I think you should try again. For color negative, do this: uncheck all "lock" settings. Calibrate scanner. Preview a piece of clear leader - the whole frame need not be clear, in fact things may work more intuitively if it isn't. Click "lock exposure". Preview again, click "lock film base color". At this point (unless you select "white balance: none"), if you previewed a piece of film that is completely clear, the preview will appear pink(ish) and the scan histogram will span the whole range of values - that is normal, vuescan will by default choose the black/white points such that the histogram will span the whole range. Try selecting "white balance: none" in the Color tab to get rid of the (overcorrecting) behaviour. Irrespective of what your preview looks like, the film base color is selected correctly and locked in. At this point it doesn't matter at all whether the frame borders are selected or not - they let in less light than the emulsion, so the emulsion will be used for base color calculation.

Lastly, my preferred and recommended method of scanning negatives is to scan the leader, lock exposure and base color, then scan all frames into raw files. After I'm done with the physical scanning, turn the scanner off and restart vuescan; read in the raw scan of the clear leader to lock film base color, preview all image scans, select one with neutral grey, lock color on that, save settings, quit and restart vuescan (this because of the above mentioned bug), preview everything again (now the color lock has been applied to all previews), adjust colors and scan from raw to tiff. This way my scans have a correct base color, consistent (though perhaps not best) white balance and are extremely easy to touch up in your favorite image editor.

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it is always possible to backup the .ini file or copy it to another location. 

Other thing: Do you install Vuescan in the same folder which holds the ini file? It could help installng vuescan as Administrator in a separate folder. On running vuescan as regular user, the .ini file will be created in the personal appdata folder and thus preserved when updating vuescan. Sorry, can't say yet which folder exactly since I'm on Linux and not on a MicroSnoop system :-)

66 months ago(permalink)

My impression is that all of VueScan's state is saved in your vuescan.ini file, which is in your Pictures/VueScan folder. Remove (or rename) that and you should be good to go. You might try finding the old version (the one that worked), either from your own TimeMachine backup if you have it, or online, and seeing if it's a version thing.

40 months ago(permalink)

when you choose Raw in Vuescan (tiff or DNG) it will save uninverted image, it's basically the raw data scanner reads from your medium. If you choose Tiff, not raw, you will get positive image. You could be confusing DNG tiff output with raw DNG output. DNG is simply a file format wrapper. I always use Raw output, not DNG anything, this gives me a tiff file, uninverted, no adjustments by scanner and gamma 1.0 value. You can wrap it in DNG after the fact too. Lightroom e.g will let you do so on import.

If you want to keep some filter and other adjustments in raw files, you need to choose 'Output with...Save' not 'Scan'. It's all on the vuescan website.

91 months ago(permalink)

My comment isn't about vuescan and Silverfast

But for my use, scanning many dias images form 1960-1980 I scan at 1200 dpi. I actually think Epson Scan software works better than vuescan. And easy, a simple as set the options you like save as a scan profile hit prescan check everything looks as expected. Hit the scan button wait 2 minutes, open cover, replace the 4 images close lid, hit scan without doing anything else and repeat. For my setup vuescan did a bad job with cropping. I'm using i Epson v600

First on the router, you must assign a fixed IP to your multifunction printer. Once this is done, you need to open the firewall ports on your PC.Open the terminal and enter the following rule:"sudo ufw allow from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" without the quotes.Where in place of the X you have to put the real IP of your multifunction printer.Now vuescan will work.Then to delete the rule always from terminal type:"sudo ufw delete allow xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" 589ccfa754

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