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Rules for All Attendees

  1. Please be a decent individual. Be respectful to others, and don’t make them uncomfortable. Unacceptable, or inappropriate behavior will result in expulsion from the event without refunds under the decision of the administrators.
  2. Keep any personal issues or tensions with another individual outside of the event.
  3. Any lightweight foods including snacks, cookies, or lunchboxes will be permitted inside the event. However, in the light of avoiding any messes or accidents that can negatively affect the fursuits, please avoid bringing foods heavy or aromatically strong, such as instant noodles or kimchi.
  4. Despite there being a trash bin located by the hallway, attendees will not be able to use it. Please think wisely of creating trash during the event.
  5. Dangerous items such as any sort of weaponry or explosives are underneath our zero-tolerance policy, and must not be brought to the event. In addition, any items in which can stir hatred, discomfort or tension is not allowed.
  6. You are always responsible for your own personal belongings.
  7. Smoking (including e-cigarettes) is strictly prohibited during the event at all areas.
  8. All facilities in the event building such as restrooms or water purifiers must be handled with care- please do not vandalize or cause damage.
  9. The electric outlets in the event venue should be used reasonably, and safely. Electric outlet multipliers are welcome. Keep an eye on your charger as losing them will remain under your responsibility.
  10. Pets or any animals will not be allowed into the event.
  11. Any questions about the event should be asked towards the host, not the building officials.

In Regards to Approaching Fursuiters

  1. Do not harass, or bother the fursuiters. Surprise-hugging fursuiters from the back and grabbing their tail without permission can bring the potential to damage their suits.
  2. Asking major favors, or making fursuiters uncomfortable is not advised.
  3. Please be mindful of fursuiters as their vision is very limited. Do not stand as an obstacle in front of the fursuiters when they are moving.
  4. Non-fursuiters are not permitted to enter the dressing room. Please do not block, or cause hesitation to any fursuiters who try to enter the dressing room.

In Regards to Fursuiters

  1. Please take your own body conditions seriously. If you feel nauseous, dizzy, cloudy, or ill during the event, never hesitate to stop. Get out of your fursuit, and take a break.
  2. Do not harass other members and fursuiters in the event.
  3. Cameras are strictly prohibited in the dressing rooms.
  4. Please do not go outside of the event location in your fursuit. Interrupting other, unrelated activities going on at different floors is regarded as inconsiderate behavior.
  5. In case an immediate repair needs attention to your fursuit, we ask that you limit your options to safety pins and tapes.
  6. Please wear your nametag at all times, even if you are in your fursuit.

In Regards to Taking Pictures

  1. When taking photos, please make sure you have the permission of who you are taking photos of.
  2. Unless you have a tangible proof of permission, please make sure to censor out every individual’s faces when uploading photos or videos on the internet.
  3. Live streaming and recording of the event, such as Google Hangouts, TwitCasting, USTREAM, or Twitch, is heavily discouraged. Any controversy or legal issues that arouses from privacy rights of your streaming will be of your responsibility completely.
  4. Please note- film crews designated by the host himself will be present throughout the event. All pictures and videos from the crew will be permitted for use as commercial purposes.

In Case of an Emergency

  1. In an emergency of any scale, it should be a rule of thumb to notify the host as fast as possible, before dialing emergency numbers. Always remember: 119 is for all emergency purposes, while 112 is specifically for police.
  2. In case an emergency leads to an evacuation order, the event will come to an abrupt stop, and everyone must follow the orders of the building administration.
  3. If no orders are issued from anywhere and emergency prevails, everyone is obliged to act upon their own responsibility. Please make wise, logical decisions should this unlikely event occur.

Failure to follow the guidelines and causing consequences will be of your responsibility.

August, 09, 2018

(Translated by Supykun)