CS 8803 LS Fall 2022



Class mode: This is a discussion based class. In class participation is highly important for the learning process. However, if you are ill please stay home and contact the instructor in the case of missing a presentation. All slides will be made available online for each class. 

Masks in class: The USG will not allow GT to require masks or vaccinations. However, the public health evidence overwhelmingly indicates that both actions are key to reducing transmission and incidence of COVID.  I strongly request that you wear a mask to keep yourself and others as safe as we can. I will be wearing a mask at all times.

Subject to change: I will revisit the course mode regularly based on public health information, Georgia Tech rules, and my judgement about the best way to create a good learning experience for this particular class.

Course Information At A Glance

In this class, you will learn about, apply and advance state-of-the-art techniques for learning from visual data with limited human supervision. Much of the tremendous progress in AI and deep learning has focused on supervised learning settings which require people to annotate every piece of training data with a desired system output. This fundamentally limits a system as the vast majority of data available is unsupervised. 

The focus of this course is on reading and critiquing published research papers, and on doing a semester-long research project.

We will read and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of research papers on a variety of important topics pertaining to learning with limited supervision, and identify open research questions. See the schedule for a list of topics we will cover.

Through the course of the semester, you will also undertake a research project with a concrete objective, likely in teams of 3-4 students (depending on enrollment). While certainly not a requirement for the class, students should actively consider submitting a paper at the end of the course to a top-tier conference in Computer Vision, Machine learning, or AI.

Class meets: Tu, Th 2:00-3:15pm 2456 Klaus

Course Staff

Judy Hoffman

Email: judy@gatech.edu

Office Hours: TuTh 3:15-3:40pm, Klaus 2456

Prithvijit Chattopadhyay

Email: prithvijit3@gatech.edu

Office Hours: Thu 11:00-12:00pm Klaus 3100

Daniel Bolya

Email: dbolya3@gatech.edu

Office Hours: Tu 1-2pm, Klaus 3126