The Cherokee Triangle Art Fair is successful because of the quality of our artists and the time and effort made by our volunteers. Be a part of this annual neighborhood tradition and join us for a couple of volunteer hours. It’s a great way to meet new neighbors and see the CTA (and the neighborhood) in action. For many high school students, volunteer hours at the art fair can count toward community service requirements.

Jobs fill fast so please see below for dates and time slots, as well as type of volunteer roles. Note that some positions are 21+ age requirement. Each slot is a 2-hour minimum. 

Traffic & Safety 

You will be stationed at street closures to re-direct and stop cars from entering during Friday set-up or during fair hours on Saturday and Sunday. Volunteers can sit during this job.

Sunday Tear Down – TBD

Plant Booth 

You will be working with other volunteers at the beloved, neighborhood plant booth. You will help fair attendees with plant and flower purchases. This job requires experience with using an iPad.

Pretzels and Sandwiches

You will be part of a team selling vegetarian and child-friendly food within the food court. This job requires experience with using an iPad.

Roundabout Cafe

You will be a part of a team selling wine and Mimosas at the round-about located at Cherokee Road and Cherokee Parkway. Must be 21 years of age or older.

Association Booth

Friday: Set-up (2 shifts, 2 people per shift)

Saturday & Sunday: Check ID's and distribute bracelets for customers wanting to purchase alcoholic beverages (2 people) /  Manage merchandise sales (1 person) /Support Art Fair attendees with logistical information about the Fair and general information  about the Cherokee Triangle Association (1 person)