I have two polygon layers that show the same waterway buffer for a large area but one is more extensive than the other. I want to subtract the smaller layer from the larger one so that I am left with the areas that are only covered by the larger. This seems like the type of problem that could be easily solved with the "erase tool" but I don't have access to that. The "select by location" seems to be a popular suggestion but I've played around with it and haven't gotten it to work. Also the two layers are not quite identical.

Use the Union tool and then select the set of features where the FID(s) of the polygon you want removed is -1. That will be the portion of the target polygon not overlapped by the other polygon. You can then export that shape, or use the Attribute Transfer tool to only transfer the geometry of the remainder parcel in the original feature class.

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Ill often go back and forth between the brush tool, the history brush and the mixer brush. And I like to experiment with how different brushes work with these tools. But when I select certain brushes, the tool switches to the one that is saved in that brush preset. So for example, let's say I'm using the art history brush tool. I go to find a brush that looks interesting, click it, and bam, I'm no longer using the art history brush tool, I'm using the brush tool.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening? It's so frustrating. A work-around I've found is to duplicate a brush and save it without "include tool settings" checked. But this is time-consuming and should not be necessary.

I have no idea why you would want to link a brush to a tool. We have a keyboard for switching tools, we don't need the brush menu to do it. On the other hand there aren't hotkeys for switching brush tips. Why would you link them?

Hey, I'm creator of MagicSquire, new brush organizing plugin for Adobe Photoshop. You can use MagicSquire's 2.3 feature that lets you use any Photoshop's tool as other tool. It's as easy as ALT-clicking on the Tool Preset you saved in the MagicSquire.

The thing to remember here, is that we are not losing anything. These are not old presets that now only work with certain tools. They are completely new presets that are optimized for the tools indicated. So just keep Additional Information checked so you can see what tools the presets are set for, and avoid choosing unsuitable presets.

It is also so easy to create new groups/sets now complete with tool presets, which should let us streamline our brush management by grouping our most used presets into a reduced number of groups/sets.

The next thing is being changed to another tool if you don't realise the preset you just picked is not for the tool you are currently using. That's easy to get past. Just hold down the Ctrl (Cmd) key when clicking, and you'll keep with the current tool. The thing to remember here though, is that the presets are designed to be tool specific, and work best with that tool. There are so many fantastic presets now, just find one that works with the current tool.

If you take the trouble to do this, then you can turn off most of the clutter, so you can get back to finding things again. What I have done is to take this last approach even though I don't know all the presets, and take a chance on getting it wrong sometimes. It is simple enough to switch back to the tool you were using, and either Ctrl select the preset, or look for another.

I'm sorry Trevor but do you really believe that for an artist or graphic designer (who needs to work fast) this sudden change won't cause any troubles? It is not "just click ctrl + alt" and everything will be ok, because changing brushes for an artist is suppose to be an automatic action that he can do without any extra procedures. When painting I'm changing brushes non stop, and believe me, having to deal with the additional "ctrl + alt" click every single time drives me crazy and makes my workflow so much slower and so much less pleasant! Painting digitally has been my passion and my job, but Adobe, making things more and more stupid just doesn't comply with this anymore and instead is making the whole procedure painful. That's why I'm exploring different softwares and slowly changing.

Lastly, I will just mention what makes me so angry about it. I want to have freedom in my workflow. If I want to use brush as a mixer brush then I can do it BY MYSELF. Photoshop doesn't need to force me to use certain brushes only as a mixer brush or as a smudge brush, I just don't understand reasoning behind it! I know that world is slowly turning more and more stupid, more and more automatic so people can use less and less of their own thinking but JESUS, does it have to be enforced? Is it so difficult to include simple option "use default tool preset; yes/no" ??? This whole thing completely kills creativity in the process, kills the loosness and dynamism, I think it's the opposite than what Adobe should want to achieve with their products ...

