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The constraint was to use the character with glasses and thumbs up, and only use one of the lines from the voiceover bank provided. Music and SFX by Dory Bavarsky/Full Color Sound Records, as always. Now, it\u2019s time to ask the big question:

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Back in the 90s, Russia was flooded with bizarre Ninja Turtles picture books, featuring the four turtles in the exact same poses and compositions on every cover. The authors of the books would take a popular Hollywood film and plug the turtles into it\u2014Batman, Predator, Jurassic Park, Friday the 13th, with occasional deviations like \u201CTurtles in Greece\u201D and \u201CTurtles vs Mafia.\u201D

These books were way ahead of their time, predating Marvel Crossovers, Smash Bros and Pooh\u2019s Adventure Wiki (one of the most disturbing things I\u2019ve ever seen on the Internet). You can still look through them on this incredible web 1.0 website, complete with short summaries and scathing reviews by the author who nevertheless scanned and uploaded every cover and illustration.

With technological advances and AI, it\u2019s becoming easier than ever to replicate\u2014we already have borderline identical products aimed at slightly different demographics, and that\u2019s the ultimate expression of the post-plagiarism world: an endless expanse of content sludge, with something for everyone, and nothing that would challenge, inspire, and surprise. In this letter, however, I want to examine the mechanics, not the morality.

My own work has always been heavily referential, even the crappy quick cartoons. I\u2019d often pick one or two things I currently find inspiring and do my take on them. The result, however, is always a deviation from the source, because the material has gone through the filter of the years I spent with other influences. This wasn\u2019t always the case, naturally\u2014my early stuff was very clearly inspired by Steinberg and French BD, but since then I\u2019ve gone through a million phases and style shifts.

Back in the day, if you wanted to clone something laborious like Hedgehog in the Fog, you\u2019d need to go through so much study and work, that by the time you get to it, you would inevitably evolve into something else. Sooner or later, you\u2019ll be able to generate your Hedgehog with AI, and you will learn nothing in the process, and move the art nowhere. You can\u2019t just borrow someone\u2019s voice\u2014these things take time and effort\u2014and that\u2019s why imitations of inventive works often feel uncomfortably off. You can\u2019t take shortcuts.

Instead of exploration and research, you have people copying artists without taking the time to study how they got there\u2014studying the tip of the iceberg and ignoring the massive underwater bit. People get up in arms about AI, but it\u2019s only a reflection of what we\u2019ve been making and consuming for ages. In the olden days, you\u2019d have limited access to things you could steal, and so you had to fill the gaps with your own approximations. That\u2019s how you get those wonderful medieval cats and babies.

That said, despite (or probably because) of all the bullshit listed above, there\u2019s a resurgence of weird and inventive art in indie comics and animation, and my optimistic prognosis is that soon enough, the general public will get fed up with all the generated content and passable replicas, and begin to appreciate the good stuff, like these Turtle illustrations.

Remember the first Sonic movie trailer, with the teeth and everything? It was brilliantly strange\u2014a perfect disaster combo of clueless execs and terrible art direction that led to something unique. But then all the deranged Sonic fans made them redo everything and what we got is just an adequate bland thing. Better have an interesting failure than another one of those.

To ensure the operation of takeout services, JD and Walmart-backed Dada Group said its crowdsourcing delivery service set up some 400 rest stations across the country for delivery staff last month in cooperation with grocery stores and supermarket chains.

2.In accordance with the Regulations on Internet News and Information Services and other related laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, comments should not contain anything that is obscene, offensive, defamatory or racist.

But the same word or smile can take on very different meanings in different cultural contexts. Dada, by the way, does not mean daddy. It refers to uncle - or more precisely the father's elder brother - in some Chinese dialects and was given to President Xi Jinping by Chinese netizens long before a September 2014 meeting he had with a group of college teachers, during which he was asked whether it was okay to address him as Xi Dada and he gave his consent.

This connotation of "avuncular" also applies to the Chinese term "dage", which is verbatim for "big brother" and unfortunately translated as such without any regard to the totally different connotation in English. The Geroge Orwell meaning of "big brother" is completely unknown in China even though the book has long been available in Chinese translation.

Bilingual trickery wrecks havoc with more common terms. A phrase like "Come on", used frequently in the video's subtitle, is essentially untranslatable because its meaning changes with the context. The same goes for "jia you", literally "adding gasoline". People with just a little knowledge of a foreign language tend to rely on dictionaries and come up with ludicrous translations when such terms of ambiguity and multiple definitions are involved. What the foreign students were saying in the video is the equivalent of "Great!" "Good for him!" "Keep up the good work!" - general words of support but, in English, they sound awkward at best.

