Creighton Cougars PTSA
Thank you all who attended our Chili Cook-Off & Silent Auction! We had a great turnout with over 300 attendees and 32 chili contestants! Raising over $8,500 and counting. You can still help us reach our goal by making a donation at: Chili Cook Off Donations
Join our PTSA Board and share your voice! It is a wonderful way to make a direct, positive impact on your child's school experience! Email us at for more information.
Meet your officers!
President Jennifer Gibbons
Vice President Amanda Garrison
Treasurer Allison Lausten
Secretary Jodi Korthuis
Mark your calendars!
February 6th 6:30 pm Zoom
or Click Here: Zoom Link
April 3rd 6:30 pm (Zoom)
The Creighton Cougars PTSA is a group of parents/guardians, students, teachers and community members who value education, diversity, equity, and access for all people at Creighton Middle School. We strive to support our community in the best way possible. We hope that you will join us today! Make your voice heard, and give support to the AMAZING Creighton Middle School Community!
Creighton Cougars PTSA es un grupo de padres/representantes legales, estudiantes, maestros y miembros de la comunidad que valoran la educación, la diversidad, la equidad y el acceso para todas las personas en Creighton. Nos esforzamos por apoyar a nuestra comunidad de la mejor manera posible. ¡Esperamos que te unas a nosotros hoy! ¡Haga oír su voz y apoye a la INCREÍBLE comunidad de nuestra escuela!
Parent Involvement
Research demonstrates that parent involvement is essential for student success. Although you may not become involved in all committees and support organizations in the school, we encourage the following activities for your parental support:
● Join the school Parent/Teacher/Student Association (PTSA) and participate in meetings and activities.
● Join the School Accountability Committee (SAC) and participate in meetings.
● Have lunch at school with your child.
● Volunteer in your child's classroom.
● Keep informed of school events and activities by reading school newsletters.
● Communicate frequently with your child's teacher.
Visiting the School
Parents are always welcome at school. If you know in advance that you will be visiting your child's classroom, we encourage you to notify your child's teacher ahead of time so they are prepared for your visit. We do not allow students to bring friends or other non-registered students to school due to liability and space restrictions. In addition, parents may not bring younger siblings, other children, or babies with them when they visit or volunteer in a classroom. This can be a serious distraction from the learning environment for all students.
● A person wishing to observe a classroom during instructional time must make arrangements in advance with the principal and the teacher. The visitor should refrain from interfering with teacher-student interactions during classroom instruction.
Visitor Badges Upon arrival, ALL visitors are required to come to the school office, sign in, show identification, and receive a visitor's badge. All visitors MUST sign out upon leaving the building.
Volunteer General Guidelines:
● Sign in and out at the front desk.
● Wear a visitor badge (obtained at the front desk).
● Stay in the area(s) associated with your assignment(s).
● Be nonpolitical when volunteering in the school.
● Keep interactions with teachers and students confidential.
● Use appropriate channels of communication for comments and suggestions.
● Notify the school office if unable to volunteer on their scheduled day.
● Comply with Jeffco and school regulations while on campus.
Volunteer Opportunities
Office Work - Receptionist/filing
Student tutoring
Winter Musical Support
Exterior Trash Pickup
Traffic Monitors are needed before and after school each day. Plan to be at Creighton Middle School each morning from 7:00-7:30am and/or each afternoon from 2:10-2:30pm. Your help will ensure that traffic continues to flow properly around our school and will help keep our parking lots safe for students.
Contact the main office at 303-982-6282 if you are available during those times to help.
Library Assistant - Contact Linda Tatalaski if you are interested in helping in our library. You can reach Linda at
Kitchen Assistant - Contact Yuri Rios if you are interested in helping our kitchen staff. This may include helping to supervise lunch lines, serving, cleaning, etc. You can reach Yuri at