The 5th Mini-Workshop on 

"Chirality in the Universe 

Beyond the Electroweak Scale" 

K-Hotel, Gurye

This is the 5th installment in our series of workshops on particle physics. The focus of this workshop is on the role chirality plays in the phenomenological study of particle flavor mixing theory. There will be a variety of talks on recent developments in this field by eminent speakers within the field. There are also a number of open slots reserved for students to present their work, and we encourage applicants to apply along with registration.

The workshop will be held in Sandong, Gurye near Jirisan national park.  Accommodation will be provided to students and postdocs (one room for two). Hotel rooms will be reserved for those who register by April 14. (If you need financial assistance for accommodation, please contact the organizers.)

Date: Apr. 21, 2023 ~ Apr. 24, 2023

Location: K-Hotel, Sandong, Gurye

venue : 1F Nogodan Hall

Meal : 1F Cafeteria

(There is no meal ticket but you can eat at the cafeteria if you tell the staff that you are a participant in this conference.)

Invited Speakers : To Be Announced

(Registration Deadline:  April 14, 2023)

Organized by:  IBS-CUP, IBS-CAPP, KIAS, Sungkyunkwan University