Dropbox makes it easy to programmatically download a single file via curl (EX: curl -O ). It is a little bit trickier for a folder (regular directory folder, not zipped). The shared link for a folder, as opposed to a file, does not link directly to the zipped folder (Dropbox automatically zips the folder before it is downloaded). It would appear that you could just add ?dl=1 to the end of the link, as this will directly start the download in a browser. This, however, points to an intermediary html document that redirects to the actual zip folder and does not seem to work with curl. Is there anyway to use curl to download a folder via a shared link? I realize that the best solution would be to use the Dropbox api, but for this project it is important to keep it as simple as possible. Additionally, the solution must be incorporated into a bash shell script.

It does appear to be possible with curl by using the -L option. This forces curl to follow the redirect. Additionally, it is important to specify an output name with a .zip extension, as the default will be a random alpha-numeric name with no extension. Finally, do not forget to add the ?dl=1 to the end of the link. Without it, curl will never reach the redirect page.

Curl Download Folder

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I have created a little php application which upload a file by using curl to make a webdav call using PUT method. That's working great.

However, I can't manage to use API to create a folder (the idea is to create a folder from php and then upload the file on this new folder).

I have read that I should use OCP instead of OCS or webdav. Also I think I have found the documentation of the function that I have to all: _newFolder but I haven't found any example on how can I make this call from php.

I am trying to create a folder using owncloud API in java. I get "pkix path building failed sun.security.provider.certpath.suncertpathbuilderexception" because I guess org.apache.commons httpClient cannot trust this server. I tried to solve this by registering self signed certificate to CloseableHttpClient. But I guess CloseableHttpClient does not support jackrabbit MKCOL. Any suggestions on how I can solve this?

I'm trying to get curl, using a script, to download a file and save it to a certain directory. I got it to download but I dont know how to get it to a certain directory from a script. It usually just saves it to the current working directory.

Soooo.... this has been driving me nuts for the past day or two. I am sure I am missing something obvious, but I have no other paths forward. So here goes. I have created an app with access to an APP FOLDER. I uploaded a few test files to the folder via GUI. I can list the folder contents via curl using the token I created. When I try to get a file, using the file id from the list_folder endpoint, I get a not found error. Code bellow. Please help!!!

- after changing some folder settings SOMETIMES link appears to work properly and i can download folder in ZIP, but for now it looks like some **bleep** magic and i can't understand what i should do to make it happens all time.

To be able to run curl, it is necessary to go to the program directory and from there run the commands. If we want to avoid this, it is necessary to edit the environment variables. In addition, add a new variable to the PATH environment. If you want to know how to do it, please see here. In this case, I only show you that the path you have to add is C:\curl

"curl -LOk" makes it using insecure protocols (-k), disabling SSL certificate checks (which fail because of the incorrect path not matching the certificate), and create the output file using the filename (-O) proposed from the remote server (also insecure).In my opinion, the server should better be configured create local redirecting aliases where needed, to avoid having to pass this non conforming part of the URL. But the redirection is made using an HTTP redirect only (HTTP error 30x), which causes problems to curl that does not follow (by default) this (unsecure) redirection, and option (-k) disables this security check.So instead of using HTTP redirects (moved permanently), please add some internal link on the filesystem of the server. If this is needed because the URL is in fact hosted on another physical server with no direct access between their filesystems, you should use another DNS name for this host, so that clients will query the correct one directly, without any redirect.Then fix your web pages (you may use your webserver logs to see where HTTP 30x redirects are returned and which webpages may need to be checked and updated).Forcing clients to use unsecure/unchecked protocols is not a good option.

