This page covers all the zombie escape maps that are available for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive! If you need some information about a map, you can browse for it here. It will only contain maps relative to this wiki, so that means only zombie escape maps.

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Cs 1.6 Zombie Escape Maps Download


I don't agree 100% with this thread, nowadays most of people prefer playing FF maps (I like those too) or tryhard maps all the time, and we shouldn't force them to play maps they dont like, for example boatescape. On csgo you can see many servers playing these laser maps all the time and they are doing fine and no one complains, nide can do the same I think.

other problem - no one guide materia and boss attacks for new players, i saw that admins guide only on event. good players that know how play ff\materia maps - don't have problem and played it, new players don't know about it's and want that someone tell how play (and new players newer say "help"), so i see solution that always need lead maps, each maps (also like boatescape), don't wait when new ppl say "we need help" or "idk what do, i leaf from stupid server" or disconnect after stupid die like faildown or die on first boss attack, bacouse no one tell that first attack can kill ppl.

i think that will be good idea create here or on forum separato topic with guide for materia, boss and maps

for a change, you can use a stripper to introduce a couple of additional difficult or fun modes to FF cards, say some complex lasers or more Sephiroth with a laser in the middle of the card (so that players do not sit in one place and stand at the door, otherwise the laser will fly and kill them , maybe it will teach to defect on mako) or for fun add same of rtv stages, but enable only if we won with good score, like 5-0 and ect

many new players find it difficult to play for people, they are often zombies and even play better for them, die dumb, and on complex cards they are also haters for it (for example Rockly) and get a kick or ban

due to the fact that strong players often get protection from spawn like zombies, weak players very often appear like zombies, and it even seems that a player is only zombies throughout the map, and then they scold him

I noticed that after heavy cards the players get tired, and if the next card is heavy, they leave. Pivo had a rather unusual solution - knife fun after FF, which, although for 10 minutes, cheered up and gave a break, instead of installing atix, which most likely kills the server.

For starters NiDE has been losing players for a while now, It rarely is about the Admins on or Settings and more about the Maps we've been playing lately. For example, in the morning today we played Westersand v8, Westersand v7, Feywood, Ridorana and we maintained a constant player number that (when I was admin) we've been trying to hit for a while. NiDE a few months ago would've gained players on maps like Rocket Escape, Boatescape, etc. But there isn't a lockdown in most places anymore so not a lot of people feel motivated to play these type of maps. There could also be the restriction of Time zone, where players are usually playing at night and don't have the opportunity to nominate a map they like because we've already played it. I've repeatedly urged our current staff to remove CD at night and instead they came up with a somewhat decent solution which is lowering CD on FF maps and a few other maps, but not every player wants to play an FF map during later nights. As a player that plays during the later nights, I hate playing maps like what akadir stated, "HoldEm" and "Barrage".

I do not believe reinstating a lazer map CD and highering the FF CD will increase the enjoyment of players at all, you're looking towards the smaller group of people rather than the people that actually enjoy playing FF maps, look at the player count between Wester v8, v7, Mako v6 and Tyranny, and the player count on Boatescape:

Because of f*cking lasers. All problems because of lasers.

Many people want to play on easy \ normal \ hard maps, without lasers. Many people do not want to teach MiniGame element \ etc. Just a damn ZE, nothing else.

That being said however, there needs to be a balance inbetween casual and tryhard maps, which is why I think we need to implement a global ff cooldown, meaning? You can't play two laser maps in a row.

If by this you mean going back to the way it was with map groups, I honestly dont think this will end well for the overall server population. It would be better to let the server reach its own equilibrium without much interference. 

And to support @ShadowCreepy's point, the few days of the year the chinese players decide to come to css and play on ZED, the server is full for literally the whole day while playing laser maps. Obviously states how much people prefer to play these maps.

I think it is incorrect to compare online boatescape with FF, when boatescape is placed immediately after FF, usually when boatescape appears in the middle of easy cards, online starts to grow, and then players bet already heavy cards, because boatescape has collected 50-60 players. I also find it important to consider which cards are played before and after the card in question to assess its suitability.

Personally, I think there should be a change to cooldowns to something similar like Unloze. I know the main population is from Europe, but there is also players from Asia and North /South America. I think this is when the population suffers the most because all the popular maps have already been played so we're stuck playing unpopular maps, causing less players to join, stay and actually play the game. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the server play Nemesis and Shroom for the past couple of nights. And most of the time I see the same maps with low cooldown being played and don't even bother to join the server (I'm sure a lot of ppl can relate too). I've also had a friend who complained about not being able to play Minas in over a month. We would nominate a good popular map but people worry too much about "wasting " it, so we go to a different map and lose players when we could have gained players.

I think a change to cooldown can encourage EU players to stay up later (if they can) and also encourage players in different time zones to also come and play. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy playing both laser and defending maps but most times we can't play these good maps, so we resort to others. I have stayed up late to play maps with a large population, so I am sure that EU players will also stay up to play if the map is right.

One of them was the insane population shift, lets get this out of the way - Around 1 month ago or more, unloze was slowly dying. Server was barely active, and nide was very active with 40-60 players usually. Then, few weeks later it completely shifts:

The reason is simple - overplayed nemesis and easy maps. Few weeks back we used to have garbage map marathons all the time, so much to the point where you could call nide a nemesis server. It was getting so bad to the point where people started getting sick of these marathons so they moved to unloze

Not really related but eitherway: 1 time we were playing boatescape (no surprise) then it was time to vote, the maps were: gris, grau, mindtree, temple ancient, sorrento - All good maps except sorrento, and what do you know they voted for sorrento

Vote wasnt even close, literally 6-7 votes apart

I dont say you should play laser maps all day, there are some other maps which are really nice also; but you need to understand this: When csgo became free css ze started dying because many moved to csgo, and what remains in this community is simply laser fags. You only see the newbies in easy maps

I understand the point of giving them something easy to play, but you also need to understand is those newbies arent gonna get good at the game ever if they keep doing this. 

Take this for example - What does boatescape teach new players? Go on a boat, go afk till u reach the end, get to the end, wait a bit, smoke, go to the boat, win.

Same usual repetitive stuff, you need to give something challenging for newbies to let them get good. Im not saying laser maps of course, anything challenging. 152ee80cbc

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