Cure to Insomnia | Treat Sleep Apnea

Sleep Disorder Treatment

How to Win Your War against Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Inside this post you will discover the topics about insomnia, a small step that can cure your insomnia, to cure insomnia only sleep in bed, count sheep to cure insomnia, avoid spirits to cure insomnia, your bed could be keeping you awake, an alternative approach for a overcoming a sleep disorder, children with the sleep disorder of sleepwalking. Illnesses that can cause a sleep disorder and so much more!

What is Insomnia?

When you think of insomnia you're thinking of someone who can't sleep for a reasonable

amount of time. A typical complaint from an insomniac is not being able to close their eyes or

rest their mind for over a few minutes at a time. There are many reasons for this ranging from

anxiety to bipolar disorder. Yet sometimes there's no real causes and can just happen for any

given reason, but too much activity and physical pain can be causes for someone not to be

sleeping at night.

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Finding the underlying causes is key to finding a cure for this problem. It's also been found that

not eating has contributed to someone not sleeping. There are 3 types of insomnia and they are

transient insomnia which lasts anywhere from a single night to several weeks, acute insomnia is

the inability to sleep well for a single period of 3 weeks to up to 6 months, and chronic is

deemed the most serious where it's happening nightly for at least a month or longer.

There are options to treat insomnia the most common is medicinal since there's commercials on

for Ambien, Ambien CR (Controlled Release) , Rozerem, and Lunesta prescribed for people

dealing with sleeping disorders.

It seems in this day and age that sleeping disorders are becoming more common and prevalent

because with the new line of sleeping pills coming out explains clearly shows that there is an

increase of sleeping disorders of many variations. Some of the medications out there that's

used in treatment of insomnia have proven that it was effective in helping insomniacs wake and

sleep at the right time, but it lacks the data information to prove the theory as truth and factual.

Lunesta and Ambien are noted to having a high psychological dependence than the older

brands of sleeping pills and now cognitive behavior therapy is one of the many options widely

used in someone dealing with insomnia and using the medication Rozerem because of the like

hood of getting hooked to the drug is reduced and is widely prescribed for people who have a

history of overusing their medications.

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Some insomniacs have used herbs like chamomile when drunk in tea and lavender for

aromatherapy as a means to relax. Insomnia can also result in a deficiency of magnesium and

getting the right amount has proven to improve the quality of a person's sleeping patterns.

Pomegranates are also good for insomniacs since there's a nutrient in the fruit key for

everything from immunity to cardiovascular health and are good for improving sleep. Insomniacs

are also advised to eliminate a lot of the stress and tension in their lives because this is a

triggering problem in the everyday life on an insomniac. Chinese medicine has also been

introduced into helping those with sleeping disorders and other issues surrounding that.

According to statistics taken from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services it's

estimated that 60 million Americans suffer from some type of insomnia and is noted to increase

with age. 40% of women and 30% of men suffer from this.

Women tend to deal with this more because of increased level of responsibilities in their lives

since more and more households in the United States are becoming single run homes and 75%

of women are the heads of them which makes them the sole bread winners and taking on the

role of mother and father which makes their lives increasingly difficult when they don't have a

partner or spouse to give them the support they need.

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A Small Step That Can Cure Your Insomnia

When you are in bed and looking at your clock slowly tick the moments away, you can become

very frustrated and discouraged. Insomnia is something that no one wants to suffer from.

Millions of people do suffer from it every night and there are some simple solutions that you can

try that just may cure you of that insomnia almost effortlessly.

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When you have insomnia, it's almost as if realizing how much time you have wasted lying in bed

watching the clock has made it even harder to fall asleep. You become nervous knowing that

instead of a full eight hours of rest the best you can get now is perhaps five or six.

This is not the way anyone wants to spend a night. Staring at your clock won't help you fall

asleep. The numbers are simply a distraction that a person falling asleep does not need.

The best thing you can do is move your clock so it is out of your direct sight line. If you do this

you won't be as tempted to continuously stare at it. The added pressure of how much sleep you

have already lost will be removed and you will be much more likely to simply drift off to sleep.

If this cure for insomnia is difficult for you because you like to know what time it is when you

wake up, an alternative is to have a watch near the bed. If we have to turn on a light to view the

time, we are much less likely to do that while trying to fall asleep. In the morning however, when

you know it is nearing time to get up, using the light to check the watch has no bearing on your

sleep since you've already gotten your full night's rest.

To Cure Insomnia Only Sleep In Bed

Our beds are such a place of welcoming comfort. Many people like to sit in bed and eat dinner

while watching television or study for a test while nestled under the covers.

Although these scenarios bring up visions of cozy comfort, they are not visions that someone

who suffers from insomnia should be having. One of the causes of insomnia can be what you

are doing in your bed.

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If you are a person who spends more time in bed than just when you sleep, you may be setting

yourself up for an insomnia problem. Our beds become associated with certain things and if

those things involve us being stimulated, when it comes to sleeping our beds, that might be

difficult to do.

Many people enjoy sitting in bed and watching television late at night. As they are under the

covers, all dressed in their nightclothes, they are stimulating their minds with the program they

are watching. When it comes time to turn the television and the lights off, sleep might not come

easy. There mind is still associating what they saw on television with their bed.

For people who do occasionally suffer from insomnia, making an effort to save their time in bed

for only sleep or intimacy with their partner might be what they need to do. Our bodies natural

want to be in bed to sleep and if that's all that we are doing there, it becomes a trigger. Once we

are in bed, the desire to sleep sets in and we drift off.

If instead we've been eating, watching television, studying or reading there, those associations

may take over and the need to sleep takes a back seat. Save your bed for what it is designed

for and you'll find that insomnia won't have a place there either.

Count Sheep To Cure Insomnia

It's almost become a joke that counting sheep will help a person sleep. It seems silly to envision

a herd of sheep, each one passing by or jumping over a small fence. We silently count them in

our minds and before long we're fast asleep.

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Although it does sound and seem foolish, counting sheep can actually be a very natural cure for

insomnia. The reason isn't behind the fact that we particularly care about how many sheep we

have in our imaginations, it's because of the rhythmic nature of the counting.

When a person is struggling to fall asleep often that is because their mind is moving in several

different directions all at the same time. They might be thinking about work, where the children

need to be for practice tomorrow, when the dentist's appointment is and with all of that going on,

the mind cannot calm down enough to allow the body to fall asleep. Instead insomnia sets in

and instead of the person's mind growing peaceful, it becomes more active.

The idea that counting sheep works stems from the fact that if we concentrate on one thing our

mind and body will naturally relax. If you envision sheep and start counting them, the rhythm of

that can help lull you to sleep.

For people who say it works, they usually cannot recall how many sheep they silently counted

before falling asleep. That's because it worked and it worked quickly.

The practice is certainly worth a try for those people who do suffer from the occasional bout of

insomnia. It doesn't need to be sheep. If you're fonder of dogs, cats or birds make them your

counting partner and before long your insomnia won't measure into your sleep equation at all

because it will be invisible.

Avoid Spirits To Cure Insomnia

After a rather fun Christmas or birthday party in which you've partaken in a few cocktails, you

might find it difficult to fall asleep. Even though the alcohol has made you a bit tipsy and

consequently a little tired, you toss and turn in bed, sleep eluding you.

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The reason behind this type of insomnia is that when we consume alcohol in the hours before

bed we may be setting ourselves up for a horrible night's sleep. The alcohol works as a

stimulant and regardless of how tight we close or eyes or how deeply we long for sleep, it

doesn't happen.

The cure might not be in cutting out the alcohol completely. It might however be in the type of

alcohol and also in when and how much you're drinking.

If you've tied one on right before you need to go to bed, the alcohol might still be strongly in your

system. It's still keeping you awake by stimulating you. If you do fall asleep, often what happens

is that you don't sleep soundly. The effects of the alcohol won't allow your body to drift into deep

sleep, so the result might be that you sleep fitfully, turning and tossing or waking frequently. You

wake in the morning feeling exhausted.

The way to avoid alcohol induced insomnia is to either not drink in the evening or choose a drink

that works to relax you instead of stimulate you. For some people that might be red or white

wine. A glass of wine with dinner is said to relax the body and aid in sleep.

If you do think that alcohol might be playing a part in your insomnia, keep track of what and

when you consume. Once you have that information you can adjust what you are drinking so

that you are able to get the best sleep you can, free from insomnia.

Your Bed Could Be Keeping You Awake

Retiring to bed each night is one of the best parts of the day. After dealing with other people for

hours and exerting not only our bodies but our minds, finding solace beneath the sheets offers

comfort. When that solace doesn't come and we're instead fighting against insomnia, our bed

becomes a much less comfortable environment.

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There are many natural approaches to curing insomnia. Some involve exercise, others taking an

herbal remedy or drinking a warm cup of specially brewed herbal tea. Another less obvious

remedy might be in our own beds.

Trying to sleep in an uncomfortable bed can lead to insomnia. Beds wear out and if yours is

getting old it might not be providing the support that you need. Naturally we become used to the

feeling of our beds and we don't always recognize if it's losing firmness.

It's important to also note the condition of the pillows that you are using. If they have seen better

days, they might be contributing to your inability to sleep. Your head and neck might not be in a

comfortable position and as you toss and turn to find a spot to drift of in, you are wasting

moments that are better used sleeping.

If you do find that you are waking up feeling tired, examine your bed. Check to see if it's sagging

and if any of the springs are poking through. Also if your pillows aren't plump it might be wise to

invest in one or two new ones.

Simple steps like this are a great way to get a better night's sleep. We all want to do things in as

natural a way as possible including treating insomnia. If you are able to do that simply by

updating your bed, you've invested in years of better sleep.

A Sleep Disorder That Affects The Legs - Restless Sleep Syndrome

Restless leg syndrome, known as RLS, is a sleep disorder that afflicts more than 15 percent of


It affects more women than men and the incidence of restless leg syndrome increases with age.

Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, arthritis and varicose veins, also increase the risk

of developing restless leg syndrome.

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This sleep disorder is characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the lower legs, knees

and occasionally the arms. Sometimes painful sensations accompany the urge to move. People

that suffer from this sleep disorder describe the feelings and sensations in different ways. Many

describe a tingling, itching or pulling sensation. Still others say it feels prickly or burns. Some

feel as if they have worms crawling under their skin.

The sensations which are typical of this sleep disorder can occur anytime during the day or


Restless leg syndrome occurring at night has a devastating effect on sleep. The symptoms can

cause the sufferer to get in and out of bed repeatedly which can delay or disrupt sleep. Since

sleep in repeatedly interrupted, extreme daytime sleepiness is common.

The combination of always feeling tired and the symptoms themselves can cause a person with

restless leg syndrome to alter their lifestyle. Long trips, movies, concerts and eating in

restaurants are some of the activities they usually avoid. Attending a long meeting at work can

become very painful and uncomfortable. People that have this sleep disorder often suffer from


Researchers believe that restless leg syndrome may be caused by malfunctions of the

pathways in the brain that controls movement reflexes and sensations. Often this sleep disorder

has a genetic base.

Restless leg syndrome cannot be diagnosed by one single test. Often standard neurological

examinations show no signs of an abnormality. In many cases, a doctor makes the diagnosis of

restless leg syndrome based on the description of the symptoms. They also take into account

family history, and the results of a routine medical examination and blood tests.

Many times the treatment for restless leg syndrome is aimed at controlling the debilitating

sensations that accompany this sleep disorder. Often iron supplements are prescribed because

severe anemia has been linked to this disorder. Relaxation techniques, diet changes and the

elimination of caffeine and alcohol help some sufferers of restless leg syndrome.

In most cases, this sleep disorder is treated with drugs. These drugs could include dopamine

agents, benzodiazepines, opioids or anticonvulsants. Medications do not cure restless leg

syndrome, but they manage the symptoms. People that suffer from this sleep disorder usually

have to stay on their medications for the rest of their lives.

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Another sleep disorder similar to restless leg syndrome is periodic limb movement disorder

known as PLMD. There are two main differences between restless leg syndrome and periodic

limb movement disorder. Restless leg syndrome occurs when the sufferer is awake or asleep;

periodic limb movement disorder only occurs when the sufferer is asleep. Restless leg

syndrome movements are voluntary responses to very unpleasant sensations; the movements

of periodic limb movement disorder are involuntary and are not consciously controlled. Both of

these sleep disorders can be effectively controlled with medical treatment.

An Alternative Approach For Overcoming A Sleep Disorder

Having a sleep disorder can be very disruptive to everyday life. Sleep deprived people are

usually excessively tired and sleepy. They tend to become irritable and very emotional. At times

they become a danger, not only to themselves, but also to those around them.

Some people use alternative, natural ways to lessen the effects of their sleep disorder. Many

people focus on diet and nutrition, while others use herbs and supplements. Still others believe

in the positive effect of exercise, relaxation and sensory techniques, meditation or behavioral

and cognitive strategies. Often people use a combination of these approaches to help alleviate

the symptoms of their sleep disorder.

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A healthy diet is essential for optimal energy and a restful sleep. Avoiding certain foods is as

important as including others in your daily diet. Eating a wide variety of foods and drinking

plenty of water will keep your body well- balanced and provide a more stable energy level.

Avoiding food that is grown, treated or processed with chemicals, and limiting the amount of

sugar and caffeine will also help your overall physical condition. Many foods promote a restful

sleep and are helpful in relieving some of the symptoms of certain sleep disorders. Eating the

proper snack before bedtime can increase natural serotonin levels. Serotonin acts as a natural

sedative and is made in the body from the amino acid tryptophan. Foods that a re rich in

tryptophan include chicken, turkey, cheese, cottage cheese, fish, milk, nuts, avocados and


Many people use herbs and natural supplements as an alternative approach to treating their

sleep disorder. There are many nutritional supplements and herbal products on the market. It is

important to know how a specific product acts on the body as well as on the specific sleep

disorder.. For example many people with restless leg syndrome have an iron or folic acid

deficiency. Taking an iron supplement may alleviate some of the symptoms of RLS. Many herbs

are well known for promoting a natural sleep. A clamming tea of chamomile or lemon balm can

be very relaxing to many people that suffer from a sleep disorder.

Exercise and relaxation techniques, whether used alone or together, can reduce stress and

muscle tension. Many people that use these techniques to lessen the symptoms of a sleep

disorder do these before going to bed. They not only ease physical tension but they calm the

mind and prepare the body to sleep. These techniques include mindful exercise, progressive

muscle relaxation, breathing exercises and yoga.

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Meditation and visualization are also used by some sufferers of sleep disorders to calm the

body before sleep. Two common forms of mediation are meditation on the breath and mantra

meditation. Both of these types can have a positive effect on relieving stress and calming the

body. Many people focus their energy on a healing visualization as a method of alternative

therapy for their sleep disorder.

Sensory techniques that people use to lessen the symptoms of their sleep disorder are

hydrotherapy, and aroma therapy. The two main techniques included in hydrotherapy, which

means water therapy, are relaxing in an Epsom salt bath and a lymph stimulating footbath.

Aroma therapy includes the use of therapeutic essential oils in baths, massage oils, room

sprays, and simple inhalants.

Alternative behavioral and cognitive strategies used to combat the symptoms of a sleep disorder

include improving a person's sleep hygiene, stimulus control therapy and journal writing.

Alternative practices and techniques can help many types of sleep disorders. Often they are

used in conjunction with traditional medication and practices.

Children With The Sleep Disorder Of Sleepwalking

The sleep disorder of sleepwalking, also known as somnambulism, affects approximately 14%

of school-age children between five and twelve years old at least once. Approximately one

quarter of the children with this sleep disorder have more frequent episodes. Sleepwalking is

more common in boys then it is in girls. Most children that sleepwalk outgrow the symptoms of

this sleep disorder by adolescence as their nervous systems develop.

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In children this sleep disorder is thought to be the result of the immaturity of the brain's sleep /

wake cycle. Normally the entire brain wakes up at the same time. However, in the case of a

sleepwalker, the entire brain does not wake up together. The portion that is responsible for

mobility wakes up while the portion responsible for cognition and awareness stays asleep. The

child is actually in a deep state of sleep.