I also like to paint and have my left hand near the modifier keys as I work anyway. So to me the Ctrl+Click is no big deal. However, if Ctrl - click is inconvenient to you, then you can save any brush as a new brush but without the tool preset. Unfortunately you cannot do that to all brushes with one click.

Thank you for your response Dave. Unfortunately ctrl clicking isn't the only problem. When I have a brush that has a tool preset embeded to it and I want to use different tool with it then once I click on the tool the brush changes automatically. So I have to put extra planning into using certain tools and basically go like this "ok, now I want to use smudge tool, aa, but this brush has a mixer brush preset, so I have to first choose smudge tool and then ctrl + alt click the brush I want". You must see how full of problems this worlflow is, it completely kills spontaneity in painting...

Agreed with others lamenting on here; this is a painful blow to the workflow. It may somehow be helpful for some, but for most who use it as a professional illustration tool it seems to be quite a headache. All we need is the ability to toggle this on and off for our existing brushes (preferably with the option to do so in batches and not one-by-one).

I like how photoshop will leave a particular brush shape for each tool, however switching to a new tool when you choose a new brush is [removed] stupid, a simple checkbox "link tool to brush shape" if you don't want that would be nice. or "Use Legacy" as in many other Photoshop "features".

I whish that the next time that the developer who implemented this workflow sits down in the restaurant, he will be served a glass of water - unasked. When he complains that he wanted a beer, the waiter shall reply: "Sir, you are sitting at the wrong table. At this table we just serve water. Please sit down at table 4 if you want beer." This is how using this brush tool mechanism feels like.

That the tool changes automatically when I select a different brush and there is no one-click solution to disable this behavior is such a user-unfriendly design. When I am designing software I should make workflows simple and customizable. Not trying to make the user's life harder

YES this! I work with masks A LOT and when I use a brush in a mask, say, for the eresor tool, and then I need to adjust the base image and want to use the same brush for the clone tool, this is impossible with the quick selection. BIG dislike. Wish this could be 'turned off' somewhere in the quick selection tool presets or something. with a simple click. I understand why it can be easy to have this option, but I wish we would be able to turn the 'remember tool settings with brush' on and off.

I would just like to add to these comments it would be really nice if you could add similar tools as what was available in Arcmap so that we can all use COGO entries whether implementing a parcel fabric or not. I have used them for years without a parcel fabric and would really like to continue doing so. Obviously, the pro people at ESRI have made the calculation there is some other way to do this by enabling your feature classes, I'm not sure why that is so important to you. Many of us would just like to use the feature without doing that. Also, the load from sketch option is something I've used for years for many different reasons and many different features, from utilities to various parcel layers. Rather then explaining why I want them, could you please explain why ESRI refuses to give the tools we had before?

Firstly, you can try Echometer without login or registration. If you like our Retro Board without logging in, you can register within that same Retro Board. The nice thing is that other guests (apart from you) do not have to register for the tool or need a login when conducting the retrospective.

To see the tool, you do not have to log in. If you want to register or log in, simply click on one of the green buttons above. Once you're on the Retro Board, there are several places (e.g. right next to the Retro format selection, at the bottom of the screen) to register. This only takes a few seconds. As mentioned, the rest of the team does not have to register to conduct the retrospective now.

To do this, you have to register yourselve (only takes a few seconds, see question above). Now you simply have to start a retro. As soon as you are in the retro, you will see a QR code and the corresponding link, which you can use to invite colleagues. They can join the Retro Board without login/registration via that link.

By the way, with Echometer you can collect feedback even before the retro, which you can then discuss in the retrospective workshop. Of course, this is also possible without the login or registration of your colleagues.

" I get myself in trouble using the rectangle tool all.the.time. Before using the color by axis or without using guide lines. When using the rectangle tool not all the lines will necessarily be parallel even if at right corner in one plane. I know there is a better way to describe it in geometric terms but unless you are snapping to a parallel line in the same plane, you are going to have some issues. " be457b7860

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