Crush Crush unlimited diamonds generator 2021 Android iOS

Crush Crush free diamonds generator. Works on all Android and iOS devices without the need for root, jailbreak or any other mods. Easy to use and completely undetectable. Fully compatible with all future versions of the game.


Crush Crush is an engaging easygoing game where you go on dates, meeting with individuals you like just as different young ladies who are likewise searching for affection.

In spite of the huge loads of data showed on the screen, Crush's ongoing interaction is exceptionally instinctive. Toward the start of your experience, an anime character from the game clarifies everything in a bit by bit instructional exercise so you can exploit all of the in-game apparatuses.

Your fundamental target is to help your character win the consideration of the young men she prefers. You'll likewise have to get a new line of work, since you can utilize the cash you procure to purchase blessings and pull in significantly more consideration. All things considered, you'll acquire coins in any event, when you're not effectively playing the game.

Essentially, on the off chance that you like anime and dating test systems, Crush is the ideal game to keep you engaged at whatever point you have some extra an ideal opportunity to execute.