Christos Thrampoulidis

E-mail: cthrampo AT ece (-dot-) ubc (-dot-) ca

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the ECE Department at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver. I am also member of the MILD group at UBC. Previously, I was Assistant professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara.

I do research on machine learning and deep-learning theory, optimization and statistical signal processing.

If you are interested in joining my group at UBC, Vancouver in Fall 2024, please apply to the UBC ECE graduate program and click here for more detailsCheck this to learn more about course offerings and exciting research activities on mathematics of information, learning and data from other groups within UBC.



Last updated (April 23)


PhD: Hossein Taheri (co-advised), Ganesh R. Kini, Chen Fan (co-advised), H. Wenlong Deng (co-advised), Tina Behnia, Sadegh Mahdavi (co-advised)

MSc:  Puneesh Deora, Vala Vakilian, Rouzbeh Ghaderi, Yize Zhao

Undergraduates: Tate McCartney


Alumni:  Ke Wang (PhD, 09/22) , Orestis Paraskevas (MSc, 04/22 - now at Goldman Sachs) , Sanae Amani (MSc, 12/20 - now PhD at UCLA), Will Van Hying (MSc, 07/20), Jaidev Gill (BSc, 06/24 - now PhD at UMichigan)


Check my google scholar profile for up-to-date research publications.


Current: Optimization (2022-2024) , Signals & Systems (2021-24)

Old:  High-dimensional probability with applications to data science (UCSB 2019-20) , Estimation Theory (UCSB 2019-20), Introduction to Electrical Engineering (UCSB 2019-20)

Short (informal) Bio

I was born in Veroia, which is located in Macedonia, the northern part of Greece. However, I grew up in the south-west and specifically in the third largest city of Greece: Patras. I stayed in Patras for my undergraduate studies and I received the Diploma (5-years degree) in ECE from the University of Patras in 2011. During my undergraduate studies, I received invaluable advice and was particularly inspired by Professors George Moustakides, Dimitris Toumpakaris and George Bitsoris. In September 2011, I moved to California for my graduate studies. I received a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. degree in EE in 2012 and 2016, respectively, both from Caltech, with a minor in Applied and Computational Mathematics. During these years, I was fortunate enough to have Prof. Babak Hassibi serving as my Ph.D. advisor. I also had the great opportunity to receive advice and guidance by the members of my Ph.D. committee Prof. Joel Tropp and Prof. P. P. Vaidyanathan. I spent the coming two years as a postdoctoral research associate at the Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) at MIT, where I was generously supported by Prof. Gregory W. Wornell. In Fall 2018, it was time for me to return to the West Coast and the California sunshine in order to join the faculty at the ECE Department at UC, Santa Barbara. As much as I loved Santa Barbara, in January 2021, I started on a new adventure, moving to Vancouver, Canada, where I am now faculty at the ECE Department UBC.