Submit to our first unthemed issue!

Submissions of poetry, prose, photography, art, and all that comes in between is open from 10th May to 20th June.

If you are a contributor to the previous issue, please wait till issue 2 to submit again!


For Poetry, and other short-form works, send upto 5 pieces. 

For fiction, send 1-2 works about 3000 words.  

For Photography and Art, send upto 10 pieces.

(We're relaxed on this rule, and trust you to send the amount that's close to these marks considering the length of your poem/story, etc etc.)

We tend to lean towards free-verse, the surreal, raw-ness, re-invention, and not so much towards form poetry. Don't let this stop you from submitting–maybe you have something we never even thought about.

We request first-time publishing rights, and all the rights revert back to you.

Send your work over to with "issue 1" included in the title. We accept Google Docs files, Word files, jpeg, png, or if your work has any special file type needed, works too. Cover letter not required but feel free to include one. Do include a third-person bio in the body of the email. 

Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but do notify at the earliest if your work is accepted elsewhere. Previously published also welcome!