Cumbia refers to a number of musical rhythms and folk dance traditions of Latin America, generally involving musical and cultural elements from American Indigenous peoples, Europeans and African slaves during colonial times.[1] Cumbia is said to have come from funeral traditions in the Afro-Colombian community.

Cumbia's background came from the coastal region of Colombia.[7] To be more specific, its dance came from a coastal traditional culture, as cumbia had multiple ethnic influences that originated from this region. One of the biggest factors of its heritage is the African influences that was brought over by the African slaves imported from the colonization of the Spaniards. The influence came from the costeo[8] dance. Another influence was the integration of Spanish people. The Spanish folksongs with influences from the indigenous caused the fusion of races and the elements of their cultures were likewise fused.[9]

Cumbia Cumbia

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The history of cumbia has evolved throughout the years, known as a street dance but had a period of transiting into a ballroom dance.[10] Cumbia is commonly known for having many subgenres from different countries which contributes to the different dance styles known. Cumbia can be referred to as a folk dance while also being known globally as a street dance. To better understand what the dances of cumbia resemble it's better to know the basics of the dance. Cumbia is danced in pairs, consisting the amorous conquest of a woman by a man. This is crucial since the dance from the Atlantic coast[11] has the woman holding a candle in her right hand. This serves as two narrative functions; one to light the way for the dancing woman and the latter for a more serious motif. The latter can be portrayed in an imaginative sentence as a weapon by which the woman defends herself against the advances of her partner.[11]

Since the 1950s, cumbia has been an art form that is stylized, orchestrated and lyricized, contrary to the traditional form. This has diverged through the years and the world-known genre even had a brief period in the 1970s where it lost its popularity.

As the genre evolved, it expanded throughout Latin America. The expansion has led to the creation of new variations on the form, and international recognition of the genre changed public perceptions. Cumbia almost disappeared in Colombia in the 1970s after the introduction of salsa. Although that was detrimental it could be argued that cumbia found stability in Central America, Mexico, and Peru.[12] The transformation of cumbia in other countries to better align with the taste of populations with very different aesthetic traditions from the strongly African-derived coastal culture[13] from which it originally emerged.

Representing cumbia being perceived as expressing the harmonious outcome of racial and cultural blending, this socially affected the public views on the region's highly discriminated mestizo working class. Socially and economically some changed their views on mestizos due to cumbia being a large factor in shaping their perspective - except in Argentina, where it's still largely seen as vulgar and offensive by much of the middle class and has thus mostly helped reinforce lower class stereotypes.[14]

Whether you're in a convenience store in Ushuaia, the southernmost tip of Argentina, Mexico City or East L.A., you're likely to hear cumbia blaring from a stereo. In Latin America, no musical style has been as widespread, unifying and, I would argue, misunderstood as cumbia.

Gustavo Cordera, of the Argentine rock group La Bersuit Vergarabat, once said in an interview: "Latin rock feels jealous of cumbia music." He was on to something: Cumbia is the musical backbone of the continent. The first time I really listened to cumbia, as a teenager, it was like running my own fingers down the backbone of my identity. These vertebrae, aligned in a 2/4 beat, had always been there; they were hard and unmovable. Cumbia. And something else I wouldn't be able to define until I left my country: Latinidad. Latin-ness.

Engraved in each vertebra of cumbia is the history of Latin America itself. Brought to Colombia around the time it became a Spanish colony, it was heavily influenced by the instruments of native tribes, such as the gaita flutes and the guacharacas. Its shuffle spread throughout Latin America; on this week's show, we get a visit from Eduardo Diaz, director of the Smithsonian Latino Center, who tells us, among other things, about how cumbia was brought into Mexico and cultivated as part of the Mexican identity.

Cumbia is one of the sounds of Mexico today, but it wasn't always like that: It took a stellar Colombian musician showing up with a suitcase full of tunes and beats. Luis Carlos Meyer Castandet moved to Mexico, where he worked with orchestra director Rafael de Paz. In the '50s, he recorded what many think was the first cumbia recorded outside of Colombia, La Cumbia Cienaguera.

Cumbia was reborn in Peru in the '70s. Known as chicha or psychedelic cumbia, it could be heard in oil-drilling Amazonian towns. These enterprises gathered together Peruvian oil workers and American businessmen. It also pitted cumbia against rock, especially surf-rock.

When I was a kid in the late '90s, Argentina's economy was booming and we encountered a wave of Peruvian and Bolivian immigrants. I grew up in an immigrant neighborhood, and remember walking past the houses that boomed cumbia, but I ignored it; frankly, I tried to ignore them. But who am I to not look straight into the eyes of my own ugliness, rather than disown it? To be honest, I was too busy trying to be cool (read: not Latin). It was not in my pre-adolescent best social interest to even let it be known among my schoolmates (to whose social class I aspired to belong someday) that I came from a neighborhood where you could even hear cumbia on the streets.

