CryptoMouse privacy policy

Last updated April 04, 2024

CryptoMouse, developed by Individual Entrepreneur Roman Sundurov, is committed to protecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information that CryptoMouse collects, how it is used, and the steps we take to protect your data.

1. Data Collection and Use

CryptoMouse does not collect any personal or trade data directly from its users. The app utilizes data provided by Apple's AppStore and RevenueCat, which includes anonymous analytics on app installations, subscription data, and other related metrics. This information is used to improve the app and understand user behavior.

2. User Consent

By using CryptoMouse, users agree to the data practices described in this Privacy Policy. CryptoMouse does not collect additional data beyond what is provided by Apple and RevenueCat.

3. Data Sharing

CryptoMouse shares subscription data with RevenueCat and Apple for the purpose of facilitating and managing subscriptions. No other third-party data sharing occurs.

4. User Rights

Users have the right to request the removal of their data from RevenueCat by contacting us at To remove data collected by Apple, users must contact Apple directly.

5. Data Security

CryptoMouse does not collect or store user data on local systems. RevenueCat is responsible for the collection and secure storage of subscription data, employing necessary security measures to protect user information.

6. International Data Transfers

CryptoMouse operates globally through the iOS AppStore. The app itself does not transfer user data. Data transfers may occur within RevenueCat's infrastructure and are subject to their own privacy practices.

7. Changes to This Privacy Policy

CryptoMouse reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy as necessary. The most current version of the policy can be found at

8. Compliance

CryptoMouse strives to comply with all applicable legal frameworks related to privacy and data protection in jurisdictions where the app is available.

Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at