CUX World is a collection of writings, taking place in a fictional world, full of short stories and novels using a collaboration of characters from different anime, TV shows, and movies into one large crossover universe. This style of media is used to practice character development and script writing in order to peruse the same energy with original characters soon to be.

Many media entertainers such as SMG4, Lorcan The Hedgehog, SML and many more perfectly orchestrate this style of entertainment in a visual and legal interpretation. This website was made by Camito Hatsune by the influence of his step-brother, Jake Williams, and his early ideas of a crossover world series, The Paul Bunyan Movie. This is mostly renamed to this website name.

We are also looking for other artists and entertainers in this genre to use us as a background shield and a business orientation in order to protect creators, big or small, from heavily copyrighted issues from government agencies using outdated laws that hurt content creators financially and prolifically.

We want you to build your own brand.

Tags: cux, cux world, crossover, crossover universe, smg4, sml, lorcan, pbm, paul bunyan, paul bunyan movie