No importa si entran a una tienda en Ushuaia, en el extremo sur de Argentina, o en la ciudad de Mxico o en el este de Los ngeles, es probable que escuchen una cumbia sonando a todo volumen. En Amrica Latina no hay estilo musical ms difundido, unificante y, yo dira, ms incomprendido que la cumbia. Gustavo Cordera, del grupo de rock argentino La Bersuit Vergarabat, alguna vez dijo en una entrevista que: "el rock latino se siente celoso de la cumbia". Y no le faltaba razn, pues la cumbia es la columna vertebral musical del continente.

La primera vez que escuch de verdad una cumbia era adolescente y me pareci como recorrer con mis dedos cada vrtebra de mi identidad. Estas vrtebras, alineadas a ritmo de 2 por 4, siempre haban estado presentes, slidas e inamovibles. Era La Cumbia y algo ms que no podra definir sino hasta que dej mi pas: mi latinidad.

Mi colega en Alt.Latino, Flix Contreras cuenta que la cumbia siempre fue parte de la variedad musical durante su niez y adolescencia en los aos 60 y 70. La cumbia se escuchaba en todas las fiestas y las reuniones, a veces como protagonista a todo volumen y a veces como msica de fondo o de gozo para su mam o sus tas. Sin embargo, como lo cuenta en el programa de esta semana, no fue sino hasta que la banda de rock chicano Los Lobos reclam la cumbia de la generacin de sus padres que Flix entendi que reflejaba ms acerca de l mismo de lo que pensaba.

Grabada en cada vrtebra de la cumbia se encuentra la historia misma de Amrica Latina, la cumbia llega a Colombia durante la Colonia espaola, intensamente influenciada por los instrumentos de las etnias locales, como las gaitas y las guacharacas. Su paso se extendi como fuego en toda la regin y, esta semana, Eduardo Daz, director del Centro Latino del Smithsonian, nos cuenta cmo, entre otras cosas, lleg la cumbia a Mxico y se cultiv hasta llegar a formar parte de la identidad de este pas. La cumbia es uno de los sonidos del Mxico de hoy, pero no fue siempre as. Fue necesario que se presentara un msico colombiano estelar con un maletn lleno de canciones y ritmos. Luis Carlos Meyer Castandet emigr a Mxico, donde trabaj con el director de orquesta Rafael de la Paz. En los aos 50 grab lo que mucha gente considera la primera cumbia grabada fuera de Colombia, La cumbia cienaguera.

Una de las teoras que escuchamos acerca de por qu es tan popular la cumbia es la sencillez de su paso al bailar (a diferencia de la salsa, que es ms intrincada y difcil de dominar. Daz nos explic que el paso bsico de la cumbia tiene su origen con el nacimiento mismo de la msica, cuando los esclavos tenan sus piernas encadenadas y, por ello, apenas capaces de moverse.

La cumbia renaci en Per en los aos 70. Conocida como chicha o cumbia sicodlica se le poda escuchar en los pueblos petroleros del Amazonas. Estas empresas enfrentaron a los trabajadores peruanos del petrleo con los empresarios estadounidenses, as como a la cumbia contra el rock y, en especial, el surf rock.

Cuando era pequea a fines de los aos 90, la economa argentina estaba viviendo un auge y recibamos oleadas de inmigrantes de Per y Bolivia. Yo crec en un vecindario e inmigrantes y recuerdo pasar caminando por las casas y escuchar el sonido de la cumbia a todo volumen, pero la ignoraba y francamente trataba de ignorarlas. Pero, quin soy yo para no querer ver a los ojos de mi propia fealdad, en lugar de rechazarla? Para serles honesta, estuve demasiado ocupada tratando de ser cool (lase no latina). Tampoco contribua en nada a mis intereses preadolescentes que se supiera entre mis compaeros de clase (a cuya clase social aspiraba pertenecer algn da) que yo vena de un barrio donde hasta podas or cumbia en las calles.

Despus, al empezar a enredarme en el desorden que es la pubertad, en el pas empez a caer en un caos violento. Perdido en algn lugar de aquellos das, cuando apenas senta mi pecho empezar a "dibujarse", escuch una cumbia por primera vez. Realmente escuch. Era un nuevo ritmo llamado cumbia villera, versin recortada, hecha bolas y ms lenta de la cumbia peruana. Mi cuerpo saba cmo moverse, y estos msicos cantaban lo que pocos polticos y asistentes se atrevan a decir pero todos saban pero teman decir pero todos sabamos. Mi curiosidad me llev a empezar a escuchar otros tipos de msica, como la msica ranchera, y el rock latino. Era tan lgico para mi y para mi cuerpo , aunque no supiera que lo que estaba sintiendo se resuma en siglos de ADN musical. Aunque todava no aprenda que las batallas se heredan y que no reniegas de tus ancestros, ya lo senta. Lo senta. 152ee80cbc

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