Caldwell • West Caldwell
Senior Club

Welcome to the Caldwell•West Caldwell Senior Club! 

Our members meet once a month (except July and August) at the West Caldwell Library.  Members enjoy interesting speakers, trips, holiday parties, and special events.   We are constantly adding more activities as interests become more varied!  We also have a social gathering, with food, after each monthly meeting.  All of these events benefit the senior members of our community and promote a wonderful camaraderie among our group members. We hope you will consider joining us by becoming a member and participating with us in the many activities specially developed for all our senior citizens. To join, stop by one of our monthly meetings or send an email with your name and contact information to:  

Upcoming Events:  

Meeting Date:

Our next club meeting will be Wednesday, October 9, at 1:00 p.m., at Crane's Mill, West Caldwell.  Our entertainment will be a sing-along with Matt Mattheiss and snacks provided by Crane's Mill. If you need a ride on the Senior Bus to the meeting, contact Betty at 973-226-5108. 

Membership dues will be collected in January 2025.   (NOTE:  Only Caldwell or West Caldwell residents can join the club as new members. Current club members from other towns will be allowed to rejoin.)