Combinatorial Representation Theory: Discovering the Interfaces of Algebra with Geometry and Topology


This is a five year Programme Grant in representation theory funded by EPSRC (EP/W007509/1), around a team of lead researchers based in Leeds: Karin Baur (PI), Eleonore Faber, João Faria Martins, Bethany Marsh, Paul Martin, Alison Parker. 

Our aim is to develop a broad and holistic theory of representations, engaging and unifying diverse perspectives, from algebra, geometry and topology to physics, life sciences and engineering, enabling a cross-discipline transfer and fertilisation of ideas. 

We work with a number of international partners and have exchange opportunities with six universities: NTNU Trondheim, Texas A&M, Universidad de Talca, Universität zu Köln, Université de Québec à Montréal, Uppsala Universitet. 

Throughout the programme we will hire a number of post-doctoral researchers and PhD students. If you are interested in these positions, please have a look at positions and/or contact us. 

Our research is grouped into five work packages which are embedded into a transversal structure of four themes (T1-T4), see the research section for details.  The four themes are the following:

The graph indicates how the Work Packages and the Themes are interlinked.