I did notice in task manager that cubase was spiking up to 80% of my processing power which seems very high considering I have a 3.9 GHz processor. Also the dropouts and noise happen randomly, as in they are different each time I try playing the track. sometimes it goes 15 seconds before any problems sometimes its 3 seconds.

As for the individual channel meters, like I said if I remove a channel where the noise appears to be coming from then it just shows up on a different channel. Seems to be an overall processing issue, something is driving up my processor use.

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Something to note, I have my channel latencies visible and I noticed Steinberg Imager has 120ms latency while most other plugins only have about 2ms. I have stopped using that plugin just to be safe, I forgot to check the latency of the melda plugins.

Are you able to eliminate the ASIO4All shell just to do some testing? I use ASIO4All with a USB DAC when I travel. I use Focusrite Solo at home. When Windows updated to 21H1 I noticed worse performance issues with the ASIO4All. When I rolled WIN OS back, the issues were gone. I am now back on 21H1 and hve same performance issues with ASIO4All. Other than that I did not do any further investigation.

Yes I tried using same DAC with different driver as well as a different DAC with a different driver. Issue persisted. So far the only fix has been not using melda plugins which is sad because I really like them.

thx for the info, yes i was also artist mix owner and i am aware this issue got posted many many times. i gave up on artist mix controllers just cause of this. but in that time seriously considered also switching to protools just cause of this!!! (you hear this Steinberg!)

But i think it is still inconvenient and mixer and arrangement view should have separate comments for track view options and should not share the same command. It just makes things complicated without any logical reason behind.

Perhaps this old issue has something to do with asio guard or the asio driver out of sync or something. I have no idea but I have several hundred crash report files by now. I have looked in some of these crash report files with notepad++ but I cannot figure out by looking at those WHY Cubase crash. In my other DAW crash report are reported in a popup window, so the user is told what happened and why. This is something I miss from Cubase, so I still prefer writing music in my old and cheap DAW and then do my mixing in Cubase afterward and working with audio files only have never caused Cubase to crash here.

Today I started Cubase in Safe Start Mode. Never tried that before. I found this page ( _new/show_details/kb_show/safe-start-mode-resetting-the-cubase-preferences.html ) with instructions how to check if the problem is the preferences, just in case other forum visitors wonder about Cubase Safe Start Mode too.

I have no idea if starting cubase in safe start mode alone have fixed this issue, or I have just been lucky in these small tests today. Perhaps the crashes were caused by some reverb plugins I had enabled on fxsend tracks. I did replace some of them a few days ago, although those reverbs have not crashed by themself - because the crash always have happened when I enabled or disabled a vst instrument track.

I have no idea. I do however have a lot of crash-log files.

I now send you an email with a zip file containing six crashdump files that were created by Cubase 9.5.21 when it crashed while enabling/disabling vst instrument tracks. I found your email address at your cubase-training website. I dont have dropbox and dont use filesharing websites because my antivirus blocks those.

update : I have also uninstalled Cubase 7.5, 8.0, 8.5 and 9.5 and manually deleted some keys in the windows registration editor (regedit.exe), and then reinstalled Cubase 9.5, so this might have helped too? Cubase still crashed when I closed my big template project file, but it havent crashed when enabling/disabling vst instrument tracks for an hour by now. Promissing. However I am still interested in knowing why Cubase crashed before, so I can get rid of any plugins that caused Cubase crash, if that is the case.

In addition to my latest comment above, I continued this testing by removing all plugins from the sendFX tracks from the small new template file I created yesterday in Cubase 9.5.21, because those were the only difference between the no-crash test and crash test I did yesterday evening. However Cubase 9.5.21 hard-crashed when I enabled the very first vst instrument track - so its not the sendfx tracks either. Again, this is just simply random crashes when enabling or disabling vst instrument tracks.

My experience is that most of the plugins I use do not cause crashes. The exceptions are the uhe VST3 plugins. They cause almost immediate crashes or freezes. Luckily I use the 2.4 versions which are fine. Some vendors have not been able to get VST3 to work reliably. Kontakt has been an issue for me - mainly with spking if I use the multi-timbrel version,

Groove Agent SE 4 does that. Its workflow is obviously heavily optimized for working with percussion, drums and sfx samples, but if you need to use it for melodic instruments it works just fine. This is demonstrated in the full version of Groove Agent 4, where one of the presets is a multisampled glockenspiel with various velocity layers.

A lot of people are still asking for a sampler though, so I guess you could expect them to add a SE version of Halion 5/6 in Cubase Pro 9 or 9.5. It will probably have more or less the same functionality as Groove Agent SE 4, just optimized for use with melodic instruments.

Get someone else to properly and scientifically ABX double blind test you and make sure you can pick out 96KHz over 44.1 KHZ 100% of the time otherwise your just guesssing and therefore wasting time money and rescources in general.

Yep, and I mean if you could enable it not only globally, but per plugin/track too, then the resource thing would be a non issue imho. As soon as you see which plugins always crash cubase, you could sort that problem out and then disable the sandbox again. Or leave it enabled for it, if there is no fix and you really need this plugin.

And sorry, but your conclusion does not make sense. This would be the opposite of making plugin vendors more lazy, because finally you 'd know for sure which plugin caused a crash and you can let them know that their plugin was the fault. As it is now, unless you have a dmp file which proves the cause of a crash precisely, there is not much you can do to.

Mostly it is not that hard to find what plugin is the one that causes the problem. And moving the problem it separate process does not necessary solve the problem, and a plugin that crashes in a sandbox is not useful and still need to be fixed.

Then I suggest you try them out. Because how they did it (especially Bitwig) is remarkable, you have multiple sandbox modes and options, which let you choose how many resources/latency will be used, with whitelists and blacklists. It just works.

Depends on what you are mixing/producing, the size of your projects and of course the time you spend doing that.

Usually when mixing smaller projects this is not an issue. But when mixing bigger ones, with over 100+ tracks and hundreds of different plugins, even usually stable plugins can cause crashes. To me it seems this is also related to the CPU usage in general.

No, not necessarily. It sometimes depends on certain circumstances. Therefore, a certain plug-in may work in one project and cause problems in another. The next time you open a project that crashes on startup, you should definitely try Safe Mode. Then we can better narrow down whether the cause of the crash is a plug-in or something else.

Yeah you gotta do what works for you. I primarily work in Cubase now but I still keep my copy of Adobe Audition updated because there are some things I just like better (stock single-band compressor and noise reduction processes to name a few). Cubase is probably still worth experimenting with because a lot of the stock stuff in Pro is really nice and you might find yourself at least pulling it out for some specific process.

Same here! Crashes seem to be arbitrary as almost anything can cause it. If I have a couple instances loaded stuff usually works if left unattended but editing or loading another instances upsets this working state and my crashes can be quite extreme. Please fix!

And next is with C9 pro i must try to AVOID all 32bit plugins, because i was allways thinking my project would readable in future. So i cannot even expect that working fully with 64 bit plugins after 10 years i will have the same problem ??

That is the other problem. I this year bought C9pro. Was working under C6 and even SX3 (because of old projects).

The FXP presets are older system plugin presets.

The where replaced by VST3presets.

I was lucky with Battery3 and Hypersonic that i could import FXP (dont know its the plugin or Steinberg does this on the plugin parameters).

But you can import FXP preset and then save a VST3preset and you are in. be457b7860

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