CUPS provides the System V ("lp") and Berkeley ("lpr") command-line interfaces, a configurable web interface, a C API, and common print filters, drivers, and backends for printing. The cups-filters project provides additional filters and drivers.

this dir (/user/lib/cups/filter/) do not exist in the conatiner , did you mean : /usr/lib/cups/filter

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The CUPS scheduler implements Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) over HTTP/1.1. A helper application (cups-lpd) converts Line Printer Daemon protocol (LPD) requests to IPP. The scheduler also provides a web-based interface for managing print jobs, the configuration of the server, and for documentation about CUPS itself.[14]

The backends are the ways in which CUPS sends data to printers. There are several backends available for CUPS: parallel, serial, and USB ports, cups-pdf[36] PDF Virtual Printing, as well as network backends that operate via the IPP, JetDirect (AppSocket), Line Printer Daemon ("LPD"), and SMB protocols.

CUPS provides both the System V and Berkeley printing commands, so users can continue with traditional commands for printing via CUPS. CUPS uses port 631 (TCP and UDP), which is the standard IPP port, and optionally on port 515 by inetd, launchd, the Solaris Service Management Facility, or xinetd which use the cups-lpd helper program to support LPD printing. When CUPS is installed the lp System V printing system command and the lpr Berkeley printing system commands are installed as compatible programs. This allows a standard interface to CUPS and allows maximum compatibility with existing applications that rely on these printing systems.

KDEPrint supports several different printing platforms, with CUPS one of the best supported. It replaced a previous version of printing support in KDE, qtcups and is backwards compatible with this module of KDE. As of 2009[update] kprinter, a dialogue-box program, serves as the main tool for sending jobs to the print device; it can also be started from the command line. KDEPrint includes a system to pre-filter any jobs before they are handed over to CUPS, or to handle jobs all on its own, such as converting files to PDF. These filters are described by a pair of Desktop/XML files.

Some of Canon's printers use Canon's proprietary CARPS (Canon Advanced Raster Printing System) driver.Rainbow Software have managed to reverse engineer the CARPS data format and have successfully created a CARPS CUPS driver, which is available as carps-cups-gitAUR.The project's GitHub page includes a list of working printers.

Identify the PPD used by your printer in the ppd directory. For example, a Workforce 7710 printer uses Epson-WF-7710_Series-epson-escpr2-en.ppd. Let us call it your_ppd_filename. Convert the relevant PPD to a PPD compiler source file using the ppdi utility from the cups package.

hplip requires python-pyqt5 to run the GUI qt frontend. hp-setup requires CUPS to be installed and cups.service to be started to save the printer. hp-setup also requires the lsusb software, which is provided by the usbutils package.

If your printer is listed as requiring a binary plugin, install the hplip-pluginAUR package from AUR.If the binary plugin hplip-pluginAUR is a requirement you will need to start the cups.service before the PPD is recognized by hplip. If that does not work, reboot and log in with the printer off. Then switch it on and run a test print.

Since 2016, or 2017, Samsung is no longer in the printers/scanners business. As of 2019, HP partially support some of Samsung printers/scanners. Before 2016, Samsung was a major player. Which is why there are still many Samsung machines around. In addition, Linux, and cups, keep evolving. The bottom line of all this is that supporting Samsung products is at a flux.

A major site for information about Samsung printers/scanners is Samsung Unified Linux Driver Repository. Despite its name, it is not affiliated by Samsung (HP). Neither it is devoted only to samsung-unified-driverAUR. Yet the actual drivers suggested are the closed source from Samsung (HP). samsung-unified-driver, on the other hand, also encompass Windows and Mac. It might be the first stop to get a driver for a Samsung printer and scanner as it, or was, claim to support practically every one of these. Note that samsung-unified-driver includes software that can stand on its own, not tied to cups. If you can not get the printer to work with cups, you might try this route.