With this sleep disorder the brain remains partially asleep but the body is able to move. It is

common for the sleepwalker to get out of bed and walk around. Sometimes they get dressed or

go outside. Even though the sleepwalker's eyes are open and they see what they are doing,

their expression remains blank. They do not respond to conversation or their name being called.

A sleepwalker's movements usually appear clumsy. It is not uncommon for them to trip over

furniture or knock over things as they move around. A sleepwalking episode usually happens

one to two hours after the child goes to sleep. Most of these episodes last for fifteen minutes or

less, but some can last for an hour or more.

This sleep disorder in children is usually outgrown and treatment is not generally necessary. In

most cases, a parent gently guiding the child back to bed is all that is needed. There is not any

need to wake the child.

However, there is about 1% of the population that sleepwalk as adults. Adults that have this

sleep disorder did not necessarily have it as a child. In adults a sleepwalking episode can be

triggered by stress, anxiety, sleep fragmentation, sleep deprivation, or certain medical

conditions such as epilepsy.

Treatment for adults with this sleep disorder is often dependent upon the amount of danger they

are in during an episode. For example, a sleepwalker who opens doors and goes outside onto a

busy city street is in danger. A sleepwalker that gets up and goes into the living room and sits

down on a chair most likely is not in danger. Treatments can include behavioral therapies, self

hypnosis, or prescription medication.

A sleepwalker, whether adult or child, needs to have a safe area so that they do not get hurt

during an episode. Precautions can be taken to eliminate some dangers. Parents should make

sure the child's bedroom does not have any sharp or breakable objects. Doors should be locked

at night to keep the sleepwalker from going outside. Sometimes it is necessary to put bells on

doors to alert the sleeping parent that their child is sleepwalking. Large glass windows and

doors should be covered with heavy drapery to lessen the chance of having the sleepwalker

walk through it while it is closed.

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A child with the sleep disorder of somnambulism needs to be protected and kept safe during an

episode. It is the environment they are in that is the danger more then the sleep disorder itself.

Hypersomnia (Oversleeping)

Most people don't realize they oversleep when they have a condition called hypersomnia and

that's due in part to recurring episodes of excessive daytime sleeping and prolonged nighttime

sleep. This is different from the average person taking that midday nap when they do it at

sometimes the most inappropriate times like at work, during meals, or even in conversation with


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Hypersomniacs are also diagnosed with narcolepsy, which can be quite dangerous because

some individuals are behind the wheel of cars or even cooking in their home and aren't aware

that they fell asleep. Some hypersomniacs and narcoleptics can fall asleep and then wake up

and resume where they left off in conversations with people. Usually daytime naps usually

provide no relief or symptoms to the problem(s) and will result in the individual(s) having

increased difficulty in waking from a long extended period of sleeping, disorientation, anxiety,

decreased energy, increased fatigue, restlessness, slow thinking, slow speech, loss of appetite,

hallucinations, and problems with memory functions.

Some individuals also experience losing the ability to function in normal family, social,

occupational, and other settings familiar to that person.

Hypersomnia can be triggered by sleep apnea or narcolepsy, where it can lead to dysfunction of

the autonomic nerve system, which can be brought on, by acute alcohol and/or drug abuse. In

some cases rare or not it can also be triggered from physical problems such as tumors, head

trauma or injuries to the nervous system. Specific medications or withdrawal of medications

and/or drugs may contribute to someone having hypersomnia. Medical conditions such as

multiple sclerosis, depression, encephalitis, epilepsy, and obesity can contribute to hypersomnia

as well.

It's also been noted that those who have hypersomnia are also genetically dispositioned to this

problem whereas in others there's no known or documented cause. Hypersomnia typically

affects adolescents and young adults in their 20s and 30s. Although the most common causes

of this disorder differs in the age brackets. Information can be located on the National Institute of

Neurological Disorders and Strokes website if you're seeking a more thorough clinical

explanation to this problem. This isn't a substitute for medical advice from a licensed physician

so it's ideal to educate yourself, but leave the diagnosing and treatment to a doctor so that you

condition can be monitored closely.

People who are not seeing a doctor when they identify problems that are not normal for them to

experience are misdiagnosing too many issues with sleep. Persons who are severely obese can

also have a difficult time losing the weight because of the fact that lack of sleep can increase the

body's metabolic rate, which can trigger excessive hunger in those who are trying to lose


This is why so many people who are obese are eating more than they should because a lot of

them sleep so much that they wake up wanting to eat when they should be sleeping like normal

people do and not up at all hours of the night wanting to eat. This is why it's harder for people

who are obese to lose weight when they sleep too much and not training their body to rest

instead of wanting to eat food.

Illnesses That Can Cause A Sleep Disorder

Many times a sleep disorder can be caused from an illness or from the medications used to

treat an illness. Some of the common health conditions that can cause a sleeping problem are

cardiovascular disease, endocrine disorders, neurological disorders, respiratory disease, mental

illness, gastroesophageal reflux disease, kidney disease, and arthritis.

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Cardiovascular disease includes congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease. These

are the two most common heart problems that affect sleep and can cause a sleep disorder.

Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart can no longer pump enough blood of the body's

needs. Blood backs up in the veins of the heart which lead to the kidneys and edema eventually

damages the lungs and other organs. People suffering from congestive heart failure have a very

high risk of developing the sleep disorder of obstructive sleep apnea. Coronary heart disease is

the build up of fatty deposits in the arteries that supply blood to the heart, called atherosclerosis.

This condition also can lead to obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleep disorders can occur from endocrine disorders such as diabetes and thyroid disease.

Diabetes is a disease that affects the way the body processes and uses carbohydrates, fats and

proteins. People that have uncontrolled diabetes often develop the sleep disorder of restless leg

syndrome. Thyroid hormones regulate the body's energy levels. Hyperthyroidism can make it

difficult to fall asleep, and cause night sweats the person to wake.

Neurological disorders include Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy, and strokes.

Parkinson's disease is a central nervous system disorder. This disease causes problems with

body motion, including tremors, unstable posture, slowed body movements, muscle stiffness,

and difficulty walking. Sleep disorders that occur with this disease include REM sleep behavior

disorder and sleep onset insomnia. Alzheimer's disease impairs the brain's intellectual functions

and is the most common cause of dementia. This disease causes sleep fragmentation. Epilepsy

causes recurrent, sudden, brief changes in the normal electrical activity of the brain. People with

this condition are twice as likely to suffer from the sleep disorder insomnia. People that suffer a

stroke usually also have obstructive sleep apnea.

People that have respiratory diseases, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease, usually also have a sleep disorder. Asthma is a chronic lung condition that makes

breathing difficult when air passages become inflamed and narrow. Chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease, known as COPD, refers to a group of disorders that damage the lungs and

make breathing difficult. Many people with these conditions suffer from insomnia and sleep


Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and

seasonal affective disorder can also lead to a sleep disorder. People with these mental health

disorders often suffer from sleep fragmentation and insomnia.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, known as GERD, causes the stomach's juices to flow

backwards into the esophagus. This causes the sleep disorder of sleep fragmentation.

Kidney disease causes the kidneys to lose their ability to filter the proper amount of waste

products from the blood and regulate the body's balance of salt and water. This can cause the

sleep disorders of restless leg syndrome and insomnia to develop.

People with arthritis often find it difficult to fall asleep because of the pain. This often results in


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If an illness causes a sleep disorder to develop, the sleep disorder is secondary to the illness.

Successful treatment of the primary underlying cause will usually diminish the effects of the

sleep disorder.

Muscle Pain And Sleeplessness

Fibromyalgia is a painful condition that affects the muscles and joints and is seen in only 3-6%

of the general population in the world. It's generally seen more in females than males with a

ratio percentage of 9.1 according to the College of Rhumatology and is commonly diagnosed in

females between the ages of 20-50 though it's been noted that the onset happens in childhood.

This is not a life-threatening disease though the degree of pain in the condition can vary day to

day with periods of flare ups and remission. The disease is being argued and viewed as nonprogressive,

but that's a point that remains in limbo.

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This is a problematic issue that can be a reason to keep someone up at night because the pain

can be unbearable with the tingling and achiness in the muscles. This drives many who deal

with this to endless and chronic deprivation of sleep. Those who suffer fibromyalgia also note

issues with memory and other neurological issues, but the most frequent is the issues with

sleeping that individuals go through when they deal with painful, annoying flare-ups.

Other issues that surround this problem, which can make sleeping very difficult, are irritable

bowel syndrome with constipation, which affects mostly women and few men. Skin disorders

like dermatological disorders, headaches, myofacial twitching, and symptomatic hypoglycemia.

Stress, excessive physical exertion, lack of sleep, changes in temperature and baromic

pressure. This condition can worsen when individuals don't sleep or getting the proper rest and

not overdoing on things in their daily lives.

The American Medical Association had officially recognized fibromyalgia as a medical condition

back in 1987 when the disorder was around since the 1800s. It's been said that flare ups are not

identical to the ones that are found in people with rheumatoid arthritis, but ibuprofen like Advil,

Acenomenofen (Tylenol), and Neproxine (Aleve) which are anti-inflammatory and can bring

some comfort to those with fibromyalgia flare ups. Massage has also been ideal in helping those

who deal with fibromyalgia to find comfort when they have flare ups. Massage helps to transfer

fluids from the muscles and joints and increases circulation to the affected areas to bring some

temporary relief for inflammation and flare ups.

Which can actually help improve sleep for someone in pain, but it's best to get a massage when

you're not on any medication due to the high risk of side effects that can be triggered from

massaging tissue and muscles.

Fibromyalgia is a manageable problem if you follow your doctor's instructions and take your

medication as directed and getting the right amount of sleep and getting plenty of exercise and

eating a nutritious diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables and drinking plenty of water and

limiting things in the diet that can also aggravate flare ups. When you take care of yourself

properly you can actually improve the quality of sleep as well as decreasing the debilitating pain.

That can keep someone up all night long instead of allowing them to sleep and getting in a

decent amount of time for rest and feeling stress free and more relaxed, so that they can face

the day with no painful flare ups and discomfort that can be annoying.

Narcolepsy - A Rare Sleep Disorder

Narcolepsy, a relatively rare sleep disorder, causes people to fall asleep when they do not want

to. This is caused by a neurological disorder. The brain sends signals to the body that are sleep

inducing; however, they are sent at inappropriate and unpredictable times. Often it happens

when a person is involved in a quiet activity, such as watching a movie or during a meeting.

Sometimes a person with this sleep disorder falls asleep while driving, which is obviously

extremely dangerous. Others fall asleep while they are eating or talking. The overwhelming

need to sleep can come at any hour of the day during any activity.

Sleep Disorder Treatment

People suffering with narcolepsy often do not realize how sleepy they are, nor how often they

fall asleep. It is often a family member, friend or coworker that convinces them that they need to

seek medical help for their sleep disorder.

Narcolepsy has five main symptoms. These are excessive daytime sleepiness, insomnia and

fragmented sleep, sleep paralysis, cataplexy and hypnagogic hallucinations. Some people with

this sleep disorder experience only one symptom but others can experience all five.

Excessive daytime sleepiness is generally the first symptom to appear. Everyone with

narcolepsy has this symptom. The feeling of needing to sleep is so strong that sufferers are

unable to fend it off, regardless of how hard they try. These sleep attacks, as they are usually

called, can happen several times and last for five to ten minutes.

Insomnia and fragmented sleep are a very common symptom of this sleep disorder. People with

narcolepsey often have a very difficult time falling asleep at night, even though they fall asleep

easily throughout the day. When they do fall asleep at night they wake up often and do not

follow a typical REM / non REM sleep pattern.

Sleep paralysis occurs in about half of the people that suffer from this sleep disorder. For

several minutes before falling to sleep or waking up, the person with this symptom cannot talk or


The loss of muscle function while awake is cataplexy. These episodes are usually very short in

length. Over half of the people with narcolepsy experience this symptom of this sleep disorder.

They are caused by a part of REM not functioning correctly. Often, episodes are brought on by

anger, laughter or any other strong emotion. Sometimes knees buckle, necks and jaws become

weak or the person may fall to the ground. Even though the person looks like they are asleep

and cannot talk, they are fully awake and aware of what is happening.

A hypnagogic hallucination is experiencing very vivid and often frightening sounds, images or

physical sensations. These occur from dreams just before the person is falling asleep or waking

up. It is very difficult for a person with this sleep disorder to distinguish between the dream and

reality. These hallucinations often have very dangerous themes and are extremely frightening.

Often they are accompanied by sleep paralysis.

There are also several lesser symptoms of narcolepsy. These include blurred vision, migraine

headaches, memory or concentration problems and automatic behavior. An apostate of

automatic behavior can last for several minutes. During that time a person with this sleep

disorder will perform a routine task. The task is often done incorrectly, such as placing a turkey

in the dishwasher or writing past the end of a page.

Narcolepsy can be diagnosed and treated with various drugs. If left untreated this sleep disorder

can ruin a person's life.

Sleep Apnea: A Weighty Issue

Sleep apnea is the condition for where there are pauses in breathing during sleep. These are

defined by medical terminology when an individual literally stops breathing. There are two types

of apneas Central and Obstructive. This is a common problem among the morbidly obese which

requires them to wear an oxygen mask so they can breathe since that's due in part of their

weight bearing down on their chest crushing their rib cage and lungs.

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According to medical reports the population at risk are obese middle-aged males since

physiology doesn't make women potential sufferers of sleep apnea. The problem is that people

who do fall asleep due to sleep apnea will go through brief periods where people think they're

not going to wake up. Keep in mind that this is very serious because if it's not properly

diagnosed it can be life threatening. People with excessive weight usually morbidly obese

constantly have to deal with frequent episodes of paused breathing. Snoring is a common

problem with the morbidly obese and constant gasping for air while sleeping is another problem.

Obstructive sleep apnea can be dangerous to the heart because it's prolonging and deprivation

of oxygen to keep the circulation flowing efficiently.

Other symptoms that are deemed non-specific are headaches, irritability, moodiness, difficulty

concentrating, Noctoria (getting up in the middle of the night to urinate), increased urination,

decreased sexual drive, increased heart rate, anxiety, depression, esophageal reflux (acid reflux

disease), and profuse heavy sweating at night.

Sleep apnea has also been linked to congestive and congenital heart failure usually found in

people who are diagnosed as morbidly obese because of the excessive weight on them. This is

from severe and prolonged cases meaning the individual(s) were not being treated and had let

the condition get to the point that it's no longer treatable.

Individuals born with Down's Syndrome are likely to develop obstructive sleep apnea since 50%

of the population that has this genetic condition are likely to be diagnosed because of having an

enlarged head, adenoids, tonsils, tongue, and narrowing of the nasopharnyx. Pharyngeal flap

surgery has also been noted to cause sleep apnea in patients because of the obstruction in the

breathing pattern after surgery which if not monitored can be life threatening. There are different

treatments for people with sleep apnea and doctors and ENT (Ear Nose and Throat) specialists

take the following into consideration for designing a treatment plan for those who are diagnosed

with this condition.

The factors that are considered are an individual's medical history, severity of the disorder, and

the specific cause for the obstruction. Some treatments also incorporate a lifestyle change,

avoiding alcohol and medications that can relax the nervous system.

Other lifestyle changes is losing weight and quitting smoking, and incorporate things like

elevating themselves while sleeping so that they can breathe using slanted pillows. The weight

issue is the biggest lifestyle concern because that causes some people to be confined to beds

where they can't move and be active contributing further into a person's weight gain.

Usually if someone who's morbidly obese and loses about 50 pounds within a couple months

their condition improves, but it's usually up to a steady support system to get someone on a set

routine and healthy eating plan that helps to get their weight down so they can qualify for other

treatments to help them maintain weight loss which is either through gastric bypass which has

to be strongly enforced since this surgery is irreversible and you have to eat differently and

undergo a major lifestyle change. The other option is lap band, which is reversible, but again to

maintain the weight loss to improve sleep and breathing patterns comes with monitoring what

one eats and exercise to help improve breathing patterns.

