CSWG App Support Page

Welcome to the support page for the CSWG (Cardiogenic Shock Working Group) App. We are dedicated to providing you with the assistance you need to maximize your experience with the app and address any questions or concerns you may have. Please find below some helpful information and resources to ensure that you make the most of this powerful tool.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

The CSWG App is available for iOS devices. You can download it directly from the App Store by searching for "CSWG App" and following the installation instructions.

To switch between the different parts of the app, simply use the navigation bar located at the bottom of the screen. Tap on the respective icons labeled "Shock Stage Calculator," "Invasive Hemodynamics Calculator," or "Shock Phenotype Calculator" to access each section.

In the Shock Stage Calculator, you can input relevant clinical data to determine the CSWG-SCAI shock stage. The app will provide you with the predicted mortality rates for each stage, including separate mortality rates for MI-CS and HF-CS. Additionally, the calculator provides a predicted probability of stage escalation, assisting in the assessment of potential progression.

The Invasive Hemodynamics Calculator allows you to calculate various parameters related to hemodynamics. Simply input the relevant measurements or values, and the app will generate results such as cardiac output, cardiac index, systemic vascular resistance, and more. The graph provided helps classify parameters into categories such as "LV congestion," "RV congestion," "Hypovolemic," and "BiV Congestion," based on the plotted left heart filling pressure (PCWP) and high heart filling pressure (CVP or RAP).

The Shock Phenotype Calculator helps determine the shock phenotype based on specific characteristics and clinical indicators. It classifies the shock phenotype into three categories: phenotype I (non-congested), phenotype II (cardio-renal), and phenotype III (cardiometabolic). The calculator also provides a predicted in-hospital mortality rate for each phenotype.


The CSWG App is designed to support healthcare professionals in their assessment and management of cardiogenic shock. It is not meant for use by non-medical professionals. It is important to note that the app is not a substitute for clinical judgment or professional medical advice. The app merely presents data that is already published in the literautre. Depending on when the app is accessed, the information presented may be outdated or irrelevant. The information provided by the app should be used as a tool to aid in decision-making, and individual patient assessment, in consultation with a qualified healthcare provider, should always take precedence.

Contact and Support:

If you encounter any issues or have specific questions or feedback related to the CSWG App, our support team is here to assist you. Please reach out to us through one of the following channels:

Email: cswgteam@gmail.com

Our support team will make every effort to respond to your inquiries promptly and provide the necessary guidance to ensure a seamless experience with the app.

Updates and Enhancements:

We are committed to continually improving the CSWG App to meet the evolving needs of healthcare professionals. Stay tuned for periodic updates that may include new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. We value your feedback and encourage you to share your suggestions for future improvements.

Thank you for choosing the CSWG App. We hope it proves to be a valuable tool in your clinical practice. Your dedication to patient care is greatly appreciated, and we are honored to support you on this important journey.