Basically I have a dictionary, where each key corresponds to a list of orps. I want the inset cursor to iterate over each list in each dictionary key and insert a row with the corresponding values. Seems like it should be simple, but for some reason I keep getting an SQL error. I've used search and update cursors extensively, but haven't had a need for insert cursors before now, so any advice would be very greatly appreciated.

In the ArcGIS help for insert cursors, it says that you can select all fields in the table using a " * " in the "field_name" parameter of the cursor, and I thought that perhaps it was messing up because I was using all fields by name instead of using the " * ". So I had the script add a third field and try to use only those two, and also attempted to use the " * " with only two fields, and both still returned the same error that I mentioned above, of incorrect SQL syntax.

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If I have a gvim window opened but without focus, I'll frequently mouse-click the window when I want to regain focus. However, this also moves the cursor to the mouse-click position, and I have to move back to where I was editing.

I have created an item on the Degree table and I want to duplicate that record for 19 other Colleges. I have a really simple cursor, but every time I run it it totally crashes SQL Server Management Studio. Is there a way to rewrite this query (or another query entirely which performs the same INSERT INTO) so that it does not crash (and actually executes)?

Your script is getting stuck in an infinite loop because you're never advancing the cursor and therefore the value of @@FETCH_STATUS never changes resulting in you adding the same record for the same college ad nauseum. Add FETCH NEXT FROM DUPLICATE_DEGREE INTO @Colleges after the INSERT.

I try to avoid both cursors and while loops at all costs. I find them both quite expensive in terms of performance. unless forced to because of what is happening in the body of the loop, I would rewrite the cursor or a while loop as set based operation, perhaps using a tally table.

There might be the odd special situation where this is a good idea and will work but from what I can see you need to rely on there being a contiguous incrementing set of integer values to do the select on and you are relying the the records not being updated from the beginning of the loop to the end of the loop. They are also both simple WHILE loops.

In looking at the example, the loop approach takes a total of 19 reads to return 4 rows. A simple SELECT statement fired against the table takes 1 read. I know this is just an example and is working against a relatively small table, but what do you think would happen if you ran it against a 1-million row table?

2. If you do have to use looping, then use the best tool for the job. And that is *not* a WHILE loop. A cursor outperforms a WHILE loop - when used appropriately. Which means that you have to supply some options, because the default options suck.

The specific script in the article is unreliable as a replacement for a cursor. It depends on a column with incrementing values being present in the query results, which is not always the case. The example given relies on sys.servers containing only a row for the current server with server_id equal to 0, and all other rows containing linked servers and having server_id numbered consecutively and ascending. If you have for instance three linked servers and then delete the first, will the others be renumbered, or will you simply have rows for servier_id 0 (not linked), and 2 and 3 (linked)? In the latter case, you will get incorrect results from the WHILE example, but the cursor will still work.

I understand the point you're making, but would like to point our, for the benefit of anyone less experienced than yourself, the ROW_NUMBER function is not actually there for the purpose of adding step counters to result sets to make it easier to use cursors. Best advice is still Just Say No To Cursors (although my maintenance routines are full of them - they are actually iterative and not set based processes though)

By the way, this whole discussion is rather theoretic, since the best option is to avoid iteration at all, and the second best iteration is to use a cursor with the correct options (FAST_FORWARD if the data size may exceed available cache; STATIC READ_ONLY if the data will always be small enough to fit in cache even when the system is under load). So you would never use this option anyway. ?

There are several ways to paginate items. The simplest is by using the paginate method on the query builder or an Eloquent query. The paginate method automatically takes care of setting the query's "limit" and "offset" based on the current page being viewed by the user. By default, the current page is detected by the value of the page query string argument on the HTTP request. This value is automatically detected by Laravel, and is also automatically inserted into links generated by the paginator.

Sometimes you may need to render two separate paginators on a single screen that is rendered by your application. However, if both paginator instances use the page query string parameter to store the current page, the two paginator's will conflict. To resolve this conflict, you may pass the name of the query string parameter you wish to use to store the paginator's current page via the third argument provided to the paginate, simplePaginate, and cursorPaginate methods:

While paginate and simplePaginate create queries using the SQL "offset" clause, cursor pagination works by constructing "where" clauses that compare the values of the ordered columns contained in the query, providing the most efficient database performance available amongst all of Laravel's pagination methods. This method of pagination is particularly well-suited for large data-sets and "infinite" scrolling user interfaces.

Unlike offset based pagination, which includes a page number in the query string of the URLs generated by the paginator, cursor based pagination places a "cursor" string in the query string. The cursor is an encoded string containing the location that the next paginated query should start paginating and the direction that it should paginate:

Once you have retrieved a cursor paginator instance, you may display the pagination results as you typically would when using the paginate and simplePaginate methods. For more information on the instance methods offered by the cursor paginator, please consult the cursor paginator instance method documentation.


Your query must contain an "order by" clause in order to take advantage of cursor pagination. In addition, the columns that the query are ordered by must belong to the table you are paginating.

To illustrate the differences between offset pagination and cursor pagination, let's examine some example SQL queries. Both of the following queries will both display the "second page" of results for a users table ordered by id:

In other words, the Paginator corresponds to the simplePaginate method on the query builder, the CursorPaginator corresponds to the cursorPaginate method, and the LengthAwarePaginator corresponds to the paginate method.

When calling the paginate method, you will receive an instance of Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator, while calling the simplePaginate method returns an instance of Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator. And, finally, calling the cursorPaginate method returns an instance of Illuminate\Pagination\CursorPaginator.

In my T-SQL code, I always use set based operations. I have been told these typesof SQL queries are what SQL Server relational database engine is designed to processand it should be quicker than serial processing. I know cursors exist, but I amnot sure how to use them. Can you provide some cursor examples? Can you give anyguidance on when to use cursors? I assume Microsoft included them in SQL Serverfor a reason so they must have a place where they can be used in an efficient manner.

In some circles, cursors are never used. In others, they are a last resort.And in other groups they are used regularly. In each of these camps, they have differentreasons for their stand on cursor usage in the DBMS. Regardless, they probably havea place in particular circumstances and not in others. It boils down to your understandingof the coding technique then your understanding of the problem at hand to make adecision on whether or not cursor-based processing is appropriate or not. To getstarted let's do the following:

A SQL Server cursor is a set of T-SQL logic to loop over a predetermined numberof rows one at a time. The purpose for the cursor may be to update one rowat a time or perform an administrative process such as SQL Server database backupsin a sequential manner. SQL Server cursors are used for Development, DBA andETL processes. There are many options and types of cursors, such as:

Creating a SQL Server cursor with Transact-SQL is a consistent process that canprocess data on a set of rows. Once you learn the steps you are easily able to duplicatethem with various sets of logic to loop through data. Let's walk through the steps:

Later, the cursors grew to be much more complicated. I believe it was Mr. David McGovern who said, "a committee never met a feature it didn't like" and he was correct. The ANSI/ISO standard version is much more elaborate Microsoft has.

The second thing I would note is that Microsoft allows you to write a cursor without utilizing any of the arguments. Unfortunately most queries would execute quicker if some of the arguments were used. If would suggest using the LOCAL argument if the scope of the cursor does not extend past the current stored procedure or trigger or batch. If would also suggest using the FORWARD_ONLY argument which will optimise the query if the cursor only fetches from the first to the last record. e24fc04721

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