The minimum number of fraction digits to use. Possible values are from 0 to 20; the default for plain number and percent formatting is 0; the default for currency formatting is the number of minor unit digits provided by the ISO 4217 currency code list (2 if the list doesn't provide that information).

The maximum number of fraction digits to use. Possible values are from 0 to 20; the default for plain number formatting is the larger of minimumFractionDigits and 3; the default for currency formatting is the larger of minimumFractionDigits and the number of minor unit digits provided by the ISO 4217 currency code list (2 if the list doesn't provide that information); the default for percent formatting is the larger of minimumFractionDigits and 0.

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Warning: Watch out for default values as they may affect formatting even if not specified in your code. The default maximum digit value is 3 for plain values, 2 for currency, and may have different values for other predefined types.

\n Warning: Watch out for default values as they may affect formatting even if not specified in your code.\n The default maximum digit value is 3 for plain values, 2 for currency, and may have different values for other predefined types.\n

Trying my web site on the browsers, several of them (FireFox, Safari, Opera) displayed the web site currency symbol on Euros, my website is dedicated to Mexican users, hence i need the Mexican Peso Currency Symbol ($). On FireFox and Opera, it wasn't much of a hassle, i just needed to change the regional setting from Spanish-Spain to Spanish-Mexico, no sweet there, but there's is no option to do this on Safari and Chrome.

If you want to change Google Chrome's language settings(which I believe will correct the currency sign issue) go to chrome://chrome/settings/ (its the settings link on my macbook pro) click on the link for advanced settings, and go to language settings, add the language you want, and drag it to the top of the stack making it the highest preference.

Just got a refurbished computer Windows 7 Professional 32bit. Installed Office 2003 and Firefox 41.0.2. One of my regular tasks is to copy rows of data from a web page and paste it into Excel. Some of the cells become merged but all appear as in the original web page EXCEPT for the last cell (also a merged cell). This cell contains a currency value. When pasted into Excel, it becomes text, and cannot be used for calculations. The cell in Excel is formatted as Currency, but after pasting, becomes Text.

After installation, you'll have a new button in the toolbar. The button will open a popup with the following items:

Toogle conversion on and off.

Open a quotes page that can be sorted by value and currency.

If conversion does not work, it probably means that there was no reply from Yahoo. Try to reload the browser (F5 button) and check the internet connection. Also, force a reload by switching "to currency" from settings tab, save, and reload the web pages.

You can convert to and from any existing currency code as defined by ISO 4217, including precious metals, if Yahoo provides a conversion quote for the currency.

There are currently 16 codes with no conversion quotes: BOV, CHE, CHW, COU, CUC, SSP, USN, UYI, XBA, XBB, XBC, XBD, XSU, XTS, XUA, XXX.


Date: 2015-11-07

Added an improved tooltip in the upper left corner that shows the conversion used for each element. It won't hide the original tooltip any more. It can be turned off and on in the settings.

Original price and original currency in brackets can now be hidden and shown separately in the settings.

Fix: some settings had been disabled.

Fix: an error with CHF and SEK conversion.

Fix: don't suppress original tooltips


Date: 2016-05-07

Added to find user's location an default currency.

Internal change: Using HTML 5 data instead of hidden input nodes to store original and converted data.


Date: 2017-06-17

Added possibility to force conversion of all numbers on a page from one currency to another, even if there is no currency unit present.

Now using currency format taken from the browser language settings (instead of setting it manually).

Exchange quote adjustment can now be set to any value, including decimals.

Currency names updated from ISO 4217 Amendment Number 163.

Fix: several prices in the same paragraph were sometimes not converted.

Fix: toggle off conversion would sometimes not work without reloading the page.

Fix: MGA conversion.

The Currency Conversion Extension is presented as a tool that enables users to convert currency within a new browser tab. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that this app engages in browser hijacking. Specifically, it alters browser settings such as the default search engine, new tab page, and homepage, changing them to, a well-known and legitimate search engine.

If you continue to have problems with removal of the currency conversion extension redirect, reset your Microsoft Edge browser settings. Click the Edge menu icon (at the top right corner of Microsoft Edge) and select Settings.

Within Maduro's party this has sparked a debate about the strange three-tiered currency system the country has adopted. Venezuela has different exchange rates for priority imports. The lowest rate is 6.3 bolivars to the dollar, but most Venezuelans are not getting that. They're getting the black-market rate, which has fallen 82% in the past year. Wages aren't keeping up with this either.

So some politicians have suggested reforming the system, but it's unclear exactly what that would do to the currency. Legislator Germn Ferrer said on Monday that creating only one exchange rate may "start solving some equilibrium."

Questions around the environmental footprint of Bitcoin have been linked to how various tokens are created. Bitcoin and Ethereum use a mechanism called proof-of-work to power their networks and mint new blocks of each currency. This calculation, by design, has become more complex over the years as the networks grew and gave birth to an industry of firms that run thousands of GPUs around the clock to participate in solving the puzzle.

Bitcoin mining consumes about 148 terawatt-hours of energy annually, the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance estimates. Many cryptocurrency proponents have, however, either disputed such findings or have made a case for why it is worth it.

The 'convert prices to US dollars' is the default but if it is unchecked, listings that were done on another site but that ship to the US will show on the main search page in the original currency. As far as I know, that's the only view currency option.

Create a PaymentIntent on your server with an amount and currency. Always decide how much to charge on the server side, a trusted environment, as opposed to the client. This prevents malicious customers from being able to choose their own prices.

To install the extension in development mode in a Chromium based browser (Chrome, Edge, Opera or Brave):Grab the latest chrome.zipUnpack it in a folder on your computerOpen the Extensions page ( chrome://extensions )Enable developer mode with the toggleClick "Load unpacked" and select the folder that you unpacked the contents of the .zip fileThe extension should now appear in your extensionsFor Firefox:Grab the latest firefox.zipUnpack it in a folder on your computerOpen the Extensions page ( about:addons )Click the Gear icon then "Debug Add-ons"The Temporary Extensions menu appears ( about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox )Click "Load Temporary Add-ons..." and select the folder where you unpacked the contents of the .zip fileThe extension should now appear in your extensions

I am unable to upload a photo onto my profile, which also means I am unable to complete my profile.. it is telling me it must be in a 'percentage' 'decimal' or 'currency' style. This makes no sense to me, can you advise me on what to do?

Every time I try to upload a picture I get this message? I don't even know what that means, the style must be decimal percent or currency? I have tried clearing the cache/cookies, refreshing the page, starting all over, and three different pictures that all meet the specifications

Is anybody using 'BUCKS: Currency Converter'? I just realised about an hour ago the currency converter is not working on my site. All the prices changes to 0 if I changed it to anything other than SGD (as seen in the image attached). If anybody had or is experiencing the same issue, what are the solutions to fix this. Thanks.

Thank you for reaching out to the Community! I'm happy to provide some guidance with currency conversion on the shop, to get this resolved. While I am unable to replicate the error, I recommend attempting some local troubleshooting steps to see if this resolves.

Please note that coupons have limitations. A fixed amount coupon of a certain currency can only be applied to a subscription in that currency. So if you add a $1USD coupon to a product that has Euro pricing this coupon will not work for customers paying in Euro. e24fc04721

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