of our services; (6) Provide customized and personalized data analysis; (7) Facilitate the provision of any service updates or certification of our products; (8) Verify compliance with this policy; (9) Manage job applications; (10) Engaging in other legitimate business and commercial activities.

How we disclose information

We may disclose the information collected by us in connection with the service in the following ways. By using the service, you expressly agree to such disclosure:

--Use data. We may provide our customers with usage data related to the services they use. For example, our customers may include network providers or operators, and we may disclose usage data related to products and devices deployed through these customers' networks to these customers. The processing of data used by these third parties is subject to their own privacy policy, not this privacy policy. We are not responsible for the content, privacy and security practices and policies of these third parties.

--Aggregates or de identifies data. We may share non personally identifiable information with some third parties, including usage data (such as anonymous or aggregated user usage data, reference/exit pages and URLs, platform types, etc.), to help such third parties understand the usage patterns of certain content, services and/or functions related to our services. We may also share aggregated or unidentified information about users with third parties for marketing, research or similar purposes.

--Transfer of business. If we are acquired or merged by another company, or if most of the assets of one of our business activities are transferred to another company, we can transfer the information we collect from you to another company.

--Third party service providers. We may disclose certain user information to third-party suppliers, service providers, contractors or agents who perform functions on our behalf (for example, suppliers who help us deliver products to you, including transaction processing and fraud prevention, suppliers who help us maintain the website, or analysis providers), which may be located in other countries. These third-party vendors, service providers, contractors, or agents perform technical operations such as database monitoring, data storage and hosting services, and customer support software tools. These third parties can access, process or store personally identifiable information in the course of providing these services, but only according to our instructions. If we receive personally identifiable information certified by the Privacy Shield and then transfer it to a third-party service provider as our agent, we will assume certain responsibilities under the Privacy Shield if (i) the agent processes personal data in a manner inconsistent with the Privacy Shield, and (ii) we are responsible for the damage.

--Other disclosures. We may also disclose user information (1) (if required by law), or believe in good faith that such conduct complies with state and federal laws (including but not limited to copyright laws), or respond to court orders, subpoenas, legal proceedings, search warrants or public authorities, including national security or law enforcement requirements); (2) If we believe in good faith that such actions are appropriate or necessary to implement our service terms or any terms applicable to specific services, exercise our legal rights, take preventive measures, investigate and defend any claims or allegations, assist government law enforcement agencies, protect the safety or integrity of our services, protect our rights, our users or others Property or personal safety; (3) Any parent company, associated entity or other entity controlled, controlled or jointly controlled by us (in which case we will require these entities to comply with this Policy); Or (4) as described herein. Cookies and other tracing techniques. We may use cookies, network beacons, local storage objects (LSOs), JavaScript and similar technologies to collect usage data and other analytical data when you use some of our services (including our websites and mobile applications). We may also allow third parties to use cookies and other tracking technologies to collect usage and analysis data on our websites and mobile applications. In addition, some of our services may use analysis software (which may be provided by a third party) to collect further usage data about our user use patterns. We can combine usage data with other information we collect, including personally identifiable information, so that we can track usage data to a single user.

AD Networks

Google AdMob and their partners


Our Services may include advertisements on other websites or otherwise contain hyperlinks to other websites, advertisements for third parties and their products may be included in the Services, and these third party advertisements and websites may include third party cookies, web information logos or other devices, and we do not have access to any information they may collect, so we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices employed by third parties.

Your use of these third-party websites and social media services may result in the collection or sharing of information about you by these third-party websites and social media services. We encourage you to review the privacy policies and settings on the third-party websites and social media services with which you interact to make sure you understand the information that may be collected, used, and shared by those third-party websites and social media services.

Cookies and Other Data Collection Technologies

We and our third-party ad networks and their partners may use cookies and similar technologies (such as mobile "SDKs") to deliver and personalize our services and deliver targeted advertising in order to tailor advertising to your interests, This process is called personalized advertising. Additionally, we and certain advertising networks may access your installed applications list to avoid advertising your installed applications. However, if you are in the European Economic Area, Norway or Switzerland, some of our third party ad networks will rely on your consent to process personal data in order to provide you with personalised advertisements, so you will be asked for your consent to the collection of advertisements from your mobile device identifiers and IP addresses so that they can provide a personalized advertising experience.


We strictly follow industry standard security measures to protect your information from loss, misuse and alteration. However, no company can guarantee that data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. Please be aware that no security measures that we take to protect your information are absolutely guaranteed to avoid unauthorized access or use of your Information which is impenetrable.Therefore, we cannot fully guarantee the security of any information you transmit on or through the services.

We maintain technical safeguards for the protection of your Personal Data.

a.Technical Safeguards

We store your personal information in our database using the protections described above. In addition, we utilize up-to-date firewall protection for an additional layer of security. We use high-quality antivirus and anti-malware software, and regularly update our virus definitions. Third parties who we hire to provide services and who have access to our users' data are required to implement privacy and security practices that we deem adequate.


We strive to collect no more Personal Data from you than is required by the purpose for which we collect it. This, in turn, helps reduce the total risk of harm should data loss or a breach in security occur: the less data we collect, the smaller the overall risk.

Changes to the Policy

Any information that is collected is subject to the Policy in effect at the time such information is collected. We may, however, modify the Policy from time to time. If such change has been made, we will provide you additional forms of notice of modifications or updates as appropriate under the circumstances. Your continued use of our app or services following the change of the Policy will mean you accept those changes.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about the Policy, you may contact us at email: