I am a Senior Lecturer in the Philosophy Department and, as of January 2024, Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Simon Fraser University. I received my PhD from Ohio State in 2010 and my BA from Northwestern in 2003. My research primarily concerns a range of issues in Kant's metaphysics and epistemology: I have published or forthcoming pieces on transcendental idealism, Kant's theory of freedom, Kant's objection to the ontological argument, Kant's account of the unity of space and its pre-critical development, and Kant's account of the unity of reason. I am also interested in metaphysical rationalism more generally, both in the early modern period and in contemporary philosophy. I teach courses at all levels at SFU, and I regularly teach undergraduate courses on 17th- and 18th-century philosophy, metaphysics and the philosophy of religion. I have taught graduate courses on Kant, Leibniz and Berkeley, divine causality in early modern philosophy, and on the principle of sufficient reason.