Note that the driver is 32 bit, so some 32 bit libraries will be required on an x86_64 system: lib32-libpng12, lib32-zlib, lib32-libjpeg6-turbo, lib32-libcups, lib32-libxext, lib32-libx11, lib32-gcc-libs, lib32-libstdc++5AUR

A label printing plugin for InvenTree, which provides support for Cups label printing servers. If your printer is not cups compatible, you can setup a cups printing server. This article describes how to setup a cups printing server for the DYMO LabelWriter 450 Duo.

The cups source code seems to illustrate quite a few state reasons that don't appear in that RFC. Since the same author -- M. Sweet authors both the RFC as well as maintains the CUPS source code, this may be worth file as a bug report on GitHub to see why the two have diverged.

As to the best way to track the addition of new keywords, M. Sweet may also be able to provide information on where the new state keywords are derived. Here's the commit description of what seems to have prompted the cups-waiting-for-job-completed.

msweet committed on Nov 6, 2013 Dropped "dark wake" support on OS X, which was preventing portables from going to sleep when there was a stuck job. We now use a variation of the CUPS 1.4 sleep support to do a cleaner sleep Aside from removing all of the power assertions, we now track a new "cups-waiting-for-completed" state keyword that tells cupsd it can SIGKILL a backend without side-effects - then if we are just waiting for the job to complete we can go to sleep immediately.

This interface is intended to be used by snap developers who wish to add safe printing functionality to their snapped applications without requiring their users to make make a manual interface connection. This is possible because the cups interface does not permit administration or configuration of printers via the CUPS socket, only the submission of print jobs and auxiliary tasks, such as listing available printers.

The CUPS snap will run in standalone mode, listening not only on $SNAP_COMMON/run/cups.sock but also on /run/cups/cups.sock. This way all applications, both classically installed or snapped, print via the CUPS Snap. Queues have to be created on the snapped CUPS, drivers have to be Printer Applications. Also here the user sees the same print queues for both classic and snapped applications.

The design of both of these interfaces is based on the idea that the slot implementation (eg. cupsd) is expected to query snapd to determine if the cups-control interface is connected or not for the peer-client process. The print service will then mediate admin functionality (ie, the rules in these interfaces allow connecting to the print service, but do not implement enforcement rules; it is up to the print service to provide enforcement).

This interface is intended to be used by snap developers who wish their snap to print via the cups snap. Consequently, this interface does not permit administration or configuration of printers via the CUPS socket itself, only the submission of print jobs.

Also the cups interface is not successor of cups-control, the former does not replace the latter. cups is intended for Snaps of user applications with print functionality whereas cups-control is intended for snapping admin utilities.

The following merit a rating of drink with caution. When I am lazy (not infrequently, as you may have guessed) I will drink these without complaining that much. A notable and perhaps key difference is that unlike the execrable participants in the upper list (which are sealed cups that are punctured on both ends) these are packaged filter cups that let the coffee flow out from the sides.

Genetic programming (GP) is a commonly used approach to solve symbolic regression (SR) problems. Compared with the machine learning or deep learning methods that depend on the pre-defined model and the training dataset for solving SR problems, GP is more focused on finding the solution in a search space. Although GP has good performance on large-scale benchmarks, it randomly transforms individuals to search results without taking advantage of the characteristics of the dataset. So, the search process of GP is usually slow, and the final results could be unstable.To guide GP by these characteristics, we propose a new method for SR, called Taylor genetic programming (TaylorGP) (Code and appendix at TaylorGP leverages a Taylor polynomial to approximate the symbolic equation that fits the dataset. It also utilizes the Taylor polynomial to extract the features of the symbolic equation: low order polynomial discrimination, variable separability, boundary, monotonic, and parity. GP is enhanced by these Taylor polynomial techniques. Experiments are conducted on three kinds of benchmarks: classical SR, machine learning, and physics. The experimental results show that TaylorGP not only has higher accuracy than the nine baseline methods, but also is faster in finding stable results. 17dc91bb1f

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