CS 639: Deep Learning for Computer Vision

(Spring 2024)

Location: 1111 Humanities

Time: Tues, Thurs 11am-12:15pm

Credits: 3

Instructor: Yong Jae Lee

Email: yongjaelee@cs.wisc.edu  (email subject should begin with "[CS 639]")

Office hours: Monday 11am-12pm (zoom, link available on class canvas)

TA: Zhuoran Yu

Email: zhuoran.yu@wisc.edu (email subject should begin with "[CS 639]")

Office hours: Wednesday 1-2pm (zoom, link available on class canvas)

TA: Zeyi Huang

Email: zhuang479@wisc.edu (email subject should begin with "[CS 639]")

Office hours: Friday 1-2pm (zoom, link available on class canvas)


Course Overview

Computer vision is the study of enabling machines to understand the visual world (i.e., images and videos), and has applications in content-based search, healthcare, autonomous vehicles, etc., with visual recognition tasks like image classification, object detection, and segmentation being core to many of those applications. Over the past decade, deep learning has greatly advanced the state-of-the-art in computer vision research. This upper-division undergraduate course will dive into the fundamentals of deep learning for computer vision. Students will learn to implement deep neural networks and learn about the state-of-the-art computer vision research in a broad range of topics including object recognition, activity recognition, and scene understanding.


Programming, calculus, and linear algebra:  (COMP SCI 300, 320 or 367) and (MATH 211, 217, 221, or 275) and (MATH 320, 340, 341, 375, or M E/COMP SCI/E C E 532).  Please talk to me if you are unsure if the course is a good match for your background.  


Students will be responsible for participating in class and on piazza, completing 5 problem sets, and completing a final exam.



We will use Canvas for problem set submissions and grading.  Our class page: https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/395330


Rather than emailing questions to the teaching staff, please post your questions on Piazza: https://piazza.com/wisc/spring2024/sp24compsci639001/home

While we encourage you to help your fellow students, please do not post assignment solutions.


The final grade will be determined by:


Important Dates

Detailed course requirements and grading are here.


Thanks to Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, and Rick Szeliski for making their textbooks available online for free.  I am also grateful to the instructors of Stanford's CS231n for making their course slides publicly available.