A template for Excel is a pre-built spreadsheet or workbook that's already formatted, organized, and populated with formulas tailored for its purpose. If you need to organize or plan something, there's probably an Excel spreadsheet or workbook template perfect for the task. You can use pre-built Excel templates for time management, budgeting, project planning, and much more.

You can use Excel templates to unlock the full functionality of your spreadsheets. Excel is way more than rows and columns: You can use it to organize your personal life, your professional tasks, manage your time, boost your productivity, and more. See what you can do with Excel when you start with a customizable template.

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The first function, New Report, opens the Excel Workbook and generates an Object "wire" for it. The While loop starts with Excel Get Worksheet, trying to get Worksheet 0, 1, ... (until it tries to get the successor to the last Worksheet, which returns an Error). If it succeeds, it calls the Get ActiveX References, and we use the Worksheet reference to get the Worksheet Name. Pretty straight-forward so far. The Error case (not shown) wires a blank to the name, and a False to the Conditional Index terminal (instead of True, as is shown here). The Name and Conditional Index values are brought to a Conditional Index terminal, which builds our Array of Names (leaving off the blank name for the final non-existant Worksheet). We end the While loop on the Error condition, clearing the Error before exiting the loop.

Essentially, what I did is set up a workflow for my office as follows: whenever someone fills out a request form on Microsoft Forms, the first flow is triggered. That flow adds a new task to our Planner, and adds that task's details to an Excel online sheet that we share with the requesters so they may track the status of their request. It looks like this:

The second flow I built, which is the one giving me issues, builds upon this. I set it to trigger every 5 minutes, and my goal for it was to have it update this spreadsheet based on changes that may occur Planner-side (changing from In Progress to Complete, assigned to someone, etc). However, I often have issues with it. Before, the issues that would arise would be the flow would fail because of a 404 error whenever it couldn't find a row containing a specific ID. Now.. my flow has just been running, non-stop.

As for your second point, absolutely! All I really need is for changes in the Planner (assignees, progress, etc) to be reflected on the spreadsheet in Excel online. If there is a simpler way to do that, I would very much like to hear it.

Yes! If anything I mostly need to know just how to set up the flow so that it compares the Excel sheet with Planner since I tried using some if statements but couldn't get it to work. So any starting point would be appreciated! Also, on the topic of Planner being problematic with the IDs, I've actually been asked by my boss to look into adapting this exact same kind of workflow using Lists instead of Planner, since it apparently has much better functionality than Planner does.

What his solution does is go through the items in the first list to see if they exist in the second list. Anywhere that it doesn't exist, it means there wasn't a match for that ID and Complete combination...so on the "no" path of the condition, you would strip out the ID using the split() function at the unique character ('%'), and use that to update that one row in your spreadsheet.

If you created a PivotTable and decide you no longer want it, select the entire PivotTable range and press Delete. This won't have any effect on other data or PivotTables or charts around it. If your PivotTable is on a separate sheet that has no other data you want to keep, deleting the sheet is a fast way to remove the PivotTable.

In the Choose where you want the PivotTable report to be placed section, select New Worksheet, or Existing Worksheet. For Existing Worksheet, select the cell where you want the PivotTable placed.

If you created a PivotTable and decide you no longer want it, you can simply select the entire PivotTable range, and then press Delete. This doesn't affect any other data or PivotTables or charts around it. If your PivotTable is on a separate sheet that has no other data you want to keep, deleting that sheet is a fast way to remove the PivotTable.

I wanted to import the excel sheet in Ignition Perspective.

I am using xlrd python library for importing the excel sheet, but it is giving me error as AttributeError: 'javapackage' object has no attribute 'open_workbook'. Kindly support for the same to resolve the error.

Hi JordanCClark,

I am trying to use the script you provided to import the excel sheet but I am getting the following error

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 95, in 

File "", line 34, in excelToDataSet

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

I have 3 datasets that I have exported onto 3 separate sheets with excel, although I would also like a fourth sheet that is a summary page at the beginning that can have 3 different pivot tables from the datasets. The pivots will all contain different column headers, and ideally I would be able to have a pivot table then space, then pivot table, space, etc. Is this possible to get them all onto one sheet? Thanks

Hi again,

I am addressing the issue of writing different tables to the same excel sheet. In order to do so, you need to connect each of your pivoted tables (I assume you do pivoting with Pivoting node?) to 3 separate Excel Writer nodes and select append in the Sheets section inside (I ). It is possible with Excel Writer node as you may read in description or in the screenshots below

image1204162 18.5 KB

image1256695 78.2 KB

Hope it helps.



Importing an Excel file into Smartsheet will create a new sheet each time. It sounds like you may have created a sheet in Smartsheet first, then used Import to bring in data. Since this creates a new item, your original Smartsheet sheet will stay blank.

Losing my original work was a bad surprise because one would expect the sheet to be able to save the data or generate some form of message warning you that the data will be lost unless you "Save as" under a new document.

Hey @Pascale Ropert - I found this thread because I was experiencing the same issue. You may have noticed this too, however when the sheet is imported it actually doesn't delete, it instead just moves to the Main Sheets page and is available there. So if you click out of the sheet you thought the data should be in, navigate to the main files page, and search, you should find the sheet with all the imported and saved data. That sheet can then be moved or worked off of and all the data is still there.

This is helpful to see that the import creates a new sheet, but does not solve the issue for me. I need to import to a sheet monthly, and I reference that specific sheet in other sheets and reports. Is there a way to import into the existing sheet? Copying and pasting does not work for me.

I have an Auto number column in my sheet. I have now reached over 100 numbers, but when I sort the rows ascending, all the 100 numbers are now shown in the top of the column before the numbers lower than 100. 102, 101, 100, 37, 48, 69, 98. How do I get the 100 numbers to be at the bottom?

My strategy consisted of creating a sheet list and a macro following it to open each one of them. Some of them have trailing spaces and apparently it looks like Alteryx does an automatic cleansing in the field before trying to relate them to the files, so it tries to locate the sheet names using their "clean version" and, consequently, cannot find them.

I'm trying to summarize a folder of Excel invoices, and have done this quite a few times before with an invoked function call, but have run into this problem for the first time, hoping you can help me out. The data that I want is always on Sheet 1 of the Excel document, but that particular sheet has a different name in each file. How can I refer to Sheet 1 without using the name? Here is the particular line in my code:

Excel tables are read-only in ArcGIS Pro; however, they can be edited in Excel while you have a worksheet open in the Contents pane (stand-alone table layer). The layer will only display the updated (saved) values for edits made outside of ArcGIS Pro when ArcGIS Pro has been closed and reopened.

Yes I have this problem too. It's not just that Excel files are read-only, the problem is that ArcGIS Pro won't reread an excel file once it's been read once. One would think the "refresh" command would do this but it doesn't work for me. I have to close Pro down and open it again every time. Very frustrating when I'm working through a large Excel file with lat/lon values and using ArcGIS Pro to find typos.

If I may make a suggestion: unless you have a compelling reason to leave your data in the excel format, convert the excel worksheet into an ArcGIS geodatabase table and perform your edits there. Excel is a spreadsheet; ArcGIS is a database management system. You'll have far less headaches if you treat your data as a database. e24fc04721

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