Daily Translate Privacy Policy

This is an agreement between you and Daily Translate for virtual private network communications services, related services and features. It is NOT a service for the commission of criminal acts. It is an anonymity and privacy service. You agree not to violate any laws of any jurisdiction you are originating from, or terminating into.

Please carefully read all the terms and conditions of Daily Translate . When you click to install  Daily Translate applications, you agree with all the terms and conditions of the service. And if you don't agree, you can cancel the installation and you must destroy,return or delete all copies of  Daily Translate applications in your possession.

You agree not to use the system for sending spam, port scanning, scanning for open proxies or open relays, sending opt-in email, unsolicited email or any type or version of email sent in large quantities even if the email is ultimately sent off of another server. You agree not to launch any pop-ups from our service. You agree not to attack in any way shape or form any other computer or network while on our service.

About Our Services

It is your responsibility to keep your Software confidential and to limit others' access to your software. You may not share your Software information with any other party and, whether authorized or not, you agree to be responsible for all activities that occur under your software access.

Use of the Services is at your own risk. Services may be modified, updated, discontinued or suspended at any time without notice or liability. We do not assume any liability for any damages or other adverse consequences.

Changes to Terms

 Daily Translate may update the Terms from time to time without notice. If you continue to use Services after these changes take effect, then you agree to the revised Terms. The current version of the Terms is available on the Site. You understand and agree that it is your obligation to review these Terms from time to time in order to stay informed of current rules and obligations. Your use of the Service following the changes to these Terms constitutes your acceptance of the changed Terms.

Privacy Policy

Daily Translate does not and will not collect or store traffic data, DNS queries, browsing history and VPN connection destination.

We do not provide any users' information to any third parties. We do not cooperate with any request for information unless we are ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Acceptable Use

If you agree to be our user, then you shouldn’t do the following:

- spread viruses, as well as trojans, any spyware software, rootkits, as well as other malicious programs;

- distribute copyright files;

- use our service for illegal and fraudulent activities;

- use Daily Translate  for illegal fishing activities;

- use someone’s credit card to pay for your subscription;

- hack other people by using our service;

- send DDoS attacks on people with the help of Daily Translate ;

- insult and blackmail other people;

- send spam messages via email or any other service;

- hack and attack our servers;

- download and distribute child pornography.

Third-party Content

We do not control, and we are not responsible for, any data, content, services, or products (including software) that you access, download, receive or buy while using our Services. We may, but do not have any obligation to, block information, transmissions or access to certain information, services, products or domains to protect our Services, our network, the public or our users. We are not a publisher of third-party content accessed through Services and are not responsible for the content, accuracy, timeliness or delivery of any opinions, advice, statements, messages, services, graphics, data or any other information provided to or by third parties as accessible through our Services.

Disclaimed and Warranties

The Daily Translate  does not guarantee that all of the services functionate 100% properly, don’t have any minor errors or viruses, nor does it guarantee that these errors will be fixed in the future. That being said, users of the Daily Translate  should use it at their own risk. Daily Translate  does not give any express warranty either.

The  Daily Translate does not guarantee that all of the services functionate 100% properly, don’t have any minor errors or viruses, nor does it guarantee that these errors will be fixed in the future. That being said, users of the  Daily Translate should use it at their own risk.  Daily Translate does not give any express warranty either.

Speed of the servers, server locations, as well as the overall quality may vary depending on where the user lives and what internet provider he is using. We do our best to try to provide our services at all times. However, at times, services might be unavailable due to emergencies or if the site is under maintenance. Not everything in this world depends from the  Daily Translate control, so the services might also be down due to the reasons that don’t depend from Daily Translate , such as: problems with third-party-services, network problems, transmission failures, bad signal strength and so on.

Since  Daily Translate does everything to keep their users safe, they might block some services or limit their usage to be sure that none of their users get harmed.

Final Provisions

If any provision in this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable, that provision shall be construed in a manner consistent with applicable law to reflect the original intent of the provision, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Any failure to exercise or enforce any right or the provision of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

Customer Support

You can feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions on how to make  Daily Translate app even better. We will be happy to hear from you:rebahre1998park@gmail.com