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Sleeping Disorders: The History

When we hear about sleeping disorders we're commonly hearing about those who sleepwalk

and can't sleep which is known as insomnia, but often we wonder why sleeping disorders are

becoming a prominent issue in today's society. Right now according to the website Wikipedia

there are a total of 14 different disorders ranging from eye twitching to restless legs. Some of

these problems are treatable and even preventable when monitored by a doctor or specialized

health professional. Sleeping disorders can be extremely dangerous when they go

undiagnosed. Many people who are suffering from this disorder are facing a lot of life

threatening problems because having a sleeping disorder can disrupt you from living your

normal everyday life.

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This can overtake someone if they're spending more time worrying about their condition than

getting the correct amount of sleep. The problem with many people who are dealing with a

sleeping disorder is that they're not aware of it being a problem until they see it's affecting their

job and everyday life. Those who suffer from this can also develop clinical depression because

they feel like they're not able to do any of the things they're used to doing if they've been

diagnosed with a sleep disorder.

Individuals are given a test called the Polysomnogram which is used to determine and diagnose

sleep disorders so specialists and doctors can plan a treatment designed for that individual

person since not all treatments are the same. According to Wikipedia they list the common

treatment options for sleeping disorders are: behavioral/psychotherapeutic, medications

(Rozerem, Ambien, Ambien CR and Lunesta are common prescribed sleeping pills given for

those diagnosed with a sleeping disorder), and other somatic treatments that are given.

Sometimes people who have disorders such as narcolepsy usually have their brain activity

measured to see where they are reaching peak points of sleeping so they can be treated since

narcoleptics can't really work on jobs that require them to operate machinery or other things

because they have to be alert and awake to know what they're doing.

Many people who are currently diagnosed with a sleeping disorder are usually treated

medicinally for whatever time period the doctor prescribes and monitors the person's condition

for. Having a sleeping disorder can make people feel like they're not normal and that they're sick

when it's not a sickness and that you can treat the problem through medicine and proper

therapy to retrain your body to sleep on a normal scale.

The average person sleeps anywhere between 6-8 hours, but the most anyone sleeps is 10

hours. It's noted that people who sleep more than the regular number of hours tend to throw

their bodies off due to the fact that naturally we sleep and awake when the day changes. It's

ideal to get the right amount of rest because of the fact that your immune system can stress out

when you don't get any kind of rest which can also trigger other medical and health issues from

the lack of rest.

This can be a problem with mostly younger people because you find that lifestyles in this day

and age trigger the use of drugs, drinking, smoking, and a poor diet consisting of a lot of

unhealthy food choices and a lack of exercise and maintaining physical health.

Treating Insomnia Naturally

Sleep is something that every human being requires. For some people they only need a few

hours of sleep every night, but for others if they don't get at a minimum eight hours, they cannot

function properly during the day. Their work, their relationships and their life is impacted. Sleep

in fundamental to a healthy and happy life.

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Insomnia is a problem that affects millions of people each night. If you are one of these

individuals and you've spent a night filled with sleeplessness, you would most certainly welcome

any method that would guarantee sleep. Having first hand knowledge of how difficult it is not to

be able to sleep, gives a person an appreciation for how valuable resting our bodies is.

Insomnia can be a chronic condition for some people. It may begin as a symptom of an illness

or during a particularly stressful time in someone's life and it causes such a drastic disruption in

the individual's sleep pattern that they struggle to find a way to regain a normal sleep pattern.

Spending years struggling to find a method to sleep is a frustrating experience.

Traditional medicine offers many alternatives for people who have suffered from serious

insomnia. Sleeping pills are a commonly prescribed remedy. Although they do adequately treat

the insomnia, they also often have serious side-effects. One of the most serious side-effects is

that they are often addictive. It becomes a trade-off for those who choose this approach.

Although their insomnia is treated, they become dependent on medication and in some cases

have to stay on that medication for the rest of their lives.

There are natural alternatives that a person can take to treat the insomnia. Some of these are in

the form of a pill or a tablet which consists of a combination of herbs. Herbal teas are another

popular choice for people who suffer from sleep problems. You simply brew a pot of the fragrant

tea and sip it shortly before bed. The soothing effects of the tea lull you to sleep without the

chemicals associated with traditional sleep medication. There are a variety of these types of

teas available and the taste is very welcome and pleasant.

An old stand-by that many people turn to when they suffer from the occasional bout of insomnia

is to warm a glass of milk. There is a chemical that is released in milk once it is heated. This

chemical is called tryptophan and it works to relax the body and help you to drift off to sleep.

Besides being a natural remedy for insomnia, milk also has the added benefit of being a

significant source of calcium.

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Suffering from insomnia can change a person's life in many ways. Without the foundation of a

steady and regular pattern of sleep, they aren't able to function to the best of their ability. By

researching natural remedies for insomnia, the sleeper will once again find the rest they need

and do so in a way that is healthiest for their entire body.

Getting Up Earlier Can Beat Insomnia

If you've been in bed all night dealing with insomnia, the last thing in the world you want to do is

to get out of bed earlier than you have to. Those last few moments under the comfort of your

blankets is a treasure that you don't want to give up. However, giving up a few moments of

sleep in the morning could mean a much longer sleep the next night.

Our bodies have internal clocks that we feed off of. They tell us when we are tired and if we

listen to them, we'll probably find ourselves in bed at approximately the same time each night.

Sometimes though they may be a bit off and instead of falling quickly to sleep, we feel the

clutches of insomnia taking over.

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One way to combat this in a natural way is to simply adjust the amount of time that you are

sleeping. By getting up earlier, you are forcing your body's internal clock to change and if you

are suffering from insomnia, this can be a natural cure that works.

Each minute that we sleep plays a role in how rested we feel. If we lose an hour of sleep, we

might have a difficult day, feeling sluggish and tired and counting the hours until we can get

home and back to bed. Quite often we do get to bed a bit earlier and instead of falling into a

deep sleep as we anticipated we would, we instead toss and turn unable to get any rest.

The morning comes and we feel exhausted, spending every last second we can in bed before

the alarm sounds the beginning of our day. It's a pattern that can be repeated night after night. It

doesn't need to be though.

Instead of turning to sleeping pills to fight insomnia you can try a much more natural approach.

Varying the amount of sleep you get by getting out of bed earlier can make a significant


Even a scant fifteen minutes each morning can have an effect. It's not easy though to climb out

of bed when you are tired, but it's worth a try if you aren't getting the seven or eight hours of

sleep that you feel you should be.

What to do with that time in the morning is up to you. You can take a longer shower, work a bit

or engage in some exercise. One thing that some people enjoy is preparing breakfast for a

partner or a family.

By the end of the day you'll really feel a change in your body from those lost moments of sleep.

When your regular bedtime comes, you'll feel prepared and tired enough that sleep will come

much easier. You might even wake less times during the night.

It's important to keep this routine up for several mornings at the very least. Your body will adjust

to this new sleep time and before long your insomnia will be a thing of the distant past.

Healthy Eating To Cure Insomnia

Not being able to fall asleep is a problem that has plagued almost everyone at some point in

their lives. You toss and turn while you watch the clock slowly tick the minutes away. Just as

you feel the tug of sleep, you hear the sound of the alarm clock and you have to get up and face

your day without any rest.

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There are many contributing factors to the problem of insomnia. One of those factors might be

what you are eating during the day. Your breakfast, lunch or dinner could be the culprit behind

that insomnia. Our bodies absorb certain foods and those foods could be working against your

desire to sleep.

Changing our diets is one of the healthiest ways to fix a sleeping problem. Choosing foods that

enhance the body's ability to relax and fall asleep is the most natural cure you can find.

There are foods that naturally work with the body's chemistry to promote sleep. If you find

yourself struggling to get a full night's rest it might be worth considering adjusting your diet to

incorporate some of the foods listed below.

Fruits - one fruit that seems to have a stronger effect on treating insomnia is lemons.

Breads - any type of bread including muffins and bagels seem to be effective, but whole

grain breads are preferable over other types.

Milk - a glass of warm milk has been said to help a person fall asleep and that is true,

there is a chemical found in milk that actually promotes sleep.

Everyone's body chemistry is different. Therefore each individual person has to do their own

research into what foods work for them. If having a bowl of strawberries before bed makes you

sleepy, than you need to consider that strawberries might be a trigger for you. If however, you

have an apple and two hours later you are tossing and turning in bed, the natural sugar in the

apple might be the reason you are suffering from insomnia.

A good way to keep track of what foods you are eating and how they impact your sleep pattern

is to keep a journal. The premise is simple - you just write down each thing that you eat during

the day and the time that you ate it. Then each night you mark down what time you go to bed

and after waking jot down a quick note or two on how you slept and how long you slept.

Before long you will probably notice a pattern developing - your body will react to certain foods

and after consuming them, you may experience insomnia. At the same time you will see clear

patterns developing that tell you what foods are helping you to sleep better. With this knowledge

you'll be able to carefully plan your meals and snacks while taking into consideration what foods

you need to avoid and which you should include in your diet so that you get a full and restful

night's sleep.

Your Television Viewing Might Keep You Awake

Watching an exciting movie in the evening is a favored way for many people to relax after a long

day of work. They look forward to getting home, having dinner and then sitting down to be

entertained. After hours of watching television, they decide to turn in for the night and instead of

falling fast asleep, they spend the next several hours rolling around in their bed, suffering from


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When we watch something exciting or thrilling on television, our adrenaline gets pumped up and

it becomes difficult to calm ourselves down to a point where sleep comes easy. Our minds also

become engaged and trying to quiet that down can be a problem, especially if what we were

watching was troubling or upsetting. If our emotions are running high and the end of the day is

near, we might either lose sleep because it takes longer to fall asleep or we suffer from

insomnia and wake up the next morning having had little or no sleep.

We don't always associate our insomnia with what we've done in the evening. Instead we

attribute it to work problems or other worries. That is true at times but it might be that our minds

wander to other things as we lay in bed unable to sleep because we've been so stimulated by

our viewing choices. Television has a direct impact on a person's emotions and if you've spent

the last two hours before bed watching a horror movie, your heart has raced enough that simply

falling fast asleep is no longer an option.

If you feel as though you might be losing sleep because of what you are watching in the

evening, finding another activity might be the key you need to a full eight hours of straight sleep.

Some suggested alternatives are:

Reading a book or a magazine. Choose something that you find genuinely interesting to

read, this will help you relax and will aid in sleep.

Play a board or card game with your family. Spending time with those you are closest to

is a perfect way to wind down your day.

Take a warm bath. Immersing your body in a tub full of warm water helps to relax your

muscles and soothes the body helping with sleep.

Take a walk. Getting outside and exercising can tire you out enough that you'll drift

quickly off to sleep.

Mental stimulation is important when it comes to driving, studying and learning. There are

moments in our days when we have to be completely alert and awake. One time we don't want

that to happen is in the evening as we get into bed. Your evening activities can be a precursor

for whether or not you'll suffer from insomnia.

Choose to spend your time before bed doing something relaxing that allows you to calm down

and prepare your body for a full night's rest. Exciting activities are better left to earlier in the day

when you want and need to be wide awake.

Music To Your Sleeping Ears

Trying to fall asleep when the tap is dripping or the wind is whipping outside can be an effort in

futility. Regardless of how hard you try, you just cannot get past the noise and fall asleep. A few

minutes turns into an hour and it's not just insomnia bothering you but you're becoming angry

realizing that the loss of sleep you are feeling tonight will have an impact on how you feel


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One of the most natural remedies for insomnia caused by noise is actually more noise. That

might seem difficult to believe, but it's important to understand that the noise that you might

need to sleep is specially prepared just for that purpose.

Studies have shown that certain sounds enhance the desire to sleep in people. The sounds

might differ from person to person but in general they fall into several different categories.

These sounds are then transferred onto a recording device and a consumer who is suffering

from insomnia can purchase it. They are often referred to as sound machines or even noise


The premise is that if a person hears particular sounds that are soothing to the body, it will help

them drift off to sleep. Common sounds that are available are sounds of nature which many

include birds chirping or water running. Another category of sounds that helps many people beat

their insomnia are certain types of music. The music is designed to be relaxing and it's often

repetitive, so the sleeper falls into a deep state of relaxation which ultimately leads to sleep.

For someone who has trouble sleeping, a sound machine can be the ideal solution. It's natural

and it has no side-effects at all. The person using it will become accustomed to the sounds and

they will eventually act as a trigger to help them fall asleep.

Purchasing a sound machine isn't a difficult process. If you are comfortable shopping over the

internet, you need just type in the words "sound machine for insomnia" in a search engine and

you'll find yourself perusing a wide and varied selection. There are also many retail outlets that

now offer the machines.

If investing in a complete sound machine isn't within your budget, you can still reap the benefits

of the sounds of sleep without having to pay as much. Many companies have developed CD's

that you can purchase that help treat insomnia through music or recorded sounds. These offer

many of the same sounds as a sound or noise machine and with these types of CD's you can

use a standard CD player.

This is also another way of experimenting with sounds and it also offers the convenience of

being any to take your sleeping aid with you if you travel. Insomnia can occur whether you are

at home, away on a business trip or enjoying a vacation. Always having the sounds that you

sleep by with you will enable you to fight that insomnia night after night.

Fresh Air Can Beat Insomnia

If you live in a climate where you are subjected to the four seasons in all of their glory, you might

find that you suffer from insomnia at certain times of the year. Quite often people find it more

difficult to fall asleep during the late fall and winter months. For some, they attribute that to the

shortened daylight hours or perhaps a small case of depression as the temperature plummet

and time spent outside is rare.

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The cause of their insomnia might be the change in weather but the solution might be as easy

as opening a window. Fresh air seems to help many people fall asleep.

Usually during the warmer months we tend to open the windows of our home. Having a gentle

flow of fresh air into the room feels relaxing while we sleep and if the weather is pleasant it

almost goes without thinking that we keep the windows open, even if just a bit.

In the colder months that becomes a bit more challenging. As we glance out the window to see

a frosty scene before us, we don't even contemplate the idea of opening a window when we go

to bed. Then we find ourselves tossing and turning as the night quickly becomes morning, and

we have to start our day without any rest and feeling the effects of that.

When our home is closed up for winter, it becomes a world all of its own. The air doesn't

circulate well and the air quickly becomes stale. As we lay in bed trying to sleep, it is that air that

hasn't been circulated and is essentially used that we are forced to breathe in. For some people

that is enough to keep them from sleeping.

There are several ways you can get the air moving again even when the temperature is cold

outside. A few suggestions that you might try are:

An air purifier. You can purchase these at many online retail outlets as well as at many

hardware stores. Many are portable and these allow you to use the purifier in your

bedroom at night and then take it with you to another room during the day.

A ceiling fan. Ceiling fans are designed with a dual purpose in mind. They help cool a

room during the warmer months and then help with the circulation of air during the colder

months. Although they do come with detailed installation instructions, you might be wise

to hire and electrician to handle the job.

Your furnace. Most newer model furnaces are designed to keep the air in a home in

constant circulation. They also keep the air clean and for a climate where the

temperature dips very low, having an efficient furnace is very important.

If you do happen to live in a climate where the temperature doesn't dip too low, you may be able

to keep your window open a bit the entire year. Keeping that constant flow of fresh and new air

entering the room will help lessen your chances of developing insomnia, because your body

won't be breathing in the same stale air night after night.

Exercises That Fight Insomnia

If you've ever spent an entire day outside running around, chasing your children or taking a

hike, you probably found it easy to fall asleep. Insomnia wasn't nagging at you after you'd

exhausted your body through physical activity.

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For some people though that rule doesn't apply to them. Intense physical activity while working

the muscles and getting the heartbeat up, can work as a stimulant and instead of drifting easily

to sleep, a person can find themselves wide awake fighting insomnia.

