In a 1997 interview promoting Be Here Now, Noel Gallagher had the following to say about the first single: "I was going to make up some profound statement in the chorus but I couldn't come up with anything that fitted. Then I just thought 'All my people right here, right now, d'you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah.' Very vague, very ambiguous, that'll do. Look in the mirror and wink while you're singing it and it's quite saucy. And I fucking love that line, 'Coming in a mess, going out in style'. We were a bunch of scruffs from Manchester and we're going out in a Rolls-Royce." In another 1997 interview, this time on BBC, Noel Gallagher said: "I can't believe I wrote it, it's going to blow people away."

"The morse code in the background was inspired by Strawberry Fairy by Tony Newley. We got hold of a code book and tried to tap out 'Bugger All' to follow that line 'Don't look back cos you know what you might see'. But if anyone can tell me what we really said, please let me know. Profound lagerisms..."

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The video story's setting is unclear. It was filmed on location at Beckton Gas Works in London, which has also been used as a filming location by The Smiths[6] and Stanley Kubrick[7] among others. The phrases "Do you know what I mean?" and "Be here now" can be seen painted in Czech on one of the surrounding buildings. Liam Gallagher wears a snorkel parka and sports a unique pair of tailor-made sunglasses.

In that case, there are two things you can do: 1) Share third party stories about how others measure impact to see if it would fit for them; or 2) work with your contact to uncover who in the organization might know the answer to those questions.

Once one know something, one can't unknow it. We can't just forget what we've known like the way we delete computer's file. Yet it take us a split of second to obtain information and embed it in our brains.

I'm so fascinated by the nature of knowing and how much it's effect one's perspective or interpretation of something. Logically,linguistically,etc. Just a piece of information could shape our personality,our actions and how we interact with others.

The study of knowledge, or what it means to know something, is a branch of philosophy called epistemology. If you are concerned with knowledge of right and wrong, you might be interested in meta-ethics. But there are lots of different ways to approach it.

One idea is that knowledge is a belief that you are very sure about that is also true. For example, someone could be very sure that the Earth is flat, but you might not say that they know the Earth is flat, because it is not. Or, someone might believe the Earth to be round but not really feel very confident about it, in that case they wouldn't be said to know it because they harbor doubt about their belief. I think this is problematic in that it seems to presuppose a level of certainty it is trying to justify, or refer to it recursively. (e.g., we know the earth is round because it is (it is because we really know it is (like, we're really sure it's round!))). Or we might accept this and the consequence that we can never truly know something, only just have very strong beliefs that we believe are true.

I like your idea about thinking of knowledge more as something that is built by our experiences and shapes our perspective of the world. Everyone knows different things and knows them in different ways due to the uniqueness of our lived experiences. But if knowledge is just something we acquire in our own ways, I wonder what that says about whether knowledge can be considered objective, or whether we might legitimately pursue "knowledge" in an objective sense and expect what we find to extend to other people's experiences, or hold true for all experiences.

My personal feeling is that knowledge isn't something that is just inside of us, just up to the individual agent, it seems like it is more of an internal relationship to an external thing; like the glue that holds our distinct yet intersecting hallucinations of the world around us in a sort of synchronization, allowing us to interact with each other predictably and achieve our individual goals.

Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa is a young philosopher who studies and teaches philosophy of language (as well as epistemology and philosophy of mind), at University of British Columbia in Vancouver. He once told me that his job was to think about knowledge.

Knowing is speculation distilled into certainty, via a process of inferred causal relationships and confirmation bias. 'knowing' one thing will encourage us to 'know' other things of a similar ilk due to their close proximity and seeming relationship, but it is worth remembering that at the root of all knowledge is faith in something, rendering all facts merely educated guesses that are pragmatically useful at any given time.

This inability to forget knowledge - as you define it - is potentially unhealthy, as it can lead to a shock to the system if previously assumed facts are shown to be false, and so I believe it is always worth remembering that certainty does not imply objectivity, only a desire for such to be the case.

Interesting. I like possibleworld's concept of knowledge - beginning with the senses - experience - which, of course is all we animals have to go by when seaking what we have symbolized as 'knowledge'. If you see a chair you can rest assured that that is what it is, because we, as a collective have come to agree about this symbol chair as referring to this or clearly similar - functionality wise experience-able object.

We all face moments when our world spins and our hearts race. Being still is the last thing we feel. Yet I've learned how to practice Psalm 46:10 and I'd like to share with you 5 things I've learned that it means to "be still and know that I am God".

The Hebrew word for still used in Psalm 40:10, Raphah, means to sink down, relax, let go of. Often this is the last thing we want to do when the world is spinning and we feel like we have no control of a situation. W

Through watching Jesus work miraculously in her life, Mary could now grasp the depth of His love for her. She also learned that by being still in His presence, she would know God in a new, intimate way.

This article is part of our larger resource library of popular Bible verse phrases and quotes. We want to provide easy to read articles that answer your questions about the meaning, origin and history of specific verses within Scripture context. It is our hope that these will help you better understand the meaning and purpose of God's Word in relation to your life today.

"Pray Without Ceasing" 

"Fearfully and Wonderfully Made"

"Faith Without Works is Dead"

"Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart"

"All Things Work Together for Good"

Based on PMV's answer, I would guess that the television spots intend something in praise of learning, something like "The more you know, the better-off you are," or perhaps "The more you know, the more you want to know."

If someone intend a sarcastic remark, that would reverse the meaning. The conclusion would still be the same words, but intended sarcastically to convey that the information did not actually make the listener better-off.

It seems to me this curious phrase--which sounds at once self-sufficient and unfinished--implies the following phrase to formally finish it: the more insight you have into the nature of things. The problem stems in that the inclusiveness of the original phrase makes it possible for speakers of our language to take it to mean largely different things. Someone with influence in our language could help to standardize the meaning of the phrase.

The abbreviation iykyk stands for the phrase if you know, you know. It is used after a statement or some form of content as a way of indicating that it is an inside joke or a reference to something only a select group of people know and understand.

The abbreviation/hashtag iykyk is most commonly used in online posts, typically as a way to indicate that it is an inside joke or a reference to something that only certain people will know and understand.

This is not meant to be a formal definition of iykyk like most terms we define on, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of iykyk that will help our users expand their word mastery.

Here are some of the changes I have made. These might last for the rest of my life, they might not even last for the rest of the year. The important thing is that this is who I am right now, and although I know that linguistic shifts can take time to get used to, it means the absolute world to me when people strive to consciously change some of these habits to respect my identity.

These are just some of the things that might change when a non-binary person publicly affirms their gender. It can be difficult to work out exactly how you want to express yourself, and it can be difficult to adjust as people you know change. But it can also be a wonderful experience to celebrate your gender, the same way friends and family celebrate their own.

To me, it cosigns what I think about the word "know"; that, in many ways, just like when it comes to love or friend, it's a sacred word. Folks can't be out here just casually claiming to know someone. There should be a certain kind of criteria that qualifies them to say that. For starters, the five following things must apply.

You've Had Bonafide Shared Experiences with Each Other "Know" is a pretty layered word. Two of my favorite definitions of it are "to perceive or understand as fact or truth" and "to understand from experience or attainment." If you know someone, you've experienced some things with them. Experiences are personal accounts.

When I think of experiences, I think of good times and tough times. I think of the people who were there for me during my latest heartbreak or the ones who can call me when they are short on a bill. Even when I think about the people I've gone to the movies with or had lunch with, it served some kind of a purpose beyond the surface. So yeah, for someone to say that they know me, we've spent some personal time together. Definitely. 0852c4b9a8

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