Artificial Intelligence & Statistics Lab

Artificial Intelligence & Statistics Lab

Welcome to Artificial Intelligence & Statistics Lab in the Departments of Applied Statistics and Statistics & Data Science at Chung-Ang University

Artificial Intelligence & Statistics Lab is conducting various research on deep learning models for many different tasks and domains, which include lung cancer detection using CT images, early detection of Alzheimer's disease using MRI images, diagnosis of wheezing using auscultation data, audio captioning, speaker identification, visual object tracking, object detection, visual question answering, speech recognition, image-text matching, etc. Some of them are collaborative projects together with other research groups. 

Our lab is also working on problems of toxicity prediction of chemicals based on machine learning methods. This is collaborative research together with an environmental toxicology lab from another university.  The goal of this research is to develop machine learning models for the establishment of a platform for chemical toxicity prediction.

We’re Hiring PhD Students and Postdocs! Our lab accepts applications from academically outstanding and highly motivated graduate students on a rolling basis. If you’re interested in applying for a research position, email Changwon Lim ( Attach your CV and explain in your email why you’d like to join our team. Don’t forget to describe your experience in one or more of our lab’s research areas. If applicable, include your research publications and GitHub portfolio.