Keeping our bodies active is important. Not just for the obvious physical benefits but also

because regular exercise can be a natural cure for insomnia. It's important to choose exercises

that will work towards the goal of sleep as opposed to the exercises that energize you to a point

that sleep becomes almost impossible.

Yoga is a method of exercise that people have been doing for centuries. It involves a series of

stretches and breathing exercises that work to tone the body from the inside out. Most cities

offer several choices in yoga programs. Often many yoga studios even offer a free drop-in

class. This helps you become familiar with the program and the series of stretches that are

involved. If it's something that you enjoy you can quickly incorporate it into your fitness regime

and before long you'll feel the positive benefits in relation to your sleep patterns as well.

Walking is a great exercise to combat insomnia as well. With walking though timing is very

important. You don't want to go for a long and strenuous walk shortly before you are retiring for

the evening. During the walk your heartbeat will have become elevated and many of your

muscles will be tight. If you go from moving at a steady pace to trying to lay silently in the bed,

chances are that sleep will elude you for at least a couple of hours. Your body truly does need a

cooling off period, so the benefits of walking in relation to insomnia can be most profound if the

walking is done earlier in the day.

Another exercise that has a positive result when it comes to insomnia is swimming. Swimming

at a steady pace up and down the length of the pool allows your muscles to be worked out

gently and the water offers a soothing quality that many other exercise regimes don't. Also, if

you are swimming at a public facility, they also often offer free use of a sauna or a hot tub. Both

of these allow your body to relax and can help prepare you for sleep.

Exercise can be a great way to naturally fight insomnia, however the success of that depends a

great deal on the type of exercise. Pick something not too strenuous that is soothing and allows

you to easily shift from the activity to preparing for bed. If you make exercise a regular part of

your evening routine, you'll find yourself waking up to a night free of insomnia.

Staying In Bed Can Cause Insomnia

It would seem ridiculous to suggest that the reason you can't fall asleep is because you are in

bed. As preposterous as this sounds, it can actually be the case. When a person is suffering

from insomnia, and they continue to stay in bed, the problem can actually worsen.

It's happened to most people at least once in their lives. They feel tired in the evening, so they

decide to go to bed. Once there they find that sleep is hard to find. Minutes turn into hours and

then before they realize it they have been in bed for three or four hours without even a moment

of sleep.

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Insomnia is a common problem and although there are many medical ways to treat it, the

answer might be found in getting out of bed.

Sleep is of course fundamental to a human being's existence and if we feel that we aren't

getting enough it can create a great deal of stress and unhappiness. To counteract that we

sometimes go to bed before we feel tired. The idea being that once we are in bed, in the

peaceful darkness, our body will natural take the hint and drift off. This is especially true if we

have to wake up early or we have something stressful to tackle the next day, such as beginning

a new job or starting school.

The problem with that logic is that if you are not tired, being in bed is not going to change that

fact. You cannot magically drift off to dreamland if your body is not ready yet. Instead you will

become frustrated and even more determined to sleep. Insomnia sets in and your good

intentions of getting a full eight hours of sleep turns into just an hour or two.

If you are in bed and you cannot fall asleep after thirty minutes you should get back up. It may

be discouraging to realize that you are back where you started, out of bed and no closer to

falling asleep, but getting out of bed can put a stop to the insomnia.

If you do get up there are a few things you can do that will help put you in the mind frame that

you need to be to sleep. These include:

Watch television. It's important to pick a program that is not stimulating such as the

news or an action movie. You don't want to be stimulated.

Listen to soft music. For some people music is very relaxing and if you sit in a

darkened room with the music gently playing it can help your mind prepare for sleep.

Read. Again choice is important. You shouldn't choose something that you'll become too

engaged in. You want to be able to close the book or magazine once you're tired.

Getting out of bed when you can't sleep doesn't mean that insomnia has already taken hold of

you. It does mean that your mind isn't quite ready to shut itself off for the day. Instead get up, do

something relaxing, and before you know it, you'll fall right to sleep.

Beat Insomnia By Cutting Out Naps

When we are infants are bodies need a great deal of sleep so that we can grow and flourish. It's

not uncommon for a newborn baby to sleep almost the entire day and evening away. They have

nap after nap and as they sleep, their bodies are changing and maturing.

As we grow older we need less sleep. Toddlers are a good example of this. Once a child

reaches a certain age, for many around three or four years of age, their bodies aren't craving

the afternoon naps. Instead they go to bed early and sleep ten or twelve hours to awaken ready

to take on their day.

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For most adults the amount of sleep we need is on average seven or eight hours a night.

However, for many individuals who suffer from insomnia, they never get more than four or five

hours of sleep each night, some even less.

To counteract this, adults will often take naps during the day. Reminiscent of their childhood

days when the naps were a way to reenergize, an adult sees a short twenty or thirty minute

snooze in the middle of their day as beneficial. However that short and sweet nap could be the

cause of their insomnia.

Sleep fuels our bodies. When we go to bed at night, our body uses that time to rest and

revitalize. If we are fortunate, we wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. Our

body prepared for the next twelve or sixteen hours until it's time for its nightly hibernation. When

we decide in the middle of that pattern to catch a bit more sleep, it throws the entire process off.

Our body takes that nap to be rest time and even though it's only twenty or thirty minutes, our

body feels full of energy again. That energy will last well beyond the rest of your day. Once you

look at the clock and realize that it's bedtime, your body is still feeding off that earlier nap and

the result will be insomnia.

Instead of using that time in the middle of the day to nap you might consider other activities. You

can even choose activities that will ultimately help with your goal of getting a complete and

restful night's sleep. Some ideas of alternative activities are:

Take a walk. If you generally nap shortly after lunch, use that time to take a walk

outside. Regular exercise is good for beating insomnia and it also helps aid in digestion

after eating.

Make a phone call. How many of us have had people we care about complain that they

don't hear from us enough? Instead of napping use that time to reconnect with someone.

Talking to those we care about is a great relaxation tool as well.

Take up a hobby. Although twenty or thirty minutes a day doesn't seem like enough for

a hobby, it can be. If you like needlepoint, a few minutes doing that can be very relaxing.

If you enjoy golf, buy an indoor putting green and practice your swing.

Although naps are great as a mid day pick-me-up, they aren't beneficial to your overall sleep

pattern. Cut out the nap if you want to say goodbye to your insomnia.

Is Procrastination Keeping You Awake?

Going to bed while you have countless things pulling at the corners of your mind can only mean

one thing - insomnia. In order to sleep our minds have to relax to a point where our body

naturally falls asleep. If you're busy thinking about all of the things that you didn't accomplish the

day before, you won't be able to fall asleep. Worry is a powerful emotion, so powerful in fact that

it can lead to a lifelong problem with insomnia.

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There is a natural cure for insomnia that is caused by procrastination. It's as simple as taking

care of things during the day.

Even though we know this to be the case, for those people who do put off doing things they

often need a push in the right direction. The idea that things can be taken of tomorrow is always

there, and when tomorrow comes and those things aren't dealt with, anxiety takes hold.

The time at the end of the day is often for reflection. Reflecting on what we have accomplished,

what we need to do tomorrow and sometimes what we know we didn't do today and won't do

tomorrow takes hold of our minds. Naturally people worry about life and all its complications, but

if there is a way for someone who has a sleep problem to address those complications and deal

with them. If they do this than a good night's sleep is probably close at hand.

The most natural way to deal with insomnia caused by procrastination is to take back control of

your life. Start each day with a mission to tackle one thing that you have been putting off doing.

If it's a job that you need to get done but it feels overwhelming, ask for help. If it's a bill that you

cannot pay, call the company and discuss your situation. Making an effort to address these

issues will help you to feel as though you are in control of the situation and once you do this,

you'll have much less to worry about each night.

If you have several things that you've been neglecting to deal with, make a list. List the task and

then possible ways you can manage that task. If you do this you are making a concerted effort

to change that particular situation. Now when you are in bed each night and you do think of that

task, you'll find reassurance in knowing that you are working towards resolving it. Your mind

won't be stuck on worrying about how it will never get done or solved.

Procrastination can lead to serious problems in many areas of your life, including in your sleep

patterns. If you find that you are worrying over all the things you haven't done as you lay in bed

each night, it's time to take control and change things. Insomnia often makes these situations

worse because it steals the energy you need each day to deal with all of life's issues. Don't get

caught in this difficult cycle. Make positive changes in your life so you no longer have to worry

about insomnia.

What Is Sleep Deprivation?

Sleep deprivation is something that millions of people deal with on a daily basis. If you don’t get

enough sleep, your body simply can not do the things that you need it to do. Unfortunately, with

all that you have to do in a day, you may find yourself letting sleep become the one thing that

you simply forgo. This can cost you quite a bit, though. In fact, if you are deprived of sleep

enough; your quality of work can slip so much so that you would be accomplishing less than

when you do get enough sleep.

Some surveys say that upwards of 47 million Americans alone face problems with sleep that

can be considered sleep deprivation. This is nearly one quarter of all American adults. The

numbers are stagger and the risks that are in place to those that are sleep deprived are even

worse than the way that you feel. The most commonly effects of sleep deprivation include


• Memory problems. You can remember what you need to do, how to do it or the details to

various things you need to accomplish.

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• Energy levels fall considerably. When this happens, your body simply can not keep up

with your demand. Unfortunately, you don’t have the ability to do the things that you were doing

when you did get enough sleep. You may feel less strong, incapable of focusing on the task at

hand or just unable to perform the desired action.

• Mental alertness is one of the largest risk factors to those that suffer from sleep

deprivation. Those that don’t get enough sleep often find themselves unable to focus which

can lead them to drastic safety concerns. You simply can not keep up not just physically but

mentally as well. This puts you at risk.

• Emotionally, you can be not there. Or, you could be one of the many that experiences

extreme mood swings for no obvious reason. You may become hyper sensitive or completely


Any and all of these affects of sleep deprivation equal a risk that you simply can not handle. If

you find yourself unable to do your job or you can’t accomplish all that you need to, it could be

that you are suffering from sleep deprivation. With help, you can overcome this, though.

Determining If You Suffer From Sleep Deprivation

Although there are millions of people that are suffering from sleep deprivation, the fact is that

most of them don’t seek the help they need to in order to protect themselves from the problems

that lie beyond not getting enough rest. Sleep deprivation is something to take seriously and to

get help from. How do you know if what is happening to you is something to be worried about?

There are actually many things that you can do.

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Tips For Determining Where You Stand

• Keep a daily record of the amount of time that you sleep. Write down the time that you

went to bed, the last time you looked at the clock and when you woke up. Write down any times

that you woke up during the middle of the night, too. You should also write down any times that

you laid down and took a nap too. This record keeping will help to determine what your sleep

pattern is.

• Determine also the quality of the rest that you get. If you find that you sleep but didn’t

feel like you were getting enough rest, then this could be a potential problem for you.

• Write down what you did before you slept. You should include any foods that you

consumed and when you ate them during the day, especially those that you ate the last few

hours before you went to bed.

• Note any daytime activities that keep you up. For example, if you ran a marathon that

day, you’ll need to note that as well as the effect that it had on you during your nighttime rest.

You should keep track of any physical activity that could play a role in your outcome.

• Also, track a few more changes. For example, include how much caffeine you drank, and

when. Determine what amount of alcohol you drank. You should write down if there are any

emotional considerations that could have played a role in your sleeping problems.

All of these things can contribute to the problems of sleep deprivation. If you find yourself

recording this information and finding a pattern with it, then you can try to make changes that

will ultimately improve your condition. But, if not, seek out the help of your doctor who can help

you to improve your condition ultimately. This record will be a good tool to get started with for

solving your sleep deprivation problem.

Spotting Sleep Deprivation: The Symptoms

If you have any of the symptoms of sleep deprivation, you do need to keep an eye out and

improve your condition as soon as possible. You also need to seek medical attention especially

if your condition continues to worsen. The fact is that sleep deprivation should be something

that you get help from. Even more so, it should be a major concern that you have. If you don’t

seek help for it, you could be putting yourself as well as your family in danger.

The first thing that you need to do is to understand that sleep deprivation is something that you

can change and something that you can improve. You also need to understand what the

symptoms of sleep deprivation are so that you can improve them.

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• Exhaustion is the largest symptom. You just don’t have any ability to complete the things

that you need to do. Your body may even ache and just not respond as well as it should.

Indeed, your physical exhaustion can put you in harms way, especially when you are doing

something that is important to do right, like driving.

• Fatigue is another common symptom. Fatigue is when the mind and the body is

completely incapable of providing the attention that is needed to complete the task at hand.

Fatigue can also cause a number of problems for you.

• A lack of physical energy can also be a symptom. If you can’t do the things that you

usually do, this too is a sign that sleep deprivation could be to blame.

When you suffer from exhaustion as well or just fatigue, your emotional state of mind is very

much affected. That means that you could be experience feelings of sadness, anger, stress

and mood swings without really having a reason to do so.

This happens for a number of reasons, but mainly because of the brains reliance on sleep to

function correctly. When you don’t get enough sleep, your rains frontal cortex is unable to

control various aspects of your function such as your memory and speech. When it needs to

solve a problem for you, it can’t do so. Even more so, the risks that you put yourself in when you

are suffering from sleep deprivation can be life threatening in themselves.

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Sleep Deprivation: What Happens To Your Body?

Sleep deprivation effects millions of adults each day, with ever increasing numbers. If you

haven’t considered all of the different things that can happen to you when you are sleep

deprived, consider it. Your body’s function is severely limited. Your mind can not concentrate.

Your body doesn’t feel right. You don’t remember why you walked into a room. Your muscles

physically hurt even though you don’t think that you’ve done anything to cause them to be like


Sleep deprivation is a very much a concern for your health. When your body does not get the

right amount of sleep, it can not do all that you need and want it to do effectively. When this

happens over a period of time, the risks are increased considerably. Consider what happens to

the body, for example, in a person that is suffering from sleep deprivation.

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• The brain doesn’t get enough rest. This in turn affects the frontal cortex. The frontal cortex

can’t do its job.

• Without it functioning properly, the frontal cortex can not aid you in speaking clearly, in

accessing your memory, and in solving the problems that you present it with.

• On the physical side, there is a problem with energy. The body does not provide enough

energy to the body to perform tasks.

• Without the sleep it needs, the body physically becomes that of an elderly person.

Movement is limited and weakened.

• Early signs of disease including diabetes begin to surface. That’s become the body can not

metabolize glucose correctly.

What is important for you to realize is that when a person rests even when some or all of these

symptoms and effects are evident, the end result is that they can go away. When this goes on

over a long period of time, though, the body continues to weaken and often is put at risk both in

health terms as well as in terms of physical danger.

Those that face sleep deprivation shouldn’t just write it off as being something that just requires

rest. You shouldn’t say that one day you’ll rest. The longer it goes on, the worse the effect on

the body can be. Driving, using machines, or just working in a physical environment can pose as

life threatening. Sleep deprivation affects your body and your brain significantly.

Understanding The Cause Of Sleep Deprivation

Believe it or not, there are many things that can cause sleep deprivation. If you are suffering

from sleep deprivation, which is any type of non-sleeping where you do not wake up feeling

rested, you are physically putting yourself in danger. In addition, you are risking your health.

But, in order to solve your physical problem, you also need to understand exactly what is

causing it to happen. For many people, this is a frightening situation and one that requires a

real look at their lifestyle and of their health.

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Causes To Consider

What is causing sleep deprivation for you? Here are a few situations that can actually cause

this condition to happen.

• Emotional stress and excitement: If you are under stress and simply can’t turn your mind off,

you can’t sleep. Even being overly excited can cause it to happen. If your sleep pattern is

messed up, then you could begin to suffer from this condition.

• Some medical conditions and medications for conditions can also cause sleep deprivation. If

you are one that faces illness and a new medication you are taking is causing you to be unable

to sleep, talk to your doctor about the causes.

• Food additives and caffeine are another cause of sleep deprivation. If you eat foods that are

high in caffeine, a natural stimulant, then you too can fall victim to this situation.

While these are the most common reasons that you may be suffering from sleep deprivation,

there are some sleep disorders which can also cause this to happen. If you are suffering from

any of these conditions, you too may be facing a real health risk.

