Social Computing CS60017



1. First class on Thursday, August 3

2. This is a research-oriented course that would require students to understand several CS research papers. There will be a term project / assignments that will involve substantial programming in Python. It is advisable to take this course only if you have the necessary background (see below).

3. Plagiarism in any form in the assignments / term-projects -- copying from other students or from online resources -- will be severely penalized.

4. Register for the Social Computing (CS60017) course using the following password key: SCSPGA23STU at

5. Assignment 1 is up on CSE Moodle, Deadline: 15th September EOD.

6. Mid-semester exam on 25-09-2023 during 2 - 4 PM.  Venue:  CSE-107 (CSE department main building, ground floor).

7. Guest lecture by Dr. Koustuv Saha (, Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, on September 28. Talk title: "Measuring Wellbeing in Situated Contexts with Social Media and Multimodal Sensing: Promises and Perils".



Saptarshi Ghosh (

Teaching Assistants 

Soham Poddar (

Sourjyadip Ray (

Class Timings and Venue 

Classroom: CSE 119 (CSE department, ground floor)

 Pre-requisites for the course


 Course evaluation 

Text and Reference Literature 

  Broad topics