But of course, far from everyone asked us. A seemingly large enough crowd has proceeded and done exactly what we would stress they should not: they deleted or replaced their C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe.

I do not know how to restore this to a state that Windows update is happy with. Presumably if you bring back curl.exe to the exact state from before it could work, but I do not know exactly what tricks people have tested and ruled out.

Curl.exe 8.3.0 Download

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I just want to emphasize that if you install and run Windows, your friendly provider is Microsoft. You need to contact Microsoft for support and help with Windows related issues. The curl.exe you have in System32 is only provided indirectly by the curl project and we cannot fix this problem for you. We in fact fixed the problem in the source code already back in December 2022.

It is too easy to accidentally download the wrong thing. If, on the curl homepage, you click the large and prominent "Download" section in the site header, and then the large and prominent curl-7.62.0.tar.gz link in its body, you will have downloaded a curl source package, which contains curl's source code but not curl.exe. Watch out for that.

If you want to use SSL you need a certificate bundle. Run either mk-ca-bundle.pl (perl) or mk-ca-bundle.vbs (VBScript). Some of the packages of binaries include one or both of them. If your download doesn't include one, download one here: I recommend mk-ca-bundle.vbs, as on windows you simply double click it to run it. It will produce a file called ca-bundle.crt. Rename it curl-ca-bundle.crt and save it in the directory with curl.exe.

If you look in the bin folder you'll see curl.exe. If you double-click it a window will quickly flash up and vanish. To run it you need to use the Command Prompt. Navigate to the bin folder and type curl followed by your parameters to make a request. You must use double-quotes. Single quotes won't work with curl on Windows.

I was looking for the download process of Curl and every where they said copy curl.exe file in System32 but they haven't provided the direct link. so here it is enjoy, find curl.exe easily in bin folder just

In another thread I have been told that probably my files curl.exe and/or powershell.exe are broken. I have checked and they seem to work fine. Also, I have tried in 5 different computers under Windows (laptops, desktops and a workstation) and in all cases I get the same error message, what would it be the probability that curl.exe and/or powershell.ese are broken in 5 out of 5 computers picked at random?

I was having a similar issue trying to properly install Plots.jl and I just solved it using a @giordano 's fork, so it seems that the problem is not with my curl.exe see:


The genuine curl.exe file is a software component of cURL by cURL.

cURL is a command line tool and library for transferring data with URLs. Curl.exe is the main executable for running cURL. This is not an essential process for Windows and can be disabled if known to create problems. cURL is a free, open-source application used in command lines and scripts to carry data over various protocols. The program has found wide use in numerous devices such as printers, routers, audio equipment, cars, televisions, mobile phones, tablets, and thousands of software applications. cURL supports the FTP, FTPS, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, Telnet, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS, IMAP, POP3, SMTP and RTSP protocols. cURL was originally released in 1997 by Daniel Stenberg. The program was written in C and was designed to be a cross platform project which it remains as today. It's current development is contributed to by thousands of individuals worldwide.

The .exe extension on a filename indicates an executable file. Executable files may, in some cases, harm your computer. Therefore, please read below to decide for yourself whether the curl.exe on your computer is a Trojan that you should remove, or whether it is a file belonging to the Windows operating system or to a trusted application.

Important: Some malware camouflages itself as curl.exe, particularly when located in the C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32 folder. Therefore, you should check the curl.exe process on your PC to see if it is a threat. We recommend Security Task Manager for verifying your computer's security. This was one of the Top Download Picks of The Washington Post and PC World.

Summary: Average user rating of curl.exe: based on 41 votes with 33 user comments.16 users think curl.exe is essential for Windows or an installed application.12 users think it's probably harmless.9 users think it's neither essential nor dangerous.One user suspects danger.3 users think curl.exe is dangerous and recommend removing it.5 users don't grade curl.exe ("not sure about it").

To help you analyze the curl.exe process on your computer, the following programs have proven to be helpful: ASecurity Task Manager displays all running Windows tasks, including embedded hidden processes, such as keyboard and browser monitoring or Autostart entries. A unique security risk rating indicates the likelihood of the process being potential spyware, malware or a Trojan. BMalwarebytes Anti-Malware detects and removes sleeping spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, malware and trackers from your hard drive.

The issue is resolved with April, 11th round of updates for all supported operating systems. (e.g., KB5025229 for Windows Server 2019, KB5025230 for Windows Server 2022.)The inbox version of curl.exe (located at %WinDir%\System32\curl.exe) has been updated to version 8.0.1 which addresses CVE-2022-43552. Note that if some other software installed curl.exe to another location, it needs to be updated separately.

If tools like bitsadmin.exe are well-known to be (ab)used by malware samples[1], today, less attention is given to command-llne browsers like curl.exe or wget.exe. Those tools are powerfull (see my diary about many curl features[2]) and, in my opinion, deserve to be kept under your hunting rules.