Insomnia, nightmares, and excessive snoring can be additional reasons for you to suffer from

sleep deprivation. You may have problems not being able to breathe correctly when you are

sleeping. This could be sleep apnea, a very serious condition that causes you to wake up just

enough to clear your throat so that you can breathe. You may not remember it, but you feel

tired. If you take too many sleeping pills, this too can interact with your condition.

While suffering from sleep deprivation is something that you can improve and overcome with

treatment, it is also something that can cause health risks down the road as well.

Sleep Deprivation: Do You Get Enough Sleep?

Sleep deprivation is something that effects about a quarter of all adults in the United States.

The numbers continue to grow, too. The fact is that individuals are continuously finding

themselves struggling to get everything they need to do done in order to have time to sleep. As

strange as it may sound, the amount of sleep you get now is probably half of what others got

only a hundred years ago. Sleep deprivation is a serious condition, though, and one that leads

many to early disease and even risks injury.

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The fact is that in just 1910, the average person was able to get in a good nine hours of sleep at

night. This changed by 1975 when individuals were getting only seven and a half hours. Still,

during a sleep study that was done by use of a poll in 2002, it was determined that Americans

today are only getting on average a little less than seven hours of sleep. The problem is that

this is not nearly the amount of time that you need to be fully rested and relaxed.

So, How Much Do You Need?

Each person has a different physical and mental need for sleep. Many people actually get

enough sleep by only get a fraction of sleep a night but feel good. In fact, there are very few

people that can get by on just three to four hours of sleep a night. Most people, though, need at

least eight to nine hours of sleep every night to feel rested and ready for the day. Consider

these additional numbers.

• Children that are under the age of two need at least thirteen to seventeen hours worth of

sleep per night. During this very rapid growing stage, it’s a must!

• Those that are toddlers over the age of two need at least nine to thirteen hours of sleep per

night. You need this much until you are about nine to ten years old.

• At the age of ten, you can get by on ten to eleven hours of sleep. Teens also need this

amount of sleep through puberty and their final growth spurts.

• At the age of sixteen, and on up, it is recommended that you get between six and nine hours

of sleep per night.

• Those that are over the age of sixty five actually only need to get between six and eight

hours of sleep.

Where you do you fall on this scale? Are you sleep deprived?

Does Your Lifestyle Lead To Sleep Deprivation?

For many Americans or others in western worlds, sleep deprivation is a way of life. There is just

too much to do. You have to get up early to get to work to finish what you didn’t finish

yesterday. You have to deal with the extra hour of work you need to put in after you should be

gone. That means that you have to run the kids to practice as soon as you walk in the door,

come home, make dinner, do homework, clean up and then pay bills before the night is

through. It’s no easy task, but what else can you do?

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The lifestyle that many people live is so rushed and hurried that there is no doubt that there is

no time for sleep. Many people find themselves struggling to get the things they need to done

and when they do make it to bed are worrying about the various other things that there are to

do. When it comes to intimacy, there’s little time for that too. The end result is sleep deprivation

and that can lead to all types of problems for you both physical, mentally and emotionally.

The lifestyle choices that you make greatly affect the way that your body gets enough rest. If

you are fatigued or you are sleepless no matter what you do, these symptoms are part of the

process of being sleep deprived because of your lifestyle choices. There could be a number of

things that you do that are encouraging these things from happening to you.

• If you are sleep deprived it may be that you are consuming too much caffeine. Caffeine is a

stimulant that keeps you awake at night, even when it’s drank several hours before bed.

• You may work a shift in which your hours generally change from one day to the next. In

these individuals, sleep deprivation is almost a way of life.

• You may be too busy with other facets of life to get enough sleep.

No matter why you are sleep deprived, your lifestyle is probably partially to blame for it. That

means that unless you make changes in your lifestyle, it is likely to continue well into the future.

Consider what things that you do during your life that could be affecting your sleep patterns.

Sometimes Medications Are To Blame For Sleep Deprivation

If you are taking medications for your conditions, you may have some sleep deprivation

because of those medications. Even if you are taking some over the counter medications, these

can cause you to not be able to sleep well at night. Sleep deprivation that is caused by

medications is an important consideration for those that are suffering from illness. Most of the

time, there is a solution to these medication problems, though. The fact is that you need to

consider what is happening with your body by talking to the doctor about the side effects of the

medications that you may be taking.

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What Medications?

There are a handful of medications that cause insomnia like results, which could be leading you

to sleep deprivation. For example, antidepressants, decongestants, bronchodilators, blood

pressure medications, thyroid medications, diuretics, and antihistamines all can keep you awake

at night. Remember, there are many different types of medications that fall under these

categories, though.

For example, if you take antidepressants to combat other conditions, you may face problems

sleeping. This can include medications like lithium, MAOI medications, and SSRI medications.

Those that take theophylline for their asthma treatment can have problems with sleeping as


Over the counter medications also can contribute to sleeplessness. For example, if you

purchase decongestants to help you to get rid of that cough and cold, over the counter

medications that contain pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine are going to cause you to

stay awake.

Sometimes, if you take too many sleeping pills you can find yourself struggling to get sleep even

though you are taking a medication that should encourage it. The problem with sleeping pills is

simple. They contain medications that help to treat insomnia. But, like most other types of

medication, your body will develop a resistance or tolerance to these medications. Once this

happens, you can no longer find benefits from these medications and they may actually have an

opposite effect on you!

If you find yourself struggling with a new medication either because you can not sleep when you

are taking it or because you just can’t tolerate any of the other side effects that it has, talk to

your doctor. Chances are good that there is a medication that can be given to you without such

a drastic problem such as sleep deprivation.

Sleep Deprivation Caused From Medical Problems

Sleep deprivation is commonly caused by those conditions that are keeping you from getting to

sleep. Usually, there are reasons why you aren’t getting to sleep such as just doing too much

during the day or being overly stressed. But, sometimes, there can be a medical condition that

causes you to lose the ability to get enough sleep to provide you with the restfulness that you

need in order to function well during your awake hours. Sleep deprivation that is caused

medically can actually come in a number of forms.

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For example, if you have any type of chronic pain condition that does not allow you to sleep well

during the night because you are in pain, this can lead to sleep deprivation. Chronic pain is any

type of pain that lingers or lasts. This type of pain can come from a sore back or problems with

your legs. It can be a discomfort that you face because of the way you have treated yourself


In addition to this type of condition that causes sleep deprivation, there are others that can

cause it that are more pronounced. Physical and mental conditions can lead to sleep

deprivation. Here are a few of the ones that you may be experiencing.

• Asthma causes it. Those that suffer from asthma during the night time hours are usually

going to be deprived of sleep over the long term. In some cases, the medication that is

provided to you to treat your condition can also contribute to the inability to sleep well at night.

• ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is another condition that may contribute to

the inability to sleep well. Many have snoring and sleeping disorders that have this condition

that leave them facing countless problems sleeping.

• Depression can also be a cause of sleep deprivation. Not only can this happen, but chronic

insomnia can cause a depression and anxiety disorder in many patients. Those that suffer from

bipolar disorder also have problems sleeping well.

There are other medical conditions that could be causing you to struggle with sleeping well at

night. If you do have these problems then it’s important to talk to your doctor about them. The

fact is that sleep deprivation itself can be putting your life on the line, too.

Sleep Deprivation: More Than Not Getting A Good Night's Rest

Sleep deprivation is a term that is used to describe the inability to sleep well or get enough

sleep so that the body can perform as it should. There are many conditions in which individuals

struggle to maintain a regular sleep pattern. Yet, the fact is that sleep deprivation is something

that you could potentially be able to overcome with just the ability to sleep well for a few nights.

Yet, sometimes there are other sleep disorders that can be evident underneath your sleep

deprivation. Sometimes, sleep deprivation is not nearly all there is to worry about.

Your doctor will first determine if there are other types of conditions that could be causing your

inability to sleep well. If they do find out that there is something else, it will be treated. But, if

not, your doctor will look at the mental, physical and emotional side of the equation to determine

if there could be another sleep disorder causing your inability to sleep well.

Here are a few examples of conditions that are sleep disorders that can be behind the type of

sleep deprivation that you are suffering from.

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• Insomnia: Insomnia is not technically a sleep disorder but it is often thought of as one.

Insomnia is a problem where an individual has problems falling to sleep or staying asleep for a

long enough period of time. This condition is usually caused by stress, lifestyle choices,

medications or other outside factors.

• Sleep apnea: Here is a condition in which your throat constricts while you sleep temporarily

stopping air from getting through to your body. Usually those that will suffer from this condition

like to have many pillows. Your body actually triggers your mind to wake up just enough to

move to open that passage. You don’t remember waking up but you feel like you didn’t sleep a

wink. Many people that are overweight struggle with this condition.

There are other types of conditions that can lead you to a sleep disorder. For example, those

that have sudden sleep attacks or suffer from narcolepsy will suffer from it. If you suffer from

parasomnia symptoms such as restless leg syndrome, sleep walking, talking while sleeping,

and night terrors, you too could be suffering from a sleep disorder. Any of these conditions are

important to talk to your doctor about. They go beyond that of sleep deprivation.

Sleep Deprivation: Understanding What You're Going Through

Sleep deprivation is a condition in which an individual does not get enough sleep over the

course of time. While you may be tired today because you didn’t sleep well last night, when this

happens over and over again, you are putting yourself and your body at great risk. When this

happens, the end result is the fact that sleep deprivation points you in the direction of health

concerns of all types.

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Sometimes the best thing that you can do is realize that you may have a problem and get the

medical help that you need to make it go away. To do that, you should realize what you need to

do in order to realize that you need medical help. You should call on your doctor if and when

these things happen.

• If you have any reason to believe that you are not sleeping well due to breathing concerns.

• If you snore so loudly that your partner is effected by it

• If you suffer from sleepless nights more than three times per week, or you feel like you don’t

get enough sleep for that long. If over the course of a month it seems like you haven’t sleep

well for most of those nights, call a doctor.

• If you have symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath, call your doctor right away.

• If you are struggling to do the things that you need to do during the day, call your doctor.

Anyone that suffers from sleep deprivation is a person that needs to seek medical attention. If

you are tired more than you aren’t then sleep deprivation could be playing a role in other

problems in your life, too. Getting the help you need can help to improve your life in many ways

over time.

Sleep Deprivation And Driving

One of the largest risks that you take each day is driving when you are suffering from sleep

depravation. Those that are suffering from this condition just write it off as being just tired or

they just need to get home to get some sleep. The problem with this is that you put yourself and

many other drivers at risk when you do so. In fact, according to federal records, some one

hundred thousand car accidents happen each and every year that are contributed to a lack of

being able to stay awake or driver fatigue. In that, you can count some 1550 people that end up

dead and another 70,000 that are injured do to accidents.

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If you are a young adult, you are one of the most likely individuals to be facing sleep deprivation

that would lead to a driving accident. Those that have small children or those that work shift

hours are also likely to experience an increase in the number of potential accidents they will be

in because they are sleep deprived.

In fact, there have been many studies done to show just how significant sleep depravation and

driving can be. One of them has shown researchers that driving when you are deprived of sleep

can be just as bad for you as driving while you are intoxicated. In fact, if you haven’t sleep in 17

to 19 hours, you are more at danger than those that are driving at a blood alcohol level of .05 or

higher. That’s higher than the legal limit in many areas!

The facts are plain and clear. If you are sleep deprived and you make the decision to get into a

vehicle, you are putting yourself and those that are driving on the road with you in serious risk.

That’s not what you want to do.

Complications Of Sleep Deprivation

Although sleep deprivation in itself can be one of the worst situations to be in, especially when

you are going to be driving a vehicle or operating machinery, the fact is that when this happens

over a period of time, it gets even worse. There are many types of conditions that can cause

you to be put at risk for health concerns because you are deprived of the fundamental need for


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For example, if you have been suffering from sleep depravation over a period of time, you could

find yourself suffering from a number of health concerns. You may suffer from illness like

weight gain, joint and muscle problems, depression and anxiety, problems with skin tone,

slowed speech, impairment of the body, and much more. These things happen because of the

lack of fitness as well as the lack of function that the body gets when you don’t get enough rest.

Think about your body like this. When you get the right amount of sleep; the things that your

body is supposed to do get done, get done the way that it needs to. But, when you don’t get

enough sleep, everything starts to slow down. You can’t accomplish nearly what you need to.

Some people push themselves farther and farther, putting them at even worse situations. This

too can lead to physical, mental and emotional problems. Those that suffer from conditions like

migraines, diabetes, acid reflux, obesity and even hypertension are likely to have problems with

sleeping. Sleep deprivation doesn’t make this any better, either.

The risks that you put yourself in when you are suffering from sleep deprivation are constant. At

any time your condition can turn into a life threatening state. If you want to improve your health

and improve your chances of overcoming the problems you are facing, simply improve your

lifestyle to include health amounts of sleep.

The Risks Of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation puts you and many others at risk. If you haven’t thought about the fact that

when you don’t sleep others can suffer you should. There are many cases in which individuals

die each year because they’ve gotten behind a wheel of a car when they were simply too tired

to actually drive well. There are other things that are affected in your body when you don’t get

the rest that you should as well. Each offers its own risks and without considering them, you

could put yourself in even more danger.

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Consider these risks that you face being sleep deprived.

• Your mental awareness is not there. You simply can not function correctly because your

brain is unable to focus on what needs to be completed. That means that your concentration is

off, your memory is not working well and you are more likely to be less effective when you

communicate. You can’t make decisions that you need to and you can’t solve problems put in

front of you.

• Mood swings are very common in those that are sleep deprived. You may have anxiety

and increased stress levels because of this lack of sleep, too. But, the problem here is two

fold. If you are stressed because you can’t sleep, you won’t be able to sleep. A cycle can form

here that could cause additional problems over the long run.

• Your immune system is weakened. If you are suffering from sleep depravation, then it is

likely that your immune system won’t be working well. You become more likely to suffer from

illnesses and to have more serious illnesses as well.

Sleep depravation can cause a number of problems for you over the course of the time that you

are suffering. Without help, additional health problems can happen!

What You Can Do To Overcome Sleep Deprivation

If you know you are suffering from sleep depravation, then you know that you need sleep. But,

getting to sleep could be one of the largest problems that you face. The fact is though, that you

have to find a way to make it happen. There are several things that you can do, along with

advice from your doctor, that can help to ease you into a normal sleep pattern and therefore

improve your quality of life and your safety.

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Consider trying any of these things to improve your sleep depravation.

• Sleep on a schedule. You’ll want to follow a schedule, whenever possible for sleeping.

When you sleep on a regular schedule, your body learns when to be tired and when its time to

be awake.

• Get your exercise. Physical exercise helps to improve sleeping habits. You should get

some physical exercise that incorporates movement at least 20 to 30 minutes per day.

• Don’t just lay there. Get up and do something, or read. If you lie in bed worrying about not

being able to sleep, you won’t be able to get to sleep at all!

• Improve your diet. Reduce the amount of caffeine that you take in. Limit nicotine and

alcohol as much as possible. Don’t drink or consume any of these things at least a full six hours

before you go to bed.

• Don’t eat before bedtime. Eating that ends up with a heavy meal feeling in the pit of your

stomach won’t make for a good nights rest. You shouldn’t eat anything for at least two hours

before bed.

• Don’t watch television before bed. Television makes you think and keeps your mind

working. You don’t want this when you should be trying to wind down. It’s a stimulant you don’t


When you follow these tips you can improve sleep depravation especially when you seek out

your doctor’s help, too.

Using Natural Sleep Aids

If you are having problems sleeping then you can look at all your options. If you don't want to go

with an over the counter product or even go to your doctor you can start with some natural sleep

aids. You have a lot of choices with this type of sleep aid. Some may be able to help you better

than others. Make sure you read the information for each sleep aid before you decided to use it.

The first one you can try is called Valerian. This seems to ease tension; it calms you down and

levels out emotions. Or maybe a tea from valerian, chamomile, and other herbs made into teas

can have a calming effect and they will help you sleep.

