Let your companions relax in style! You can choose whether companions keep their armor, or go casual, and choose what they wear! Two forms of \"wait\" option, the old stay stock still for combat etc. and a new sand box mode, they move around, sit down sleep etc. Plus companion idles, improvements and much more!

If you would like to re-use/repost any part of this mod. You must do 3 things: 

1. Credit Tyron1234, and Povuholo, for companion sand box pieces. Credit, SavevsDM for the idea of giving ED-E light step perk, and credit jim_uk for adding idles to the companion packages. (Mods take hours and hours to make, and more to test give Credit!) 

2. Include relevant details from this Read-me or include this read-me as a document in your mod. 

3. Please notify me of what your doing! This isn't asking permission, I just would like to be told what this is being used for and where (again this mod took a lot of work please be considerate)

D30 Sandbox Companion Pdf Download

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After thus establishing how to use this toolkit in a concise and easy to grasp manner, we proceed to the sandboxing generators, which can roughly be categorized in three chapters: We have the means to generate material on a hexcrawl level; we have means to generate material on a settlement level, and we have the NPC-level. All three levels have their own helpful record sheets included, and the hexcrawl-level also sports glyphs for mines, mountains, mountain strongholds, different terrains and even floating strongholds (!!). Yep. There is a map glyph for floating strongholds. See what I meant by "OCD"? Who includes a separate map glyph for floating strongholds? Better yet - there are properly drawn glyphs, and there are abstract ones. And the abstract ones are so easy to draw that even ole' me, with my hand-tremors, can use them without much hassle. Huge kudos for that. Anyhow, as in the D30 DM's Companion, I would have loved to have the option to drag and drop the glyphs on hexmaps, but that may be me.

 d30-based Mechanics, Charts, and Tables to Support

and Simplify the Role of the DM (52 pp.+cover)If the d30 DM Companion leaves off where the characters exit the dungeon, the d30 Sandbox Companion picks up from there. The perfect support for sandbox-style gaming, this indispensable volume has tables to quickly generate everything a DM needs to "fill in the world above ground." The d30 Sandbox Companion is the ideal right-hand man for the DM who wants to avoid his sandbox campaign running him. Whether starting an adventure from scratch, filling in the details of a campaign world, or just struggling to keep up with players, this compilation of d30-based mechanics, charts, and tables will support and simplify the role of the DM/GM at the tabletop. Inside these 30-something pages you'll find a host of d30-based sandbox resources, including: a robust adventure generator that allows the DM flexibility to interpret its results, and to support existing campaigns; wilderness tables for weather, off-course navigation, and foraging & hunting; wilderness encounter tables for pilgrims, road travel, and castle/keep/stronghold patrols; location generators for ruins, temples, magical places, castles/keeps/strongholds, and settlements of all sizes; settlement background generators, including government, economy, settlement issues, city guards & watches, availability of shops & suppliers, shop stock and shopkeeper information, and robust tavern information generators; super-quick classed character generation, including class, level, race, sex, attributes, and inventory; an extensive set of NPC tools for both classed and non-classed characters, including: occupations, physical traits, persona & behavior, background, eccentricities, talents, and languages; fast generation of complete sage information; a system for quick-and-easy recruitment of henchmen & hirelings, their reactions, and loyalty; PLUS a wilderness mapping key, a Hex Crawl Worksheet, a Settlement Worksheet, and an NPC Record Sheet to assist DMs in fleshing out their campaign worlds. And much more!


The premise of this work is to be a DM/GM table supplement for adding to or creating a sandbox style outdoor environment for any fantasy based companion. Although much of what is contained within these pages could apply to other themes as well. It should be noted that my observations is that this particular book is popular among old school fantasy Gamemasters. The charts and tables use a d30 die roll to make all random determinations. This is what makes this product different from other chart and table books on the market.

If the Microsoft Store app, the Xbox app, and/or the Xbox Companion app is open, setting the sandbox relaunches the open apps in sandbox mode.If one of these apps is not open, the Sandbox Switcher doesn't open that app.

This works fine for all of our other components, but none of them are running in a sandbox[2]. However, the Xcode template for the extension companion created a sandbox, and while the companion loads if sandboxed, it seems to require the sandbox. I tried setting com.apple.security.app-sandbox to false in the entitlements file, or removing the entitlements file (and all references to it), both appear to prevent Safari from loading the companion at all (it still runs as its own binary if directly invoked, but Safari apparently won't touch it).