In September, Toro Y Moi dropped a video from his last album to help launch his in-progress fall tour, and now he's returned to his more recent surprise mixtape Samantha with a free-form video in support of a few of the songs on that tracklist. The decidedly lo-fi clip called "Dada Art" was directed by Chaz Bundick himself alongside Sagan Lockhart and Josh Terris. You'll hear Samantha songs "Ambient Rainbow," "Want," and "Boo Boo Mobile" as the video's star makes his way around what looks like a county fair.

w > w & Z i?i w O H ?( hJ ? O the shifting.The poem "In Praise of Praise" lauds thisbeautiful, compli cated world: "Praise praise?I throw myself into your orbit / chanting, chanting, and when Ipause / you'll know your horizon's edge / Praise that good ..." Similarly, the book concludes with "Poem" (forwhat else is a poem but an act of attention and love, an act of praise?), where the poet asks: "What else can I do but lovewhat fades? /Having seen itgone and having seen it return / what else can I do but see the ele ments / in your blood and skin?" Indeed, this is Khaled Mattawa's call in Amorisco, to "see the ele ments," to accept their mutability, to hope and to keep reaching fora truth that eludes, and above all to love and praise, despite the flaws. Alicia Case Washington, D.C. Miscellaneous Andrei Codrescu. The Posthuman Dada Guide: Tzara and Lenin Play Chess. Princeton, New Jersey. Prince ton University Press. 2009. 235 pages. $16.95. isbn978-0-691-13778-0 At theCabaret Voltaire inZ?rich, a Roumanian, Tristan Tzara, an Alsa cian, Hans Arp, and two Germans, Hugo Ball and Richard H?lsenbeck, founded the Dada movement. Its chaotic experiments with language, form,public performance, and the likewere an affirmation of radical irrationality and futility,as a pro testagainst all bourgeois notions of meaning and order. Their perfor mances consisted of public demon stration verging on exhibitionism, collage inartand poetry, and poems and manifestoes that appeared in their official journal, Dada, and other periodicals. They waged war against clich?d imagery and stan dard syntax, and they invested the metaphor with elements of absur dity and irony. In 1921 they considered Dada tohave outlived itsusefulness and thereupon buried it, making way for surrealism. Elsewhere, particularly in Germany and America, under the initiativeofH?lsenbeck and Arthur Cravan, respectively, and with the cooperation of many artists, dada ism has survived as a trademark. Andrei Codrescu, poet, essay ist, and a distinguished professor of English at Louisiana State Uni versity, has created his own bril liantly dadaesque guide to Dada, written in a rich ricky-ticky rag time prose. The Posthuman Dada Guide is arranged alphabetically for quick reference, with entries such as "dada-the word." Tristan Tzara's claim that he found it is backed up by its existence as the word da in Romanian and Russian, meaning "yes," thus "yesyes." H?lsenbeck claimed that he dis covered theword by opening the Petit Larousse and finding theword dada, a French word for a children's hobbyhorse. Tzara and Lenin play several games of chess in a row. As the poet faces the futuremass murder over the chessboard, nei ther realizes that they are playing for theworld. The battle between radical visions of art and ideologi cal revolution lasted for a century and may stillbe going on, although communism appears dead and Dada stronger than ever. We also learn a fair amount about "eros," "jews," "creativity," "money & art," "communist besti ary," "nonsense," "human, post human, transhuman," etc. Andrei Codrescu is an immense digester, a bringer of news from afar. For now, we have a literary event, a spectacular splash of intelligence and erudition, of clean style and magical impressionability. Nicholas Catanoy Bad Wildungen, Germany Irena Luksic. Dnevnici, snevnici, rjecnici. Zagreb. Meandarmedia. 2009.|-\ 315 pages, isbn978-953-7355-43-2| Dnevnici, snevnici, rjecnici (Diaries, dream books, and dictionaries), the new book by noted Croatian writer Irena Luksic, is built on a paradox: itdefies genre by stylizing its texts as the threegenresmentioned in its title.This aesthetic principle turns thebook into something itisnot and |; yetnotwhat itis.The volume isper- i . sonal yet universal, contemporary %l yet historical, realistic yet fantastic, serious yet humorous, fictional yet documentary. It is the old Luksic who loves toplay, yet a new Luksic ? < who has invented a novel artistic|v game. Page afterpage, people and things, signs and interpretations surge and fall in an undulating con tinuum,which the reader is invited to joinwhenever he or she wants, and to leave in the same way. The book comprises two parts: {? "Diaries and Dream Books' and "Dictionaries." The first part con tains diary notes about various times in the life of the book's per sona (let's call her Irena). A set of entries speaks at length of the f\ scholarly anthology edited by Irena, Egzil, emigracija -Novi kontekst(2002; |1 Exile, emigration: The new context). Another