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If these don't work, or you don't like tea, you could try using massage aromatherapy. If you go

this route you can ask the massage therapist what kind of oils will work better for sleep. This

might help you relax after a long day or a long week. But if you're having trouble sleeping every

night, then this might not be the right thing for you.

If you're still looking for natural ways to help you sleep, try setting up a normal routine. Get up at

the same time and go to be at the same time. You could also stretch before you go to bed by

moving your arms and legs.

Maybe you could listen to some music or read. This could help keep your mind off of other

things. Or stop thinking, let your mind clear itself from everything you've done for the day. This

might be hard, but it could work. If this still doesn't work, maybe see if you're drinking a lot of

caffeine before bedtime. Cutting caffeine from your diet might be hard, but think about doing so.

If you don't want to go that far, maybe stop yourself from having any caffeine related products a

few hours before you go to bed.

We are all different. So something that works for one person might not work for someone else.

These are all ways to try to get back to a normal sleep pattern without taking anything. If these

don't work, or aren't what you are looking for then you should think about trying something else.

When To Know You Need Sleep Aids

The first easy answer is, when you can't sleep. You should be sleeping through the night. You

might not be sleeping because of other reasons and you should find out if that is the case

before you decide to go and buy some sleeping aids. Remember that each person will need

something different that will work for them.

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First you might not be sleeping because you could have too much stress in your life. Start by

trying to have a few hours to yourself before bed. Take the time to do something that can clear

your mind of the day.

Try reading a book, or listening to some music. Maybe you aren't doing enough during the day

to make yourself tired. Try exercise for an hour before bed. If you do decide on this option, this

will help to keep you healthy.

If doing all of this doesn't help then it is time to look into sleeping aids that are medication.

These medications can help you get back to a normal sleep pattern. Talking to your doctor can

help you decide what prescription you need. Your doctor might even suggest trying some over

the counter sleep aids. These should be used only a few times. Make sure you read the box for

these sleep aids and that you use the medication like instructed.

Don't drink alcohol if you are going to take sleeping pills. Make sure that you know what the

risks are before you continue to take these medications. If you don't or if this doesn't bring you

back to you're normal sleep pattern then you should again talk to your doctor.

This time your doctor will give you options on what you need to take. There are sleep aids that

you can take for a longer period of time. Make sure that you read the instructions for each sleep

aid before you take one that you think will work for you.

Your goal is to finally get some much needed sleep. Make sure that you sleep through the night.

If none of these medications work then you should make sure that you talk to your doctor right

away. They should be able to find something that will help you. Make sure that you do get help

for your sleep disorder.

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Do You Need Prescription Sleep Aids?

If you've looked at natural sleep aids and they don't seem to work for you. Or you have tried

them and do not like them. Then it might be time to look into prescription sleep aids. There is lot

to choose from. You can go to your local doctor’s to ask what you would work for you. You first

need to check out any kind of sleep aids that you decide might work for you. Any kind of drug

like this might have some side effects.

Treatment Of Insomnia

The most commonly used medications for sleep aids are, benzodiazepines. This medication is

used for the stronger sleep aids. This will be used if you can't sleep at all or you have a sleep

disorder. This is where you're doctor will come in handy of telling you what would be good for


There are non-benzodiazephine sleep aids. This is a newer class of prescription sleep aids.

This newer type of sleep aid will help with normal sleep problems. This is another time you can

talk with your doctor. Any doctor will be able to give you information about any type of

prescription sleep aids that are on the market.

If you want to do some research on your own, you can find a ton of information on the internet.

You may find what type of sleep aid that might work for you. If you are looking for some names

to research; there is Ambien; this will help you stay asleep longer and Lunesta will help you get

to sleep faster and stay asleep longer.

There are many other ones that you can use and see if they will work for you. Each of these will

be given to you by a doctor. So you will have to go to you're local doctor before you can get

these prescription sleep aids. Some sleep aids might work better for you than another person.

Don't worry if one doesn't work right away. Give the medication time to work. Also getting into a

routine before nighttime will help with the medication you are taking. This will help your body

wind down from the day. Make sure that you read the information with each prescription sleep

aids carefully and following the directions, this will help even more.

Insomnia Symptoms and How To Decide On Sleep Aids

Insomnia can be different for each person as will be the sleep aids that you'll need to use to

control you're insomnia. Some of the symptoms to look for may be trouble falling asleep or if you

are lying in bed for hours and not sleeping. Another symptom may be waking during the night

after sleeping for a little time and you aren't able to go back to sleep.

Maybe you're waking up too early in the morning and you don't want to go back to sleep and

risk sleeping in. feeling that you aren't refreshed when you wake up. Also another symptom is

feeling sleepy or drowsy during the daytime.

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It is normal that adults might not need as much as sleep as you once did. But you should still try

and get 8 to 9 hours of sleep. Another reason can be contributed to insomnia, like having a lifechanging

event, from moving to anything else. This is something you should decide that has

happened before going to a doctor for medication.

If any life-changing event hasn't happened and you still haven't been sleeping well. You should

go see your doctor. If you don't treat you're insomnia you could suffer from serious heath

problems, like depression.

Make sure that you get help sooner rather then later. If you don't want to try medication, look

into natural ways to try and fix your insomnia. These could be working on a routine before

bedtime, cutting out caffeine before bedtime and much more. After trying these and they still

don't work, it will be for the best to go to your doctor and talk to them.

They will be able to give you something that will help. Even if you try something for a few weeks,

you might find that something else works better then you think it might. If you go with

medication, make sure that you read all the information in regards to any medication that you

will be taking and go from there.

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Most of all you should make sure that you look at everything you take medication wise. You

might have to try a few things before you find the medication that will work for you. This will be

the time to keep in touch with your doctor; you should report anything that happens to your


Herbal Sleep Aids

If you have tried prescription sleep aids and find that they don't work, you can go for another

route with herbal sleep aids. To start with you should know how much sleep you need for


Some people might only need a few hours, while others might need eight hours or more, while

someone else might only need four to five hours of sleep. Each person will be different as would

be the help you need with your sleeping problem. Each person will need something different

that will help them.

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It might be setting up some kind of routine before you go to bed. From reading a few chapters in

a book, listening to some music, or even setting a time that you will go to bed and go to bed at

that time and always at that time.

Searching on the internet you can find some herbal pills that you can buy. Or see if you have a

local herb store. Talking to the owner, they might be able to point you in the right direction of

something that could help.

You could even go to a local book store and find books on the subject of sleep and of using

herbs to get a good night sleep. Looking through these books might give you a better insight to

what kind of sleep problem you are dealing with.

If you still like the ideas of using herbs, you might feel better with being able to grow your own.

Finding the right herbs online will be easy, you should be able to get seeds and grown them

right in your home. This way you'll know that you'll always have something on hand in case you

need to get to sleep.

If you don't want to go to all that trouble there are herbal sleep aids you can buy that have

valerian, chamomile, and more herbs in them that will give you a lot more help in getting to

sleep. Most of all find what works for you; you might have to try a few products before you find

something you feel is right for you. If you are going to try some medication given by a doctor you

will have to tell him about the herbal treatment you have been trying.

Sleep Aids That Don't Require Medication

If you want an easy approach to getting better sleep you might want to look at how you've been

sleeping. It might not be a mental reason that you can't get any sleep. It might be the way you

are sleeping.

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If you can change some of the ways you sleep you might find yourself sleeping better then you

thought you could. Start with how you have your head and neck placed on your pillow. You can

buy special pillows that have a cervical pattern in them. This will help you keep you neck stable

and reduce snoring. Look into other pillows that could help you sleep better.

Maybe even getting a new mattress might help you sleep better. See how old the mattress you

are using now is and think about getting a new one. There are many types of new mattresses

on the market. You can find one that will work for you and your spouse if you are married.

If you can't afford a new mattress, look into get a mattress pad. They'll give you more support

for your bed. A simple change like this might help you get a better nights rest. But if you are still

feeling tired in the morning, or still not sleeping through the night you might have to try

something different.

If you want something more, then look into a CD of music that is made with sounds that will help

you sleep. Playing this in the background of your bedroom could help you focus on something

else while you fall asleep. There are some scents that can help with sleep also.

There are many things that you can buy that aren't medical in nature. From buying something

that will create a white noise or something that let’s you hear the sounds of nature. Even getting

some kind routine down for sleeping may help. Go to bed at a certain time and get up at a

certain time. Maybe even try reading a book before you go to bed.

If any of this still doesn’t work, it might be time to try something different. From getting an over

the counter sleep aid to using something more powerful that you can get from your doctor.

Sleep is important to your health, so make sure you try something.

Treatment Of Sleep Disorder And Sleep Aid Ideas

If you know that you have a sleep disorder and have decided that you need to try some kind of

sleep aid to get through the night, then the first thing you need to do is contact a doctor and talk

with him or her. This will help you decide what kind of sleep disorder you have.

There is a possibility that you could have sleep apnea. This is when you stop breathing during

sleep. When this happens you wake up and start breathing again. This might happen many

times during the night.

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If you have this problem then you aren't going to remember waking up at all during the night, but

it will leave you tired in the morning. You might have headaches and a sore throat. If you go to a

doctor they can test you for this.

If you aren't sure that you are having trouble sleeping, then knowing the answers to a few

questions might help you find out. Do other people often tell you that you look tired? Are you

having difficulty with your memory? Feel sleepy during the day? Have trouble staying waking

while you’re sitting, like watching TV or reading?

If you have answered yes to most of these, then you might have a sleep disorder and you

should check to see if some sleep aids could help. One type of sleep disorder is insomnia; this

is a lack of sleep. It can be short term or longer. This could be caused by stress, change in time,

bad bedtime habits.

Another is restless legs syndrome. This is a neurological disorder that causes tingly or creeping

sensations in your legs. This in return makes you move your legs and keeps waking you up

while you are sleeping.

To learn more about your sleep disorder you can go to a doctor and be tested. These disorders

might require more then natural sleep aids to cure. But you can always try changing the way

you sleep, going to bed at a certain time, getting up at the same time. Trying some natural sleep

aids might cure what you have, from trying to calm yourself down with tea, or a long bath. If they

don't, it is best to see your doctor right away.

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New Prescription Sleep Aids

There are a ton of new prescription sleep aids on the market. Each one gives you the sleep that

you need for the night. With each new prescription sleep aid that becomes available there is

more chance that they might help you better than the last.

If you decide to switch to a new prescription sleep aid then you need to contact your doctor to

tell him that you wish to switch to something different. You might have to wait a few weeks

before you can take the new medication. If this is the case you might find that you can sleep

without the medication.

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If you still cannot sleep then contact your doctor and you can get a new medication to try. If you

have decided to do this you will have to wait for the medication to start working. If they don't

start working for more then a few days then you should contact your doctor again. Some of the

drugs that you will be using will be for a short term.

Needing something for a longer term could be something you need to look into. There is one

medication on the market that can be used for long term for adults called Rozerem. Each drug

will have different side affects. So you might want to look into them before you decide what

direction you want to go.

Make sure that you know as much as you can about any sleep drug before you take any kind of

medication. This will help you know what you are going to go through before you begin to take

the drug. You might cross some of the sleep aids off your list after reading about any side


There are many options out there to try before you go to your doctor. Trying all the natural

treatments first could be the answer for you. Going to your doctor after all natural treatments

have been tried is the best step to try. If you don't have a doctor you can stick to a natural


But if you still can not sleep after trying these. Then you should try and talk to a doctor. Heath

problems can arise if you do not get good enough sleep at night.

What To Look For In Sleep Aids

First you need to find something that is going to work for you. You might want something that

will work quickly. Something that might work for you might not work for someone else. But there

are a lot of treatments out there that will help you decide what you want to do.

First you need to decide if you want to go with some natural ways before you go with any kind of

medications. Trying something simple to start off with might fix your sleeping problem. Some of

these ways are just a change in habit.

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See what time you go to bed and need to get up. Your sleep problem might not be a sleep

disorder; you just might not be getting enough sleep. You should try and get at least eight hours

of sleep if you are feeling tired when you wake up. Some people might require less then that,

but if you are feeling tired for most of the day, then you need to get a few more hours of sleep.

Deciding how much sleep you need might take a few weeks to decide. Start with eight hours

and if you are waking up too early lower your sleeping hours down.

Stress is another reason that you might not be sleeping. Taking a few hours before you go to

sleep to wind down might be what you need. Take a long bath, maybe walk around the block

and let you're mind clear from the days work.

If you just can't go to sleep it might help if you try reading, or listening to some music. If this

helps, but you can't sleep through the night then you should get a hold of a doctor. You're doctor

will be able to give you information on sleep aid medications.

Sleep aid medication is safe when used for a small amount of time. Using these medications

can help your body get back into a natural sleep pattern. There is also medication that let you

take the medication for a long period of time.

You should contact your doctor if you can't sleep after using these medications. Not sleeping

can lead to serious heath problems and it would be wise to get in contact with someone that can

help you.

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Types Of Prescription Sleep Aids

Looking at types of prescription sleep aids might be the right thing to do. Learning about

something that you are going to be taking is wise. To start with here is some history about

sleeping pills for you to learn. Sleeping pills are nothing new, years ago they used to be based

on mainly herbs. In the 1900's barbiturates were introduced into these herbal extracts. In 1960's

benzodiazepines became available.

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Today's options for sleeping pills do carry the risk of being dependant on them. They also can

be lethal if you do take more then the prescribed amount. These pills can also be dangerous if

you have other heath problems.

If you don't have a doctor then you can look at the over the counter sleep pills. These are used

when you have an occasional sleepless night. They shouldn't be used for a long period of time,

because you're body will get used to the drug.

Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotic medications, these are the newest class of sleeping pills. They

quiet your nervous system; which will help with sleep. Benzodiazepine hypnotic medications are

an older class of sleep pills. These are more likely to cause headaches the next morning.

Sedating antidepressants are also used to treat insomnia when taken in small doses.

When taking any kind of sleeping pills you should try natural ways first. From seeing how you

sleep you may consider changing you're nightly routine. If this has not helped and you know that

you to have to have some kind of medication to get some sleep, you should see your doctor

right away.

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You don't need you're doctor to tell you if it is all right to talk over the counter sleep pills. But you

should read the directions on them and to make sure that you use them safely. If they do not

work, then it will be the time to contact your doctor.

Make sure that you avoid alcohol when taking sleeping pills. You should never mix alcohol and

sleeping pills, even in small amounts. With using sleeping pills you should take only one a day.

Over the counter pills are to be used for two to three nights at time. If you use these pills too

much, your sleeping problems might return. You should contact your doctor if this occurs.

Risk Factors For Sleep Disorders And Sleep Aids For Them

To start with, you need to decide if you do have a sleep disorder. Answer these questions will

help you deicide if you do.

• Do you have trouble falling asleep?

• Do you have problems staying asleep?

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You should be able to get at least six to nine hours of sleep. If you are waking up during the

night, a sleep disorder might be the cause.

• During the day do you feel anxious, annoyed or sleepy?

Having a sleep disorder will leave you tired during the day.

• Have you experience some stressful effect? Like the death of a loved one?

• Do you smoke before bed?

• Drink caffeine before bed?

• Drink alcohol before bed?

• Are you or do you have?

• Depressed?

• Asthma?

• Diabetes?

• Ulcers?

• Pregnant?

• Painful medical conduction, like arthritis, or fibromyhalgia?

Having any of the above medical problems might be the reason for your restless sleeping.

If you answered yes to any of these questions you might have a sleeping disorder. Cutting back

on some things might help with your sleeping. Try and stop smoking. Don't drink caffeine three

or more hours before bedtime. The same goes with alcohol.

If you have stopped what was mentioned above then you should check in with you're doctor.

They'll be able to see if you do indeed have a sleep disorder.

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If you do have one, it is best that you do get help for your sleep disorder. Not sleeping can result

in serious heath problems. There are many options that you can look at that will help with your

sleep disorder. These sleep aids can be bought over the counter. Or you can go to your doctor

and he'll give you a prescription. Make sure that you read the instructions on any medication

you take.

