What Is Crime Scene Cleanup?

Crime Scene Cleanup Services are the services needed after a criminal act has occurred. This includes cleaning up blood stains, body fluids, broken glass, bullet casings, fingerprints, etc. The goal of this type of service is to clean up any evidence left behind at the crime scene.

The most common types of crimes include burglary, robbery, murder, rape, assault, arson, vandalism, theft and kidnapping. There are many different ways a crime could occur, including when someone breaks into your home, car or office.

Once the police finish processing the crime scene, they will often take pictures and collect samples of the evidence. At this point, they will usually contact the local lab to send off the items for testing.

In order to get rid of the evidence, the police will use special equipment such as gloves, masks, protective eyewear and plastic bags. Once the area is cleaned up, the police will seal the scene off and wait for the results of the investigation.