group of entries details Irena's scholarly plans for the future: research on Russian ?migr? literature, understanding Europe before and after the disintegration of communism, and herwork with scholars and writers in other coun- ? , .. tries. The cycle on dreams often p parallels nocturnal dreams and|; diurnal events. For instance, in her W???? IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM ' 761World Literature Today I, childhood, in an act of defiance, 1 Irena refused to greet the Soviet I delegation with flowers on a visit 1 to the textileplant where her father i worked; as an adult, in a dream, j she saw a snow statue of Lenin that I melted in the sun. Or, in a series of , semidocumentary and semifictional 1 sketches entwining real and fantas , tic events, Irena ruminates on her 1 past and thewinding paths of her I parents, friends, and lovers. [ The second part, "Dictionaries," i is a stringof short essays inwhich,| tongue in cheek, Irena defines her ? favoritewords. The scholarly ety , mologies and definitions, however, 1 swerve into all sorts of digressions , and analogies, which interweave 1 ideas, memories, expectations, and I quotes from literature and art to J narrate how theworld, time, and t human lives are, have always been, I and will always be one. ? NikitaNankov , Gallipoli, Turkey It UrsulaMahlendorf.The Shame of Sur [ vival:Working through a Nazi Child i hood. University Park. Pennsylvania ] State University Press.2009.365 pages, ? ill.$29.95. isbn978-0-271-03447-8 1 Born in 1929, Ursula Mahlendorf 1 belongs to the generation often 1 referred to as "Hitler's Children/' a 1 generation robbed of its childhood, j subjected tomass indoctrination in 1 Nazi youth organizations?the Hit ! 1erJugend (hj) and Bund deutscher 1 M?del (bdm)?and inadvertently 1 implicated in theNazi regime. The 1 young, na?ve Ursula relished the 1 sense of community fosteredby the [ BDM and became an ardent Hitler 1 supporter, something she regretted , shortlyafter the war and has spent a ? lifetimecoming to terms with. , As the subtitle of her autobi 1 ography implies, Shame of Survival The Shame of Survival Working Through aNa?CMdhood is part of an ongoing process of mourning. Published at the end of a successful career as a professor of German Studies at theUniversity of California, Santa Barbara, Mahlen dorfs memoir isa relentlesslyhonest self-examination of her childhood under Nazism and itspsychic after life,an enterprise that is of a piece with her research and pedagogical agenda. Throughout her academic career,Mahlendorf feltobligated to teach students about German culpa bility and responsibility. Although too young to have participated in Nazi atrocities, she rejectsHelmut Kohl's apologetic notion of the "Gnade der sp?ten Geburt" (for tune of belated birth). Haunted by the specter of how narrowly she escaped becoming a perpetrator, she takes up J?rgenHabermas's call to Germans to "keep alive the memory of the sufferingof thosemurdered by German hands." "I felt thatas a teacher ofGerman literature, I had a special obligation to speak tomy students about what we Germans had participated in and what had happened to us." Years of therapy working through the trauma of her childhood and a career of reading literary and cultural texts through the lens of psychoanalytic theory = make Mahlendorf well poised to = undertake this impressive work of = Vergangenheitsbew?ltigung (struggle = to come to terms with thepast), = Her memoir is compelling = reading for anyone interested in = learningwhat it was like fora sen- = sitive girl to come of age inHit- = ler's Germany and how a morally = responsible woman has dealt with = that legacy. Ursula Mahlendorf's = self-consciously feminist perspec- = tive, her attention to gender and = class, and her awareness that the = private is political make Shame of = Survival an important contribution = to our understanding of fascism in = everyday life. = Anna K. Kuhn = University ofCalifornia,Davis = Vesna Marie Bluebird. New York.Soft = Skull/Counterpoint. 2009. 227 pages. = $14.95. ISBN 978-1 -59376-258-2| Among thememoirs of theBosnian = War (1992-95), Bluebird possesses a = distinctive voice that remains close = to the consciousness of a bright, = reflective teen displaced from = Mos tar to England. Vesna Marie = was sixteen when her mother sent = herwith her older sisterby bus con- = voy fromCroatia through Europe = to England to protect them from = the violence unfolding in Bosnia. = Belonging neither to England nor 5 to the adult world around her, the = younger Vesna remains slightlydis- = tanced fromher experiences, a keen = observer who sharply etches por- = traitsof Bosnians and English alike. = In a supple English of fresh simi- = les, sharp details, and irony, Marie = shapes an Odyssey by turns tragic = and comic, horrific and mundane. = Exile plunges Vesna into con- = fusion: "Should I leave my family, = my language, my culture,my child- = March-April 2010 i77 ... 006ab0faaa

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