Best Sleep Aids And Natural Aids

With so many sleep aids on the market, it's hard to decide what sleep aid will work for you. Each

sleep aid will work differently for each person. Talking with your doctor will help you.

Sometimes a sleep aid is not the first choice you should turn to. You should try the natural sleep

aids first. From looking at your life and seeing if there is something that has happened in the last

few months that would change your sleep patterns.

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If that is not the case then see if you're having too much caffeine before bedtime. Cutting out

you're intact of caffeine might be a quick way to help you sleep. Or even stop having any

caffeine before bedtime will help. If this still doesn't help, try setting a time for bedtime and a

time to get up. Make sure that your times allow you to have at least eight hours of sleep.

Each sleep aid might affect you differently. So there isn't a best sleep aid that will work prefect

for everyone. You will have to pick and chose what sleep aid will work for you. It could be simple

choices of finding some kind of routine that can help you get to sleep.

If you feel that you do need to take some kind of extra help. You can look into herbal pills. The

ones that you can find at any local store will have herbs that will help you get the rest you need.

Make sure that you are careful with any kind of treatment that you decide to pick. Also contact

your doctor if any of the non-medical treatment doesn't work. Your doctor could have

suggestions to help you get better sleep without any kind of prescription. This might be the best

choice for you if you have tried everything else.

Over the Counter Sleep Aids

Having troubles sleeping and decided that it's time to look for something that will help you get to

sleep. If you can't get to a doctor and want to try some over the counter sleep aids then you

should go to you're local pharmacy. See if you can get a few minutes to talk to help behind the

counter. They might be able to point you in the right direction of what kind of medication that

could help.

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If you wish to by pass this you can look at the medication that will be on the shelf. From Tylenol

PM, Tylenol Sleep Time, even breath right nasal strips might help you sleep better at night.

These medications should be used from what the directions say on the box.

You should give these medications time to work before you try something else. Try not to use

two medications in pill form at the same time. If this still doesn't help with your sleeping problem

you might want to try some natural things that you can try along with taking some over counter

sleep aids.

Something you can try is getting a routine down. Go to bed at a certain time and get up at a

certain time. Maybe even try reading a book before you go to bed or listening to some kind of

soft music might help. There are many options out for any kind of sleep aids. You should go

through a list that you find and decide what will work for you.

You might find that some of the natural treatments might work after you've taken the prescribed

amount of the over the counter sleep aids. Some of the over the counter sleep aids might help

more then others. You should look closely at each one before you chose.

Alternative Therapies As Sleep Aids

If you're looking for something that is not a medical sleep aid then you should be looking at

alternative therapies that can work for sleep aids. These suggests are something that you have

to work on and use before they will make a difference.

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But doing any of these routines will help you in the long run, with these sleep aids you need to

make sure that you stick with them. Some ideas to start with are finding a lot of herbs that will

help with sleeping. The main one is valerian; this will help with sleep and keeping yourself

asleep. Some other herbs are chamomile is another herb that is a treatment for insomnia. Make

sure you check these herbs thoroughly before you pick any of them.

Another therapy to try is acupuncture. This is a traditional Chinese medicine, it can treat many

problems and will help in you're sleeping problems. More research is need to see if will work for

everyone, but if this is something you want to try it is something that might work for you.

Another easy one for alternative treatment is relaxation and meditation. This one will take a

while to learn, to be able to let your muscles relax. This is something you can start before

bedtime. Let the stress of the day leave when you start your meditation.

Another option to try is exercise. You might not be tired by bedtime comes. If you take an hour

out of the day to walk a few blocks or go to a gym your body will finally wind down by the time

bedtime comes. These options will keep you healthily.

If you have a doctor, check with him before you try any of these options. They might be able to

offer more suggestions too.

How To Choose Sleep Aids

If you are looking for a sleep aid you need to pick one that will work for you. If you have a

doctor, talk to him or her as they can help you faster with finding a sleep aid then looking one up

yourself. Make sure that you consider each option carefully before picking what will work for

you. If you are using herbs you should make sure that they wouldn't effect any other medication

that you might be taking.

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There are many herbs that can help with sleep are ginseng and lemon balm. If you are looking

for an herb supplement, then you can find pills in your local store that will have most of these

herbs in them.

There are many other things you can try before going to a doctor. From changing how you

sleep, from getting a new mattress, pillow or blankets. Making sure that your bedroom has a

good normal temperature throughout the night.

Also you might want to make sure that you go to bed at the same time every night and wake up

at the same time every morning. This might take a while to get used to, but it is a good idea to

make sure that you get at least eight hours of sleep.

If none of this works, then continue with them, but try some over the counter sleep aids. These

should be used only a few times during any given period. If they still don't help with your

sleeping problem then get in touch with your doctor. They should be able to give you more

suggestions and prescribe stronger medication.

With any medication make sure that you read the instruction before you take any of them. If you

go to your doctor, they should be able to tell you everything you need to know about taking any

sleep aid.

Recognizing The Symptoms Of Restless Leg Syndrome

The percentage of American adults who suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome, commonly known

as RLS, has exceeded 15 percent. Women and older people are more affected than men.

People suffering from diabetes, varicose veins, and arthritis stand a greater risk of developing

this disorder.

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According to researchers, Restless Leg Syndrome is the result of a disorder in the brain

pathways that control sensations and movement reflexes. Sometimes, this disorder could be

due to hereditary reasons.


People suffering from RLS have an urge to move their knees or other parts of their lower leg

and, sometimes, the arms. The desire to move the muscles of the lower leg is sometimes

accompanied by pain. People suffering from RLS relate a variety of experiences. While some

say they feel a pulling, tingling, or itching sensation, others say that they feel a burning or

pricking sensation. Some claim that they feel as if worms are crawling beneath their skin.

The typical symptoms of RLS can manifest at any time. If they appear at night, the person will

be unable to sleep. These symptoms distract a person by making them leave their bed and then

go back to it several times, movements which, in turn, disrupt or delay sleep. The patients feel

more sleepy at daytime because their usual night sleep is frequently disturbed.

People suffering from RLS are often depressed. Due to lack of sleep, they feel very tired, and

their symptoms might force them to make major lifestyle changes. For instance, people with

RLS usually avoid taking long trips, watching a concert or a movie, eating out, or attending long

meetings due to the pain and discomfort that such activities cause.

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Diagnosing Restless Leg Syndrome with a single examination is not possible. In most cases,

standard neurological examinations do not reveal any abnormalities. A medical doctor usually

suspects Restless Leg Syndrome on the basis of a patients description of symptoms. Medical

doctors also consider the results of certain medical tests such as blood tests and medical

examinations and also the patient's genetic history.

Treating RLS

To treat RLS effectively, you should learn to control the sensations that cause lack of sleep.

Since this disorder is associated with anemia, medical practitioners prescribe iron supplements.

Healthy changes in diet, reducing or bringing to a complete stop the intake of alcohol and

caffeine, and practicing techniques of relaxation can greatly benefit a person suffering from


Usually, drugs are prescribed to control and manage this disorder. These drugs are dopamine

agents, opioids or anticonvulsants, and benzodiazepines. While drugs cannot cure this disorder,

they can definitely control the symptoms of it. People suffering from RLS usually depend on

medication throughout their lives.

Alternative Methods To Treat Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders can disrupt your day-to-day activities. People who are deprived of their sleep

feel very sleepy and tired at all times. They get irritated easily and are known to be very

emotional. Sleep disorders are dangerous not only to the person who is affected by it, but also

to the people who have to live with such a person.

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Alternative methods, in addition to traditional medication, can be used to successfully control

and manage this problem. People who adopt an alternative method pay special attention to their

dietary habits and include supplements and herbs in their diet. Others try exercise regimes,

relaxation techniques, meditation or cognitive behavioral therapy. Many time, people suffering

from sleep disorders have found that a combination of some of these techniques and methods

can work wonders.


If you eat healthy, you will enjoy a high level of energy and a good night's sleep. To maintain

good health and a high energy level, you must eat a variety of healthy foods and drink lots of

water. Sleep disorders can be cured by eating certain types of foods that promote sleep.

Serotonin is a natural sedative, which the body creates with the help of tryptophan, an amino

acid. Eat food that is rich is tryptophan; for example, turkey, cheese, chicken, fish, milk,

avocados, bananas, and cottage cheese. If you eat tryptophan-rich food just before going to

bed, you will be able to raise the level of serotonin in your body.

At the same time, you should also avoid certain types of food that might not agree with you.

Avoid processed foods and limit your intake of caffeine and sugar.

Herbs and Supplements

Several people use natural supplements and herbs in a bid to get rid of sleep disorders. The

market offers a number of herbs and nutritional supplements. Before you purchase and use

one, however, you should make a study of its effects on your body and whether it is capable of

curing a specific sleep disorders.

For instance, restless leg syndrome, a sleep disorder, is caused by deficiency of folic acid or

iron. If the patient takes an iron supplement, he or she can get rid of some or all the symptoms

of restless leg syndrome and enjoy a good nights sleep.

Similarly, several herbs are known for their property of inducing natural sleep. Tea brewed out

of a herb called chamomile or a lemon balm can relax a person suffering from sleep disorders

and enable him or her to enjoy a deep and relaxing sleep.

Exercise and Relaxation

A good exercise regime along with a few relaxation techniques can ease the tension in your

muscles and relieve stress. A number of people have used these techniques to get rid of sleep

disorders. Trying out a relaxation technique just before you go to sleep can not only relax your

body, but also calm your mind and, thereby, enable you to sleep peacefully. Some popular

relaxation techniques are progressive muscle relaxation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and

mindful exercises.


Many patients have also tried visualization and meditation with success. There are two types of

meditation: mantra meditation and breath meditation. Both types of meditation go a long way in

calming your mind and relaxing your body. Some people also use visualization techniques that

have a healing effect on their mind and body.

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Sensory Techniques

If you are suffering from a sleep disorder, you can also use a sensory technique such as

aromatherapy and hydrotherapy. Hydrotherapy offers the following effective techniques to help

you banish a sleeping disorder: a footbath that stimulates lymph and an Epsom salt bath. Those

who have taken refuge in aromatherapy can relax their body and mind by using essential oils in

their bath water, massage oils, inhalants, and room sprays.


Behavioral and cognitive therapy can also be used to manage and control a sleep disorder.

Therapy helps improve sleep patterns. Alternatively, you can also try stimulus control therapy

and keeping a diary.

Several people have claimed to have benefited from the use of alternative therapies,

techniques, methods, and practices to get rid of a troublesome sleep disorder. Many times,

alternative methods are used with traditional medication.

Dealing With Sleepwalking Children

Somnambulism or sleepwalking, as it is commonly called, is found to affect around 14 percent

of children between the ages of five and twelve, at least once. A quarter of these children

undergo more than one sleepwalking episodes. Sleepwalking is observed more among boys

and less among girls. Many children who develop this sleep disorder overcome it as they grow

up and their nervous systems become stronger. By adolescence, they are more or less cured.

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What Happens during Sleepwalking?

Sleepwalking is a condition in which the body can move even though the brain is half asleep.

Sleepwalkers commonly get out of bed and roam all over the house. Some of them even get

dressed and leave the house. Sleepwalkers' eyes remain open, and they can see what is in

front of them. However, their expressions are blank and they are unable to respond either to

conversation or to their names being called out.

Sleepwalkers are usually clumsy and prone to bump into things and knock them over things as

they walk around the house. Usually a sleepwalking session lasts for a quarter of an hour;

sometimes, it can go on for an hour or more than an hour. A child who is prone to sleepwalking

usually begins walking in his or her sleep an hour or two after going to bed.

Sleepwalking in Children

Sleepwalking among children is due to a poorly developed sleep/wake cycle. In normal

circumstances, the entire brain awakes at the same time. A sleepwalker's brain, however, is

different in the sense that only a portion of it wakes up at a time. The portion of the brain that

manages mobility awakens while the portion that deals with cognition and awareness is still

asleep. A sleepwalking child is actually fast asleep.

Children usually grow out of this tendency, and parents do not have to worry about it. Treatment

is not required. All you have to do as a parent is to take the child gently back to bed. You do not

have to awaken the child.

Sleepwalking in Adults

About one percent adults suffer from somnambulism. They need not have had this problem as a

child. Sleepwalking in adults is due to complex problems such as anxiety, sleep fragmentation,

stress, sleep deprivation, and also medical disorders such as epilepsy.

Unlike children, adults have to take treatment for this condition, and the type of treatment they

have to take depends on the type of dangerous situations they are exposed to during their

sleepwalking sessions. For instance, sleepwalkers who open the doors and walk on a street

busy with traffic is in great danger while a sleepwalker who just walks around in the hall is not in

any dangerous situation. Sleepwalkers can go in for self hypnosis, behavioral therapies, and

prescription medication to treat their condition.

Protection of Sleepwalkers

Certain precautions should be taken to protect sleepwalkers from dangerous situations.

Sleepwalking adults or children should ensure that they are in a safe place during their

sleepwalking session. They should take care to see that they will not get injured during a

sleepwalking session.

Parents should not keep any sharp or fragile objects in a child's room. Lock the doors of a

sleepwalkers room to prevent him or her from venturing out at night. Fixing a bell to alert a

parent or caregiver if a child go out of the room is a great idea. Large glass doors or windows

should be covered by heavy curtains to prevent sleepwalkers from trying to walk through them

during their sleepwalking sessions.

Children who sleepwalk should be given ample protection till they outgrow this disorder. There

is a possibility of them running into dangerous situations during their sleepwalking sessions.

Dealing With Hypersomnia

People suffering from hypersomnia usually oversleep. Usually, hypersomnia is seen in

teenagers and young adults between twenty to thirty years of age. Hypersomniacs sleep a lot

during daytime and a lot during night time too. They fall asleep at the oddest moments during

work, meal times, and even in the middle of a conversation. This disorder should not be

confused with a short midday nap that most people take.

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Hypersomnia is associated with another dangerous sleeping disorder called narcolepsy.

Narcoleptics could very well fall asleep while driving or cooking. What's more, they aren't even

aware that they have fallen asleep. Many time, hypersomniacs and narcoleptics fall asleep

unaware to themselves, and on waking, resume their work from the point where it was


Sleeping during the daytime won't help the condition as the patient can sleep longer than he or

she intends to. Symptoms of hypersomnia include decreased level of energy, fatigue,

restlessness, disorientation, slow thinking, loss of appetite, slow speech, memory problems, and


People suffering from hypersomnia realize that they are slowly losing their ability to work in

normal life situations related to family, society, career, and so on.

Causes of Hypersomnia

The causes for this disorder is different in different individuals. At the root of hypersomnia lie

disorders such as nacrolepsy or sleep apnea. Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

follows if the patient is a drug addict or an alcoholic.

Rarely, hypersomnia is caused by physical problems such as traumas, an injured nervous

system, or tumors. In some cases, hypersomnia is due to medication or withdrawal from a drug

or many drugs. Medical problems such as depression, epilepsy, encephalitis, obesity, as well as

multiple sclerosis can also lead to hypersomnia. In many cases of hypersomnia, the cause lies

in the genes or hereditary factors.

If you want to know more about this disorder, you can find it on the website of the National

Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes. Here, you will get a detailed, clinical description

of this disorder. However, the information you get on any website is no substitute for the

valuable information your family doctor can give you. While it is good to keep yourself informed,

you have to visit a doctor for a correct diagnosis of your condition.

Most of the time, people who don't see a doctor for help with these problems misdiagnose their

own condition. For instance, severally obese people who struggle to lose a few pounds would

benefit greatly if they simply visit a doctor. A doctor will be able to inform them that sleep

deprivation can lead to a rise in the metabolic rate of the body, which can, in turn, create

excessive hunger in obese people who are making futile attempts to shed pounds.

Many obese people eat more than they require because they sleep long hours and wake up

feeling hungry, instead of sleeping the customary eight hours and leading a normal life. This is

one of the reasons why obese people don't lose weight despite their best attempts; they don't

train their bodies to sleep normally and eat healthy.

