Miss Timmerman

5th grade Reading and Language Arts

Hoboken Catholic Academy

555 7th St., Hoboken, NJ 07030

Tel: (201) 963-9535


Dear Parents,

As you know, I have allowed the students to do corrections for partial credit on their tests and quizzes. This was to ease the students into the new school year. Beginning next trimester, I will not be continuing this practice. We will still go over the answers in class, and discuss any material that was difficult to clarify confusion. Since the upper grades do not allow for corrections for partial credit, the students need to begin to acclimate themselves to that policy.

I am available after school Monday-Thursday (permitted there are no staff meetings) until 3:15 for students to come and ask questions on material they find difficult.

Miss Timmerman

Welcome to 5th grade Reading and Language Arts! Students and parents are welcome to come here to find information about the course, homework, or extra resources.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at ctimmerman@hobokencatholic.org