CrimeScene Clean Pros

Call (205) 287-8555

Tragedy Remediation for The Toughest Trauma Scenes

Any type of tragedy, with trauma or crime that could leave you or your business in emotional and financial stress is nothing you plan for.

After law enforcement and first responders leave, you are left trying to figure out how to clean up without replaying the first moments of the tragedy over and over again in your mind.

Our licensed, trained, diligent and thorough team has a 5-step scientific based cleanup process that ensures area containment, as well as OSHA regulation cleaning and safety processes against cross-contamination of blood born pathogens.

Our 5-Step Scientific Cleanup Process

Our fast and discreet scientific cleaning process prevents you, family or employees from possible infection or illness from airborne and bodily fluid contamination.

  • Assessment: We take a thorough assessment of the room or area that will need to be cleaned.
  • Control & Setup: Once we assess the situation we do a control of the affected area and setup for OSHA regulated removal, cleaning & disinfection.
  • Removal: We will proceed to remove all traces, even to the tiniest drops of blood, biological material and bodily fluids according to OSHA regulation standards for blood-borne pathogens and infection.
  • Clean, Disinfect & Deodorize: At the end of the removal process we will clean and do a thorough spot check of all areas. We will use approved high-grade disinfectants to ensure no trace of pathogens remain, and finally deodorize all areas to remove any traces of smells.
  • Verification: After all rooms and affected areas are cleaned according to strict policy and regulations we will test and verify with specialized equipment to detect if any pathogens or viruses remain. Our verification process above OSHA standard for testing.