Diseases Accompanied By Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders usually have their roots in a medical problem or a prescription drug taken to

treat a disease. The common diseases leading to sleep disorders are cardiovascular,

neurological, mental, kidney, and gastroesopheal disorders as well as arthritis.

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Cardiovascular Disorders

The most common cardiovascular disorders that cause sleep disorders are coronary artery

disease and congestive heart failure. Both these disorders can cause obstructive sleep apnea.

Congestive heart failure is characterized by the inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood to

satisfy the requirements of the body. As a result of this, blood accumulates in the veins leading

to the kidneys, and the resulting edema inflicts a lot of damage to the organs of the body.

Coronary heart disease is characterized by the accumulation of fatty deposits in the arteries that

carry blood to the heart, leading to a condition known as atherosclerosis.

Endocrine Disorders

Sleep disorders are also the result of endocrine malfunction such as thyroid disorder and

diabetes. Diabetes affects the way in which the body stores and uses carbohydrates, proteins,

and fats. People who do not manage and control their diabetic condition often suffer from

restless leg syndrome.

The hormones released by the thyroid gland regulates the energy levels of the body. A person

suffering from hyperthyroidism sweats profusely at night and is unable to enjoy a peaceful

night's rest.

Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, strokes, epilepsy, and Parkinson's disease

are also responsible for sleep disorders.

movement, tremors, unstable posture, slow movements, stiffness in the muscles, and difficulties

in walking. Parkinson's disease causes sleep disorders such as sleep onset insomnia and REM

sleep behavior disorder.

Alzheimer’s disease impairs the intellectual functions of the brain and causes dementia. It also

causes a sleep disorder called fragmentation.

Epilepsy affects the normal electrical functions of the brain and leads to short, sudden changes

in it that are recurrent. People suffering from epilepsy are more likely to suffer from insomnia.

Usually, stroke is associated with obstructive sleep apnea.

Respiratory Disorders

Those suffering from a respiratory disorder such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and

asthma usually suffer from an accompanying sleep disorder such as insomnia and sleep


The air passages of those suffering from asthma are inflamed. Chronic obstructive pulmonary

disease, also known as COPD, is a group of respiratory disorders that cause untold damage to

the lungs and lead to difficulties in breathing.

Mental Disorders

People suffering from psychological disorders such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, seasonal

affective disorder, depression, and schizophrenia also suffer from sleep disorders such as

insomnia and sleep fragmentation.


In gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly known as GERD, the juices in the stomach flow

back into the esophagus, and this leads to sleep fragmentation.

Kidney Disorders

In most kidney disorders, the kidneys are unable to filter the waste substances from the blood.

They are also unable to maintain a proper balance between salt and water. Such a kidney

disorder could lead to insomnia and restless leg syndrome.


The intense pain suffered by arthritis patients drives away sleep, resulting in insomnia.

If a sleep disorder is due to a medical condition, the medical condition should be treated first,

not the sleep disorder. When the primary cause of a sleep disorder is successfully treated, it

disappears, and the patient finds that he or she can enjoy good sleep.

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Causes And Cure Of Insomnia

People suffering from insomnia are unable to sleep. Many of them complain of being unable to

rest even for a few minutes. Curing insomnia becomes easier if you first find out the factors that

cause it.

According to U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, about 60 million people in the U.

S. suffer from insomnia. Studies show that the tendency to suffer from insomnia increases with


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About 30 percent men and 40 percent women suffer from this sleeping disorder. Women suffer

more from insomnia because more and more of them are now single-handedly managing a

home, children, and career without the support of any partner or spouse.

Causes of Insomnia

Insomnia has several causes including bipolar disorder or anxiety. Sometimes, insomnia has

absolutely no physical causes. Usually, people who lead active, exciting lives or those who

suffer from intense physical pain suffer from insomnia.

Studies have revealed that unhealthy food habits could also cause insomnia. Magnesium

deficiency can lead to insomnia. The sleeping patterns of people suffering from insomnia have

been found to regularize when they corrected their intake of magnesium.

Stress can disrupt sleeping patterns, which is why those suffering from insomnia are advised to

lead more relaxed lives.

Types of Insomnia

Insomnia is categorized into three: transient, acute, and chronic. Transient insomnia is shortterm,

lasing from one day to a few weeks. Acute insomnia lasts longer, and the patient is not

able to sleep for three to six weeks. Chronic insomnia is the most serious of the three

conditions, and it lasts for months.

Cures for Insomnia

You can choose among three treatment plans to cure insomnia.

Usually, this sleep disorder is treated by taking prescription drugs such as Ambien Controlled

Release (CR), Ambien, Lunesta, or Rozerem, to mention a few. People tend to become

excessively dependant on Ambien and Lunesta unlike the older brand of sleeping medication.

Sleeping disorders are characteristic of the modern times. The shelves of medical stores

contain newer sleeping pills indicating the sharp rise in the occurrence of sleeping disorders.

Some of these prescription drugs have been proved to be effective. However, not much study

has been done on many of these sleeping pills.

Recently, cognitive behavior therapy has gained importance in the treatment of insomnia.

Therapy reduces the chances of getting addicted to the sleeping pill and is highly recommended

for people with a tendency to overuse or misuse their medication.

Many people suffering from insomnia have used herbs such as chamomile, which can be

brewed like a tea. People have also taken refuge in aromatherapy and found that lavender is

great for inducing relaxation.

Pomegranates have been known to cure anything from immunity disorders to cardiovascular

problems, and they are great in improving sleep patterns too. Chinese medicine is also effective

in the treatment of sleeping disorders.

Dealing With Sleeplessness Caused By Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia was officially recognized as a medical disorder by the American Medical

Association in 1987. However, people have been suffering from this disorder ever since the

beginning of the nineteenth century. It is a muscular disorder that causes intense pain in the

patient's muscles and joints. Being a rare condition, it is reported only in 3-6 percent of the

population of the world.

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Fibromyalgia affects more women than men; for every nine women suffering from this disorder,

only one man is affected. According to the studies conducted by the College of Rhumatology,

fibromyalgia affects women aged between twenty and fifty. The disease begins in childhood.

Though not a killer disease, it causes different degrees of pain in different conditions. The

debate on whether the disorder is progressive in nature or not has not yet been resolved.

Fibromyalgia causes enough pain to keep a patient awake at night. The pain is usually

accompanied by a tingling sensation. People who suffer from fibromyalgia are usually subjected

to chronic and endless sleep deprivation. They also suffer from memory lapses and other

neurological symptoms. The common complaint, however, is the lack of sleep caused by these

inconvenient muscular pains.

Fibromyalgia is also accompanied by other problems, which can make it difficult for the patient

to enjoy a good night's sleep. Some of the symptoms of this disorder are irritable bowel

syndrome complicated by constipation. Fibromyalgia is also associated with headaches, skin

disorders, symptomatic hypoglycemia, and myofacial twitching. The patient usually suffers from

stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, and so on. The condition worsens when people don't get enough


The flare-ups of fibromyalgia, characterized by muscular pain and tingling sensation, are not the

same as the pain suffered by patients of rheumatoid arthritis. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as

Advil, Neproxine, and Acenomenofen can provide relief to those suffering from fibromyalgia.

You can also obtain relief from this condition by massaging the affected areas regularly. When

you massage, you improve the circulation of the area. The blood and other fluids move easily

from the muscles to the joints and you get temporary relief from inflammation and fibromyalgia

flare-ups. But even the temporary relief will help you get some sleep. However, remember to

massage only when you are not taking any drug for the condition because massaging in

combination with drug intake can lead to complicating side effects.

You can easily manage fibromyalgia with the help of a competent doctor. Take the drugs

prescribed as instructed by your physician. This will, in turn, enable you to sleep well. Besides,

remember to eat healthy and get plenty of exercise. Taking a healthy diet comprising vegetables

and fresh fruits and drinking lots of water and avoiding foods that don't agree with you will give

you lots of relief from the flare-ups. Take care of yourself and you will be able to sleep better.

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Symptoms Of Narcolepsy

Narcolepsy is a rare condition in which people fall asleep at the oddest moments, almost always

when they want to keep awake. This disorder is more neurological in nature. The brains sends

sleep-inducing messages to the body at unpredictable and inappropriate moments.

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They find themselves overwhelmed by the need to sleep at the oddest moments of the day in

the midst of any activity. Often, a narcoleptic falls asleep when he or she is engaged in

activities such as attending a meeting, watching a movie, eating, or conversing. Nacrolepsy can

be dangerous when a patient falls asleep in front of the steering wheel while driving or while


Most people suffering from nacrolepsy aren't aware of when and how they fall asleep or of how

sleepy they actually are. Often family members, friends, and colleagues have to convince them

to seek the help of a doctor.

Nacrolepsy can be indentified through five major symptoms; insomnia and sleep fragmentation,

excessive sleep during daytime, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hypnagogic hallucinations. In

some cases, patients experience only one symptom while others experience all the five.

Excessive Daytime Sleep

This symptom heralds the onset of narcolepsy. All narcolepsy patients experience this

symptom. The desire to go to sleep is so overpowering that the patient can do nothing about it.

In spite of their most sincere attempts, they are not able to overcome it. This desire to sleep,

commonly known as sleep attack, comes several times per day and lasts for a few minutes.

Fragmented Sleep and Insomnia

This is another common symptom of narcolepsy. Narcoleptics do not find it easy to fall asleep at

night although they can easily sleep during the day. Even if they do fall asleep, they find

themselves waking up several times. In other words, their sleep does the follow the normal

REM/nonREM pattern.

Sleep Paralysis

About fifty percent of the people suffering from this disorder experience this symptom. For a

long time before falling asleep or on waking, the patient will not be able to move or talk.


The condition of being unable to move one's muscle is called cataplexy. Cataplexy is short term,

and about fifty percent of the people suffering from narcolepsy experience this disorder.

Cataplexy is due to a nonfunctional part of REM. Often, it is triggered by strong emotions. In

extreme cases, the patient's knees buckle under him or her, the jaws and neck become weak,

and he or she might collapse on the ground. In spite of the fact that the person looks asleep and

can't talk, they are very much awake and know what is going on.

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Hypnagogic Hallucination

People experiencing this symptom see and hear very realistic, frightening images and sounds

and experience weird physical sensations. These are experienced as dreams just before falling

asleep or just before waking up. People experiencing this symptom find it hard to distinguish

between reality and dream. Usually, these hallucinations are terrifying and are associated with

sleep paralysis.

Narcolepsy is also associated with other minor symptoms such as migraine headache,

problems with concentration and memory, blurred vision, and automatic behavior, which

continues for a long time. Automatic behavior means a person suffering from narcolepsy usually

performing a task incorrectly. For example, he or she could go on writing past a page or put a

turkey into the dishwasher, instead of in the oven.

Narcolepsy is a dangerous condition. If neglected and left untreated, it could absolutely wreck

the patient's life.

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Managing And Controlling Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition in which the patient is unable to breath for brief periods while he or

she is asleep. It is categorized into two: obstructive and central. In fact, the individual suffering

from this disorder actually stops breathing. You must seriously consider this point because it

indicates the dangerous nature of this sleep disorder. If neglected and left untreated, it could

cause death.

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Who Contracts Sleep Apnea?

Morbidly obese people usually suffer from this problem, which is why they have to wear oxygen

masks to bed. In the obese, sleep apnea is caused by the pressure of their own weight on their

lungs. Obese people also snore a lot and gasp for breath. Usually, middle-aged men who are

morbidly obese are at a greater risk of contracting sleep apnea. A woman's physiology protects

her from contracting this disorder.

Obstructive sleep apnea has an adverse effect on the patient's heart because deprivation from

oxygen prevents proper circulation. This disorder is, therefore, associated with congenital and

congestive heart failure, which is again found in morbidly obese people. Sleep apnea is more in

coronary cases that have been left neglected and untreated for such a long time that now they

are no longer considered to be treatable.

People with congenital Down's Syndrome stand a greater risk of contracting sleep apnea

because about half the patients of Down's syndrome have large heads, tonsils, tongue, and

adenoids as well as a narrow nasopharynx.

People who have undergone pharyngeal flap surgery also suffer from sleep apnea because the

surgery gives rise to an obstruction in breathing, which can cause death if it is not monitored by

an efficient doctor. Sleep apnea can be treated in a number of ways. Usually, doctors and ENT

specialists consider the following points while drawing up treatment plans for people suffering

from sleep apnea.


Minor symptoms of sleep apnea include irritability, concentration problems, frequent urination,

rise in heart rate, depression, esophageal reflux, headaches, moodiness, Noctoria (a condition

which forces a patient to visit the bathroom for urination at night), lowered libido, and profuse

sweating in the night.

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Doctors usually consider the severity of the sleep apnea, the person's medical history, and the

cause of the breathing obstruction for that particular patient while drawing up a treatment plan.

Mostly, treatment includes a change in the lifestyle and abstinence from alcohol.

The lifestyle changes patients are required to make include losing weight and giving up

smoking. They are also asked to elevate themselves while sleeping by propping themselves on

pillows, which enables easier breathing.

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Morbidly obese people can greatly improve their condition if they manage to lose at least 50

pounds in two months. If unable to do this on their own, they have to become part of a support

system that will help them stick to a strict diet and exercise regime. This will prepare them for

other treatments that will help them maintain their weight loss.

Surgical techniques such as gastric bypass will be of great help to such people because it is

irreversible and forces them to eat healthy and moderately and, thereby, change their lifestyle.

The other weight loss technique is a lap band. Though reversible, it helps people maintain

weight loss and enables them to improve their breathing and sleep patterns.

About Sleeping Disorders

The term "sleeping disorders" is usually associated with sleepwalking and insomnia or inability

to sleep. Sleeping disorders are common in today's society. As per Wikipedia, there are around

14 varieties of sleeping disorders beginning with twitching in the eyes to restlessness in the


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Sleeping disorder is a feature of the modern times caused by stress, drug abuse, alcoholism,

smoking, drastic changes in lifestyle, and poor eating habits, in addition to lack of proper

physical activity. Normally, people sleep for around six to eight hours. The maximum number of

hours a person sleeps is ten hours. If you do not get the required amount of sleep, your immune

system will become weak, and this in turn can lead to all sorts of medical and health problems.

Most of these problems can be successfully treated. You can also prevent the occurrence of

these problems if you take a few basic precautions. An undiagnosed or neglected sleeping

disorder can create a lot of problems for you. Sleeping disorders can disrupt the harmony of

your life. In extreme cases, it can also be life threatening.

If you spend your sleeping hours worrying about being unable to sleep rather than actually

enjoying a good night's rest, you could probably be suffering from a sleeping disorder. Those

who have a sleeping disorder are, most of the time, not even aware that they are facing a

sleeping disorder until the problem has seriously affected their life and career. People who

suffer from sleeping disorders are usually depressed because their problem keeps them from

living a normal, happy, and productive life.

Do You Have Disturbed Sleep?

A clinical test called Polysomnogram helps medical professionals to diagnose a case of

sleeping disorder. A medical doctor has to make separate treatment plans for separate

individuals because all individuals are not the same and don't respond equally to a common

treatment plan. As per Wikipedia, these methods are used for the treatment of sleeping

disorders: taking prescription drugs such as Rozerem, Ambien CR, Ambien, Lunesta, and so on

(these are sleeping tablets), psychotherapeutic/behavioral, and others.

People suffering from narcolepsy, a type of sleeping disorder, have to undergo a special type of

test in which the activity of their brain is monitored to determine their peak sleeping points. Due

to their problem, narcoleptics can't work on machinery-related jobs that require a high degree of

awareness and alertness.

Cure To Insomnia

Usually, people diagnosed with sleep disorders are given medication for a specific period of

time. A sleep disorder makes the sufferers feel that they are not normal or that they are sick. On

the contrary, a sleeping disorder is not really a sickness; with the proper treatment, you can

easily treat it. Taking therapy will help you train your body to get the sleep that it requires.