I found my mistake. I had a daily task for refreshing the media library at midnight. At the same time, a script deleted all pictures in the specific folder and copied new pictures in it. It seems to be that it comes to an overlapping with those events. So the folder got a new parentID. After disabling the daily refreshing, it works and the parentID remains.

curl can only read single web pages files, the bunch of lines you got is actually the directory index (which you also see in your browser if you go to that URL). To use curl and some Unix tools magic to get the files you could use something like

We will start with the authentication in order to obtain our access token. We need to make sure we set the right scopes since we will be creating folders, accessing user information and creating data. More about Scopes here. Our token will need the data:write data:create for creating our folder and account:read to obtain the user information from BIM360 API.

Since we are using a 2 legged token, in order to create a folder the command asks for the x-user-id header. We can obtain this by making a call to the GET Users endpoint on the BIM360 API. Here is how the call look.

After getting the list of Projects and the UID successfully, now we can get the list of Folders inside of our BIM 360 Docs Project and specify the location for creating our new folder, we are not allow to create or upload at the root level folder, that is why we need to choose a folder.

If you have a subfolder you will like to to the upload, you can repeat the step above by exploring the content of the folder where you have the subfolder by replacing the Folder ID with the location where it is.

Now that we have the value of our folder, in this case we will create folders inside of the "Project Files" folder. We will use now the Data Management Command "Create Folder" if you want to learn more about this command go here.

Hi, I am trying to create a folder on Alfresco 6.2 using cURL and POST: everything works normally, except if the folder that I am trying to create contains some special characters (e.g.    ) in the name: these characters are not correctly interpreted and the folder is created with wrong name:

I found out that either server or curl is not working properly. Only way for you to get it working is to prepare form data yourself in the file and send it with curl. We have it working in our implementation (not curl), because we are sending charset with each field:

Due to standard user permissions, after the installer finishes, you must manually create a symlink file in your $PATH that points to the aws and aws_completer programs by using the following commands at the command prompt. If your $PATH includes a folder you can write to, you can run the following command without sudo if you specify that folder as the target's path. If you don't have a writable folder in your $PATH, you must use sudo in the commands to get permissions to write to the specified target folder. The default location for a symlink is /usr/local/bin/.

Run the standard macOS installer program, specifying the downloaded .pkg file as the source. Use the -pkg parameter to specify the name of the package to install, and the -target / parameter for which drive to install the package to. The files are installed to /usr/local/aws-cli, and a symlink is automatically created in /usr/local/bin. You must include sudo on the command to grant write permissions to those folders.

To specify which folder the AWS CLI is installed to, you must create an XML file with any file name. This file is an XML-formatted file that looks like the following example. Leave all values as shown, except you must replace the path /Users/myusername in line 9 with the path to the folder you want the AWS CLI installed to. The folder must already exist, or the command fails. The following XML example, named choices.xml, specifies the installer to install the AWS CLI in the folder /Users/myusername, where it creates a folder named aws-cli.

Download the pkg installer using the curl command. The -o option specifies the file name that the downloaded package is written to. In this example, the file is written to AWSCLIV2.pkg in the current folder.

Because standard user permissions typically don't allow writing to folders in your $PATH, the installer in this mode doesn't try to add the symlinks to the aws and aws_completer programs. For the AWS CLI to run correctly, you must manually create the symlinks after the installer finishes. If your $PATH includes a folder you can write to and you specify the folder as the target's path, you can run the following command without sudo. If you don't have a writable folder in your $PATH, you must use sudo for permissions to write to the specified target folder. The default location for a symlink is /usr/local/bin/. Replace folder/installed with the path to your AWS CLI installation.

Now to test the library I create a simple console application (similar to but with a valid address).

Add the include folder of the curl library to my header search paths (to find ).

Add the lib folder of the curl library to my library search paths (to find libcurl.dll).

Add CURL_STATICLIB to my pre-processor definitions.

Curl is a command line tool for doing all sorts of URL manipulations and transfers, but this particular post will focus on how to use curl for managing (read/ delete/ rename/ upload) files on Webdav Server. While the second part of the post will cover implementation of Two Factor Authentication for the same. I'll assume that you know how to execute 'curl' command using terminal and invoke 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' to get basic information about it. e24fc04721

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