I've added exceptions to the sandbox to allow it to access the relevant directory, and just the IPC socket directly; but that doesn't seem to be sufficient. The error I get when trying to open the socket is EPERM (Operation Not Permitted), which doesn't really explain the problem. After adding the exceptions to the entitlements and fixing up the paths, things like the log file (also under the "real" ~/Library/) now get written to as expected.

*EDIT: This question has been edited as a prior problem - ENOENT (File Not Found) when calling connect - was resolved before it got any comments or answers. It was due to the sockaddr_un being too short for the full domain socket path, and was resolved by using the real path to the socket, rather than the (very long) path through the sandbox's version of Library/Application Support and the symlink planted there. However, the new problem appears to be in the same place and likely also due to sandboxing.

[2] The two main ones cannot be sandboxed, as they require access to the entire file system. The app is not distributed through the App Store, so the lack of sandboxing doesn't present compliance problems. I'd like to enable the sandboxing, for security, but it isn't practical.

The socket must be in either the sandbox's container, or in a group container that the sandbox has permission to access. Given the length limit on sockaddr_un.sun_path and the fact that our (long) bundle name is included in the sandbox-specific container path, I decided to create a group container. This will also make it easier to sandbox other components in the future. The final version of the entitlements file looks like this:

We invite you to share your lesson plans and learning activities developed around the PPIRS Framework in the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy Sandbox. If you do not already have an account and wish to contribute, click the create an account link on the left side. No account is needed to view sandbox content.

This list is incredibly handy, as it lists all the companions you can find wandering around the map. Not only that, but if you rummage through the list and find the companion you want to seek out or peruse potential new followers, it lists their skills, as well as their character information.

In 1E 139, Jarl Harald Word-Bringer declared war on the Snow Elves starting the Second Atmoran-Falmer War. The Companion crews unanimously declared support for the war, as they saw it as their duty to fight the Snow Elves as it was their founding mission. To further this belief, Harald was a direct descendant of Ysgramor so supporting his war was akin to continuing Ysgramor's war. They marched into the Kingdom of Mereth, with Harbinger Randagulf Begalin leading one of the two warhosts. Under his leadership, the Companions won many battles against the elves and cleared the western countryside of the elven lands. During the war, a hero named Hans the Fox appeared and aided them in battle. During the war, the Ratatoskr crew was nearly annihilated by an elven ambush during the Battle of Erindar. Survivors of the crew were taken under the leadership of the Harbinger and later joined the Jorrvaskr crew, ending the Ratatoskr crew. Several companions died in the war, notably the Captains of the Hildisvin, Jorrvaskr and Ratatoskr crews as well as the Battlemasters of the Ylgermet, Jorrvaskr, Ratatoskr crews. After the war, the Companions saw a period of renewed glory as their vanquishing of the Snow Elves made them very popular with the populace.

Being formed from a warhost, the Companions have very clear military positions, but their hierarchy is still very horizontal as the camaraderie between companions are more prominent than the command structure. Their ranks are:

After Ysgramor, the Harbinger of the Companions has lost much of their power in the organization. Instead of a true leader, they act more as a guide or overseer to the various captains. The Captains are the leaders of the mead halls across Skyrim, able to call all the members in his crew to battle should they be hired as soldiers. Together the captains form the Circle of Captains, which guide the Companions alongside the Harbinger. Battlemasters are the vice-captains of a crew and serve as leader to the squads for bigger jobs and quests that require multiple Companions. They are also in charge of training the newer members of the crew. Sages are the lorekeeper of a crew. Their main task is to record the deeds and actions of the crew's members, as well as keeping a connection between the crew and their ancestral members - because of this the sage is usually a mage. Sages are still warriors and will fight alongside their brothers-in-arms. Shield-Siblings are veteran warriors that have years of experience within the Companions and survived many battles. Male Shield-Siblings are called Shield-Brothers while females are called Shield-Sisters. The bonds of friendship formed by the time a companion becomes a Shield-Sibling is so strong that they do treat one another as family. Battlers are proven warriors that are able enough to complete jobs on their own. Hirelings are new recruits that have yet to prove themselves in battle and require supervision to complete jobs. be457b7860

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