REST Builder uses the configuration you define in rest-config.yaml and rest-openapi.yaml files to generate most of the code necessary for your API to work all at once. You configure class names and where to put the code, and REST Builder generates all of the necessary files. Then you add your implementation logic.

You run REST Builder using the Gradle task buildREST from your impl module in a Liferay workspace. Once configured, it generates all the scaffolding code, interfaces, and even resource classes ready for implementation.

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I see you are using Equal operator in filter condition in rest builder. While using Equals it expects exact time and it results only single record. Try using On or After operator in filter condition it works to retrieve Multiple records.

Today (18 October 2022) I did a session at WPC 2022 about Dataverse Web API and I announced that Dataverse REST Builder is now available as browser extension for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, here the links if you are interested:

How Dataverse REST Builder is able to obtain the Bearer Token in this scenario? It uses the same Application Client ID defined inside the Microsoft documentation in order to work with Postman: Set up a Postman environment

This Client ID allows two callback URLs, and , inside a browser extension we are able to obtain the URL return after the authentication process is completed (the token is one of the parameters), similar of what Postman does (maybe you don't remember but Postman started as a browser extension).

This solved the main problem, running Dataverse REST Builder inside an extension was indeed possible and doesn't require me to register an Azure application that maybe needs to be whitelisted by your organization, it uses a Microsoft Application Client ID.

The other problem was the use of eval() function to execute the generated code (keep in mind that for generating just the code eval() is not used). Browser extensions stop eval() due to security concerns, however with V3 specifications there is a possibility to load a page inside a sandbox (details here) allowing the use of eval(), so you can execute the generated code as well (Xrm.WebApi still works only with the Managed Solution version).

This is also the reason why there isn't a Firefox extension, Firefox extensions still use V2 specifications and there isn't a concept of sandbox. If in the future they allow this approach I think I can release DRB for Firefox too.

In this guide we will be demonstrating how to consume part of the REST API supplied by the service.Our first order of business is to set up the model we will be using, in the form of a Extension POJO.

Using the REST Client is as simple as creating an interface using the proper Jakarta REST and MicroProfile annotations. In our case the interface should be created at src/main/java/org/acme/rest/client/ and have the following content:

The getById method gives our code the ability to get an extension by id from the Code Quarkus API. The client will handle all the networking and marshalling leaving our code clean of such technical details.

When the quarkus-rest-client-jackson extension is installed, Quarkus will use the application/json media typeby default for most return values, unless the media type is explicitly set via @Produces or @Consumes annotations.

The easiest way to specify a query parameter is to annotate a client method parameter with the @QueryParam or the @RestQuery.The @RestQuery is equivalent of the @QueryParam, but with optional name. Additionally, it can be also used to pass query parametersas a Map, which is convenient if parameters are not known in advance.

Another way to add query parameters to a request is to use on either the REST client interface or a specific method of the interface.The annotation can specify the query parameter name while the value can either be a constant, a configuration property or it can be determined by invoking a method.

If the GET request requires path parameters you can leverage the @PathParam("parameter-name") annotation instead of(or in addition to) the @QueryParam. Path and query parameters can be combined, as required, as illustrated in the example below.

In order to determine the base URL to which REST calls will be made, the REST Client uses configuration from name of the property needs to follow a certain convention which is best displayed in the following code:

The QuarkusRestClientBuilder interface is a Quarkus-specific API to programmatically create clients with additional configuration options. Otherwise, you can also use the RestClientBuilder interface from the Microprofile API:

To fully customize the Vert.x HTTP Client instance that the REST Client is internally using, you can provide your custom HTTP Client Options instance via CDI or when programmatically creating your client.

One important note is that according to the RFC2616 specs, by default the redirection will only happen for GET or HEAD methods. However, in REST Client, you can provide your custom redirect handler to enable redirection on POST or PUT methods, or to follow a more complex logic, via either using the @ClientRedirectHandler annotation, CDI or programmatically when creating your client.

Next, we need to update the functional test to reflect the changes made to the endpoint.Edit the src/test/java/org/acme/rest/client/ file and change the content of the test to:

Please note that since the invocation is now non-blocking, the idAsync method will be invoked on the event loop,i.e. will not get offloaded to a worker pool thread and thus reducing hardware resource utilization.See Quarkus REST execution model for more details.

On occasion, the stream of SSE events may contain some events that should not be returned by the client - an example of this is having the server send heartbeat events in order to keep the underlying TCP connection open.The REST Client supports filtering out such events by providing the @org.jboss.resteasy.reactive.client.SseEventFilter.

The @RegisterClientHeaders annotation can also be used without any custom factory specified. In that case the DefaultClientHeadersFactoryImpl factory will be used.If you make a REST client call from a REST resource, this factory will propagate all the headers listed in configuration property from the resource request to the client request. Individual header names are comma-separated.

The REST Client supports further customization of the final request to be sent to the server via filters. The filters must implement either the interface ClientRequestFilter or ResteasyReactiveClientRequestFilter.

Alternatively, you can implement the ResteasyReactiveClientRequestFilter interface instead of the ClientRequestFilter interface that will directly provide the ResteasyReactiveClientRequestContext context:

ResponseExceptionMapper also defines the getPriority method which is used in order to determine the priority with which ResponseExceptionMapper implementations will be called (implementations with a lower value for getPriority will be invoked first).If toThrowable returns an exception, then that exception will be thrown. If null is returned, the next implementation of ResponseExceptionMapper in the chain will be called (if there is any).

The class as written above, would not be automatically be used by any REST Client. To make it available to every REST Client of the application, the class needs to be annotated with @Provider (as long as is not set to false).Alternatively, if the exception handling class should only apply to specific REST Client interfaces, you can either annotate the interfaces with @RegisterProvider(MyResponseExceptionMapper.class), or register it using configuration using the providers property of the proper configuration group.

This will work as expected, but if you try to read this InputStream object in a custom exception mapper, you will receive a BlockingNotAllowedException exception. This is because ResponseExceptionMapper classes are run on the Event Loop thread executor by default - which does not allow to perform IO operations.

Parameters specified as File, Path, byte[], Buffer or FileUpload are sent as files and default to theapplication/octet-stream MIME type. Other @RestForm parameter types default to the text/plainMIME type. You can override these defaults with the @PartType annotation.

Any @RestForm parameter of the type File, Path, byte[], Buffer or FileUpload, as well as anyannotated with @PartType automatically imply a @Consumes(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA)on the method if there is no @Consumes present.

There are a few modes in which the form data can be encoded. By default,REST Client uses RFC1738.You can override it by specifying the mode either on the client level,by setting RestBuilder propertyto the selected value of HttpPostRequestEncoder.EncoderMode orby specifying in Please note that the latter works only forclients created with the @RegisterRestClient annotation.All the available modes are described in the Netty documentation

When sending multipart data that uses the same name, problems can arise if the client and server do not use the same multipart encoder mode.By default, the REST Client uses RFC1738, but depending on the situation, clients may need to be configured with HTML5 or RFC3986 mode.

REST Client needs to know the classes used as multipart return types upfront. If you have an interface method that produces multipart/form-data, the return type will be discovered automatically. However, if you intend to use the ClientBuilder API to parse a response as multipart, you need to annotate your DTO class with @MultipartForm. 152ee80cbc

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