CSWG App Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

Privacy Policy and Disclaimer:

Privacy Policy:

The CSWG (Cardiogenic Shock Working Group) App prioritizes user privacy and ensures the protection of personal information. Please read the following privacy policy to understand how your information is handled while using the app:

Data Collection: This application does not collect or store personal information, cookies, device data, or the values entered while in use. The app is designed to provide functionality without requiring any personal data from users.

Third-Party Services: The CSWG developers are not responsible for any information collected by Apple or the Apple Store. Please refer to Apple's privacy policy for details on how they handle data.

Security Measures: Although no personal data is collected or stored, the app employs industry-standard security measures to protect user information and maintain data integrity.


The CSWG App is designed to support healthcare professionals in their assessment and management of cardiogenic shock. It is not intended for use by non-medical professionals. The information provided on this app should not be considered as medical advice. The app merely presents data that is already published in the literature.

Limitations: Depending on when the app is accessed, the information presented may be outdated or irrelevant. The CSWG developers cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided. Users should always refer to the latest medical research and guidelines for clinical decision-making.

Clinical Judgment: The app should not be regarded as a substitute for clinical judgment or professional medical advice. The treating clinician/team should use their expertise, experience, and individual patient assessment to make informed decisions. The CSWG App is a tool that can aid in decision-making but should not replace the expertise of qualified healthcare providers.

Consequences: The researchers and developers of the CSWG App accept no responsibility whatsoever for any consequences resulting from the use of this app as part of a medical care program. Users are solely responsible for their interpretation and utilization of the app's information.

Please note that this app only presents data published in the literature and should not be a substitute for clinical decision-making. The treating clinician/team should use their judgment and experience in clinical decision-making.

By using the CSWG App, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this privacy policy and disclaimer. If you have any concerns or questions regarding privacy or the app's functionality, please contact us through the provided support channels.

Last updated: June 17, 2023