This Privacy Policy describes how we collect the information when you use our applications downloaded from Google Play Store and other third party app store. The Policy also explains how we use and disclose the information collected from you.

1.How and Why We Collect and Use Personal Data and Other Information

We collect the following information after your agreement to implement significant features and provide you better experience. We also use the data to measure the performance and improve the apps and services.

  • Location Information.

When you use a location-enabled Weather app service,we, our service provider may collect location information through the services, like GPS signals sent by a mobile device.

If you are accessing the services, we may detect your general location to provide the accurate weather information of your general area automatically. If you don’t allow it, we’re unable to collect direct location information, you may manually enter a location to get the weather information of your location.

  • Local File and Storage

We use local shared objects to enhance user experience, for example, storing your city and weather data, user preferences and settings.

  • Other information that we collect

  1. Information about your device and device capabilities

  2. Information about your device operating system

  3. Information about how you use the Services

  4. Your activities on the Services

  5. Advertising identifiers

  6. Mobile or Internet Carrier

  7. Referring URL

These information helps us to understand, analyze, and measure how users use the services, manage services' operations, helps diagnose problems, and facilitate your access to and use of the services.

How We Use Information We Collect ?

When your data is collected on the services, it may be shared with selected third parties (such as advertising and analytics partners ) who assist us with our analysis, business operations and the better services. We also may provide your data to third-party mapping service providers to provide you with map content for services. The third-party service providers are authorized to use the data that we provide to them only to carry out the service they are providing for us.

We DO NOT sell, trade, or transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information. And therefore we don't disclose your information.


Our privacy policy may change from time to time. We will not reduce your rights under this privacy policy without your explicit consent. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page, and if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice. We will also keep prior versions of this privacy policy in an archive for your review.


  • Facebook Ads Privacy Policy:

  • Google Ads Privacy Policy:

  • Google Play Refund policies:

  • Google Privacy & Terms

  • Tencent Location Privacy Policy