DAD: Data-free Adversarial Defense
at Test Time

Gaurav Kumar Nayak*, Ruchit Rawal*, Anirban Chakraborty


Deep models are highly susceptible to adversarial attacks. Such attacks are carefully crafted imperceptible noises that can fool the network and can cause severe consequences when deployed. To encounter them, the model requires training data for adversarial training or explicit regularization-based techniques. However, privacy has become an important concern, restricting access to only trained models but not the training data (e.g. biometric data). Also, data curation is expensive and companies may have proprietary rights over it. To handle such situations, we propose a completely novel problem of 'test-time adversarial defense in absence of training data and even their statistics'. We solve it in two stages: a) detection and b) correction of adversarial samples. Our adversarial sample detection framework is initially trained on arbitrary data and is subsequently adapted to the unlabelled test data through unsupervised domain adaptation. We further correct the predictions on detected adversarial samples by transforming them in the Fourier domain and obtaining their low-frequency component at our proposed suitable radius for model prediction. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed technique via extensive experiments against several adversarial attacks and for different model architectures and datasets. For a non-robust Resnet-18 model pretrained on CIFAR-10, our detection method correctly identifies 91.42% of adversaries. Also, we significantly improve the adversarial accuracy from 0% to 37.37% with a minimal drop of 0.02% in clean accuracy on state-of-the-art `Auto Attack' without having to retrain the model.

Proposed 'DAD' framework

Detection Module

Correction Module



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title={DAD: Data-free Adversarial Defense at Test Time},

author={Nayak, G. K., Rawal, R., and Chakraborty, A.},

booktitle={IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision},




This project is licenced under an [MIT License].


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