Background: We have a custom tool which takes the xml input and generates the cs output. A custom tool needs to register with the Visual studio in order to make it work with that version of visual studio.

Problem: So far in my research, I found until Visual Studio 2015, VS had the direct registry entries which were allowing to register the tool but from VS 2017, Microsoft has made changes in the way how registry entries are stored (a good read to understand changes in VS2017).

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Prior to VS2017 creating a custom tool required implementing Interface IVsSingleFileGenerator and code to register and unregister the custom tool in the system registry, but in VS2017, Microsoft has changed entire registry structure. The change is, VS will make registry entries to a private registry so that system registry is not messed up. While previously the registry entries were made in the system registry, now they are made to

Visual studio 2017 also supports testing your tool directly by running it from the visual studio itself (F5), which starts another instance of Visual Studio called Visual Studio Experimental Instance and your tool can be tested in it since it makes registry entries to

We will create an extension/custom tool as an example named "CountLines" which will read a file (having Custom Tool property set to CountLines) and generate an XML file containing the number of lines in the file. e.g. 1050

5. Compile and test the tool by running it in VS2017You may add "Install targets" in "source.extension.vsixmanifest" to ensure different VS2017 editions are supported by your extesion.Run your tool in VS 2017 to test if it is working as expected. Once you Run the VSIX, the Visual Studio Experimental Instance will install the extension and register it in registry "C:\Users\xyz\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_xxExp\privateregistry.bin". You can see the installed extension by selecting "Tools -> Extensions and updates". To test the tool we will have to open a dummy project, select a file in solution explorer, go to its properties and update Custom Tool property to "CountLines". Once this is done VS will run the tool in background and generate the output, in our example it will generate a xml file under the selected file. Alternatively, once Custom Tool property is set, your can right click the file and select "Run Custom Tool"

6. Install the tool by double clicking the generated .VSIX fileOnce tested successfully, try installing the VSIX which can be found at location "projectName/bin/debug". Install the VSIX by double clicking the file, follow the installation steps. Now your tool will be available for use in VS2017. Using tool is similar, right click the file on which you want to run the custom tool and select "Run Custom Tool"

In case you want to uninstall the extention, go to "Tools -> Extensions and updates -> select your extension" and click uninstall. Note that tool will not get uninstalled until VS is closed. Once closeed you will get a popup window to uninstall, select "Modify" to uninstall.

Step#2: Edit the bin: You can now register your custom tool by following the same way as you were doing for other VS versions. Actually the only problem was to get the VS2017 keys in to the global registry and that is solved using Step#1 above.

I have a script that will convert a text file into a resource file, so that I can have multiple language support by having text files for different languages converted into different resources. Once I run the script to get the resx file, I then have to run a custom build tool (as described here:Link to Code Project) in order to create the Designer.cs files to use the new files.

In keeping with the philosophy that I should be able to build the entire project with a single button click, how can I remove the step where I have to explicitly call the custom build tool in order to make the codebehind files?

So, I want my build script in Visual Studio/msbuild to do:1) convert text to resx (done)2) move resx files to appropriate directory (done)3) create designer.cs files using a custom build tool (not done)

In general, if you have the choice of writing a build tool as a Customer Build Tool or an MSBuild Task then choose the MSBuild Task every time as these Tasks will run in VS.NET and from the command line.

There is a way to generate the *.Designer.cs for *.resx as part of the build process. There is a built-in MSBuild task GenerateResource, which basically a wrapper around the SDK tool resgen.exe. Here you can find an example how to use it.

First off, my custom tool begins by presenting a UI::HtmlDialog to the user where certain parameters have to be inputted. From here the user must select a couple of entities from the 2D view (without relying on the Select tool) and then click a button on the aforementioned UI::HtmlDialog in order to generate some custom geometry with respect to those inputs. This workflow is fairly intuitive, even though it requires a bit of back and forth between the canvas and the non-modal dialog box.

That being said, my concern is that the user of my extension might want to redraw some of the 2D geometry after invoking my custom cool. For example, a problematic workflow might look like this:

If your extension holds a persistent reference for the active model that points at the tool instance then this would be the argument to pass when the dialog is clicked or the document.body gets the focus.

The other small issue I have is that if I select something like the Line tool and go back to my custom tool, the cursor is still renderer as a pencil until I click once on the canvas. How can I force the cursor to be arrow-like right from the start without having to push the Select tool to the stack?

Tools are basic content elements that are used to create a design. Text, image, and button are some examples of our built-in tools. A custom tool can help you add more of these content elements to the editor. We know that every application is different and needs different tools to reach its full potential.

Renderer is where you define the content that your tool will create. This is done using a HTML template. Each renderer consists of a Viewer, Exporters and Head. In most cases, Viewer and Exporters contain the same HTML template but there are cases when these could be different.

This reflects what the output should be for each of the 2 display modes. HTML markup for email can be very different from a web page so this is where you can have the same tool working nicely for both display modes.

Each property is assigned a property editor which is a UI control widget used by the user to modify the property value. For example: color picker, slider, toggle, etc. We have many built-in property editors available, and you can also create a custom property editor.

I try to add a tool on my UR3e in order to avoid collision while manipulating. The tool i`m using is a custom designed tool. For now a cube or a cylinder would be enough, so the gripper is not crashing into the arm.

In the UR_ROS2_Description i read already, that it is possible to reuse the description and add a custom description (in my case a zylidner) to it. But i couldn't figure out what files i have to add to my workspace and what to change with them.

Also: do not edit tool0 nor flange. That's not what they're for. An attachment point is exactly that: a point to attach new things to, not to edit it to add new things. Create new links and attach those using fixedjoints (but not in the same file, create a new file in a new package, see my comment under #q408953).

We provide CNC machining services. We handle low volume prototypes and special tooling and fixtures as well as high volume production quantities. Our productions have given us a name as a leader in the industry. We use Swiss machines and CNC lathes with live tooling, as well as CNC milling machines to produce complex parts to very close tolerances.

We are ITAR registered and do work in the Military/Defense, Aerospace, Fiber Optic, Automotive, Transportation, and many other industrial sectors. Custom Tool & Machine customers know what makes us tick: quality, promptness, and an absolute mastery of our craft. Our services include design, engineering, prototyping, fabrication, precision machining, assembly, and inspection. We serve every industry from automobile, aerospace and agriculture to plastic, glass, medical, and everything in between.

We have operated continuously since 1976, and many of our customers have been with us for more than ten years. Our expertise is broad and deep, with skills that include CNC grinding, medical tool grinding, OD and ID grinding, and Wire EDM.

This has become a major PIA. I spend hours trying to figure out what is wrong with custom tool geometry, because Mcam gives absolutely no hint at all. I need to model the tools because of extremely tight interference checking. The geometry for tools I use are automatically generated on the website of Sandvik or Iscar and saved as DXF. I remove all unnecessary layers, create the profile using CUT/NOCUT and "shank" layers, check for overlapping entities, select the profile using chain selection and copy the chain on its own level. An example is attached.

Still, I can't create custom tool profile. ONLY by removing the two elements that are colored red in the Mastercam file, and replacing the upper element with a perfectly horizontal line and replacing the lower NURBS with a straight line, it started to work.

I am able to revolve the profile without problem. The issue here seems to be that the chaining tolerance in custom tool creation is different to that in chaining tolerance in settings. The small red horizontal line doesn't fully coincide with the endpoint of the adjoining line (there's 0.0009mm difference). By adjusting "System tolerance" to 0.001 I was able to overcome the problem so it must be set to a looser value when creating custom tools from automated 2D geometry. 006ab0faaa

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