Welcome to Crowned Radiance

Step into a world of profound healing, spiritual awakening, and radiant energy. I am Johnny, a Reiki Master, intuitive card reader, meditation teacher, and guide. With a deep-rooted passion for holistic wellness, I combine ancient wisdom and modern practices to bring you a transformative journey towards inner peace and balance.

At the core of my practice is the belief that true healing begins within. Through the gentle touch of Reiki, I channel universal life force energy to restore harmony and vitality to your being. With intuitive card readings, I offer guidance and clarity, illuminating the path ahead. As a seasoned meditation teacher, I provide guidance and support in embracing mindfulness and deepening your spiritual connection.

Drawing from the Earth's abundant gifts, I incorporate the power of essential oils and crystals to enhance your healing experience. These sacred tools amplify intentions and create a sacred space where your energy can flourish and thrive. By working with these natural elements, I facilitate a holistic approach to healing and empower you to awaken your own innate healing abilities.

One of my specialties lies in healing and balancing chakras, the energy centers within your body. Through intuitive insight and energy work, I help to align and cleanse these vital energy channels, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Whether you seek relief from physical ailments, emotional blockages, or simply a deeper connection with your true self, I am here to guide you towards wholeness.

My mission is to spread light, mindfulness, and wellness to the world. I invite you to join me on this transformative journey of self-discovery, healing, and awakening. Together, let us create a sacred haven where you can nourish your soul, embrace your true essence, and radiate love and joy into the world.

Welcome to a place of healing, harmony, and transcendence. Welcome to Crowned Radiance.