VibrateCall Permission Guide

VibrateCall depends on the permission to read Android radio log (by executing 'logcat -b radio') to determine whether a outgoing call is answered by the other side.

This permission is for Android debug or development purpose only, so a normal application downloaded from GooglePlay can never be granted this permission automatically. In order to help VibrateCall to work, you have to manually grant the permission following the steps below:

  • Enable the developer options of your phone. If you don't know how to so, following the guide on this page:
  • Download Android SDK tools from this page: , find them for different platform in section "Command Line Tools Only". Download and install it. And you can use the included SdkManager to download other SDK tools and packages
  • Connect your phone with your PC with USB cable, you might see a dialog asking for confirmation to enable debugging this phone with the PC, select YES.
  • On your PC, open a terminal command line shell, like cmd or powershell, execute "adb devices" you can see the connected device listed there. If it complains about command adb is not recognized, please check your command line environment settings.
  • If all of above are OK, just execute the command line below: adb shell "pm grant com.robin.huangwei.vibrate250 android.permission.READ_LOGS"
  • Kill this application (from application settings -> VibrateCall -> force close) or simply reboot your phone, you should get the correct permission.
  • Restart this application, the permission check should be OK then.