Intelligence and Optimization in Networks Lab

Welcome to ION Lab

Welcome to the Intelligence and Optimization in Networks (ION) lab. ION lab is a research group in the Department of Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence at Dongguk University, Seoul, South Korea. 

Our research mission is to understand interactions in graph-structured, networked systems and make them intelligent and optimized. To accomplish this, we use tools from probabilistic machine learning, graph structure, and optimization. Some of our favorite applications are in edge/IoT systems, graph neural networks, and healthcare systems.

Recruiting & Contact

We are looking for motivated graduate students and interns to work with us.

Interested in joining the ION lab? Please feel free to contact us with your CV if you find our research interests well-matched with yours and if you would like to know more about collaboration opportunities. 

ION 연구실에 관심이 있다면 다음의 글도 확인해보세요! 

ION 연구실에서는 함께 연구를 수행하고자 하는 학석사연계과정 희망생 및 학부연구생 을 환영합니다. 연구실에 참여하고 싶은 분은 PI에게 연락하여 면담을 신청하기 바랍니다.  (2024년도 하반기 (여름방학+2학기) 희망자 recruit)

Research Areas

Selected Publications