Christopher A. Schroeder
I am a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Binghamton University in Binghamton, New York, where I study finite groups and their representation theory with Hung Tong-Viet. Previously, I completed a PhD in physics at the University of Maryland under Luis Orozco. During my PhD studies, I was a guest at Martin Plenio's Institute for Theoretical Physics in Ulm, Germany, where I studied quantum effects in photosynthesis. Before that, I graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a B.S. in mathematics, a B.S. in physics and a B.A. in German. I am a committed educator with an interest in translation. For more information about my career, please see my CV. You may contact me at cschroe2 at binghamton dot edu.
Publications and projects
Finite groups with many p-regular conjugacy classes. Journal of Algebra (2024) arXiv, journal
English translation of Bertram Huppert's Endliche Gruppen I. (Expected 2025)
Literature review of local-global conjectures in the representation theory of finite groups. (2020)
Quantum redirection of antenna absorption to photosynthetic reaction centers with Caycedo-Soler F, Authenrieth C, Pick A, Ghosh R, Huelga SF and Plenio MB. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (2017) arXiv, journal
Exploiting collective effects to direct light absorption in natural and artificial light-harvesters. Physics PhD Thesis. (2016)
Optical signatures of quantum delocalization over extended domains in photosynthetic membranes with Caycedo-Soler F, Huelga SF and Plenio MB. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (2015) arXiv, journal
Control of conditional quantum beats in cavity QED: amplitude decoherence and phase shifts with Cimmarusti AD, Patterson BD, Orozco LA, Barberis-Blostein P and Carmichael H. New Journal of Physics (2013) arXiv, journal
Feed-back in a cavity QED system for control of quantum beats with Cimmarusti AD, Patterson B, Orozco L, Barberis-Blostein L and Carmichael H. EPJ Web of Conferences (2013) arXiv, journal
Optimized pulse sequences for suppressing unwanted transitions in quantum systems with Agarwal GS. Physical Review A (2011) arXiv, journal