If curl.exe is available as a standard tool in latest Windows operating systems, don't forget that tools can be installed via 3rd party applications or packages. I searched across many Windows devices and found alternatives:

The leading & is required because the path to the program is a quoted string. I had to specify the path because I don't have a curl.exe in my Windows PATH. However, I could just escape the space in "Program Files":

Note that you do have to provide the path to a curl executable, or at least specify curl.exe; curl by itself is a Powershell alias for the Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet, which can do most of what the cURL program can do but has very different argument syntax.

If I manually move \windows\system32\curl.exe to \ before I run the script, (which such manual work defeats the whole idea of using the SMA), and make corresponding changes to the script, the script works. But this script simply won't find/run "C:\Windows\System32\curl.exe".

I at first thought the "Local System" account might be restricted from running .exe's in "\windows\system32", but I also tried changing the "run as" from "Local System" to another admin account, with the same behavior.

As another test, I altered the script to use "\windows\system32\xcopy.exe" to copy "\windows\system32\xcopy.exe" to "\", and that works, but using "\windows\system32\xcopy.exe" to copy "\windows\system32\curl.exe" results in "file not found". I've compared the properties/permissions on the two files, and they seem to be identical.

Anyone have an explanation/fix?



PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cp C:\Users\jcstraff\Downloads\curl.exe .\ PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cp C:\Users\jcstraff\Downloads\curl.exe c:\ PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cp C:\Users\jcstraff\Downloads\curl.exe 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__B ESData\CustomSite_ITSO\__Download' PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> .\curl.exe -s PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd c:\ PS C:\> .\curl.exe -s PS C:\> cd C:\Users\jcstraff\Downloads\ PS C:\Users\jcstraff\Downloads> .\curl.exe -s PS C:\Users\jcstraff\Downloads> cd 'C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_ITSO\__Down load\' PS C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_ITSO\__Download> .\curl.exe -s ify.org PS C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client\__BESData\CustomSite_ITSO\__Download>

You're a steely eyed missile man Gungnir :) That kept the data usable as a ZPL. The final part would be to have each of the newly created files get piped into curl.exe. Where would be ideal to do the piping so that it only sends the files that were just created from the splitting and nothing else?

Installing / Usage:

Extract curl.exe and ca-bundle.crt into the same folder and then use as per the curl documentation.

All nice and simple as these have been built to avoid external dependencies (especially when installing it).

The following table contains possible examples of curl.exe being misused. While curl.exe is not inherently malicious, its legitimate functionality can be abused for malicious purposes.

Hi, I am trying to push files in a given directory, passed as a parameter, recursively. The file need to be base64 encoded and the destination accepts the file in a specific SOAP request. When I print the file into a notepad, it looks good but thru CURL.exe run through curl command, the response I am getting is ... Malformed content (from client), which means the request is not well-formed. I believe there is something I am missing here. Please see the code below and suggest your comments for making it to work, please.use strict;use File::Find;use MIME::Base64;sub loadFiles(); #udfsub mySub(); #udfmy @files = ();my $dir = shift || die "Argument missing: directory name\n"; my $finalLoc;my $filePath;my $fileContents;my $base64EncFile;my $domain="TEST";my $devFilePath;my $deviceDir;my $position;my $user="USER";my $encPwd="VVNFUjEyMw==";my $decPwd;loadFiles(); #callforeach (@files) { $filePath = $_; #replace / to \ in the directory path $filePath =~ s/\//\\/g; $devFilePath = $_; # replace \ to / when setting a file path into the target location $devFilePath=~ s/\\/\//g; $position = index($devFilePath, "RPDM"); #take a substring after the RPDM location and add that to the stri+ng below $deviceDir = "local:///".substr($devFilePath, $position); #open a file using FILE handle open( FILE, "< $filePath" ); # take all file contents into a variable $fileContents = do { local $/; }; #base-64 encode the file contents and store into a variable $base64EncFile = encode_base64($fileContents); #flatten the string by removing characters $base64EncFile =~ s/[\x0A\x0D]//g; #save the web service request into a variable my $dpString = "".$base64EncFile.""; #decode the above encoded password $decPwd=decode_base64($encPwd); #make a curl command to submit the web-service request at the dest+ination end-point system('C:\\apps\\curl-7.15.0\\curl.exe -# -k -u admin:$decPwd --d+ata-binary $dpString :1234/services/endPoint'); close(FILE);}sub loadFiles() { find( \&mySub, "$dir" ); #custom subroutine find, parse $dir}# following gets called recursively for each file in $dir, check $_ to+ see if you want the file!sub mySub() { push @files, $File::Find::name if (/(\.xml|\.xsl|\.xslt|\.ffd|\.dpa|\.wsdl|\.xsd)$/i) ; # modify the regex as per your needs or pass it as another +arg}[download]Appreciate the help. Thank you.Comment on Using Windows Curl.exe in PerlDownload Code e24fc04721

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