
"Cyclocomputer" is a simple and easy-to-use cycle computer App.

You can check Speed, Distance, Elevation, Gradient, etc. during cycling by attach your smartphone on the bike handlebar.


Push "START" button to start recording. Cycle Information such as Speed and Distance, etc. will be updated during recording. Push "PAUSE" button to pause recording. When pausing, you can resume or stop recording with "PAUSE" or "STOP" button.
* Location Access and Precise Location is required to record. Set the location access to "While Using the App" or "Always" at Location Services.

Check Cycle Information

Speed (km/h)
Current speed.
* Location information has to be available precisely.

AV (km/h)
speed based on distance and time.
* It will be "Error" when distance or time is error.

MX (km/h)
Max speed during cycling.

Time with the
format "Hour:Minute:Second."
* It will be "Error" when time is over 24 hours.

DST (km)
* It will be "Error" when distance is over 99999km.

EL (m)
Current elevation.

EG (m)
Elevation gained during cycling.

GR (°)
Road gradient ba
sed on smartphone sensors.
* You can tap and reset it after fixed your smartphone on the handlebar.

ODO (km)
Odometer until now
, which will not be reset when you stop recording.
* It will be "Error" when odometer is over 99999km.
* You can set or reset odometer at Setting.

Check Cycle History

You can check your cycle history and route on map at History. Cycle history is automatically backed up to iCloud when you stop recording*, so you can restore it when you change your smartphone.
* You can turn off backup feature at Setting.

Change Odometer Setting

Input and set odometer with "Apply" button. You can inherit your odometer data from another device. To reset odometer, push the "Reset" button.
* You can not set odometer over 99999km.

Change Color Setting

You can change App color from 9 colors with your favorite one.
* Default is orange color.

Backup and Restore

You can set whether to automatically backup cycle history to iCloud when you stop recording.
* Default is on.
* Note that if you turn it off, your cycle history will be deleted by uninstalling this App.