Los Fuertes, Puebla, Puebla

About me

David Limón Cantú was born in Puebla City in 1993 and is a Computer Science Engineer currently studying a PhD in Intelligent Systems at Universidad de las Américas Puebla, in Cholula, Puebla.

During his undergraduate studies, he obtained 2nd place award in 2012 Project Fair BUAP, software development category, for the developement of a videogame written entirely in C, with its own collision engine and map data parser. In 2016, he obtained 2nd place award in Project Fair BUAP, mobile applications category, with a project called "Escúchame", which aimed to comunicate ideas with images and text-to-speech conversion.

David has helped develop several enterprise solutions, acting as Chief Technology Officer for pharmaceutical distribution company Jimedic, as well as Project leader and Developer for web design company Aweb.

He received his Engineering degree in Computer Science in 2018 from Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, in 2019 he started studying a PhD in Intelligent Systems and is currently prepairing his pre-doctoral examination. His current interests are Computer Security, Evolutionary Computing and Machine Learning Techniques

My research

Currently, David is centering his research in Evolutionary Computing Algorithms inspired on the Human Immune System and the Danger Theory (DT) model. The Dendritic Cell Algorithm (DCA) is a population based binary classifier designed to detect anomalies and is inspired by the behavior of Dendritic Cells (DC), which are able to sense Danger Signals (DS) emitted by abnormal behavior of the tissues and cells of the body. The objective of Cantu's research is to enhance this algorithm and incorporate state-of-the-art techniques in order to increase its precision, adaptability and scailability using computer network communications to influence security applications in the anomaly detection field, which aims to utlimately help detect unknown or dynamic threats in computer networks.

Figure 1 - Dendritic Cell behavior in the Danger Theory model [1]


[1] Z. Chelly and Z. Elouedi, “A survey of the dendritic cell algorithm.,” Knowledge & Information Systems, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 505–535, Sep. 2016.

Personal Blog

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